At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1023 are evenly matched! 【Subscription】

"Kill kill kill!!"

"Kill, kill all the monsters!"

"Put them down!!

Following Ao Lie's order, all the Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals and Dragon Clan troops all rushed towards the Monster Clan with indomitable momentum and various shouts of killing.

Among the Wu clan army on the ground, Wu Mian also waved his hand with a grin on his face, and took the lead, rushing towards the opposite demon clan.

Lu Ya's face was ashen. He didn't expect that Ao Lie didn't even want to say more about the scene. It was like a slap in the face "eight seven three", so Lu Ya immediately roared: "Reappear. The glory of our clan in the past is today, kill with me!!

"Kill!! 99

The dozen or so old demon saints behind Lu Ya also roared in rage, and they took the lead in killing them together with Lu Ya.

Behind them and on the ground, tens of millions of all kinds of monsters could no longer hold back, and they all rushed out frantically, their expressions ferocious and mad.

The armies on both sides were like two extremely ferocious floods, colliding fiercely.

Lu Ya's body is a three-legged Golden Crow, and his speed is naturally extremely fast. In a flash, he came to the front of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and then waved his hand, and the sea of ​​​​fire roared out directly.

"Not good, get out of the way!!

The celestial soldiers and celestial generals who were charging at the forefront immediately exclaimed, but before they could dodge out, the sea of ​​​​fire shrouded thousands of celestial soldiers in. In less than three breaths, the thousands of celestial soldiers died. completely turned to ashes.

With Lu Ya's cultivation base and supernatural powers, these ordinary heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are naturally not his enemies.

Yang Jian, who was not far away, saw this scene, and his anger suddenly soared, and while flying straight towards Lu Ya, he shouted: "Hey, Lu Ya, your opponent is me, die for me!!"

Yang Jian raised his three-pointed, two-edged spear and slashed down!

Lu Ya just wanted to continue slaughtering those ordinary heavenly soldiers, but he didn't expect Yang Jian to come so quickly. Facing Yang Jian's ferocious blow, he had to put away his sleeves, and then pulled out a sharp sword to block it fiercely.


The two sides parted as soon as they touched, but Lu Ya's eyes were icy cold. When he retreated, twelve huge fireballs suddenly appeared around Yang Jian and flew towards Yang Jian.

However, Yang Jian just sneered, holding the three-pointed two-blade spear in both hands and drawing a circle, the twelve huge fireballs were completely split, and it could not have any effect on Yang Jian at all.

Lu Ya was not surprised when he saw this. He held his left hand empty, and a sharp sword appeared in his hand again, and then came to the sky above Yang Jian's head with a flicker in the void, and the two swords slashed straight down towards Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was not afraid at all, and with the spear in his hand, he swung Lu Ya's double swords away, and then the sky eye on his forehead suddenly opened without warning, and a golden light suddenly shot at Lu Ya.

Lu Ya didn't expect Yang Jian's celestial eyes to be so agile, and he opened it as soon as he said it. Therefore, being caught off guard, Lu Ya had to try his best to turn around, but he still couldn't dodge and was hit by the golden light.


The golden light flashed, and a trace of white smoke appeared directly on Lu Ya's left arm, but Lu Ya's demon body was not easy. Although it couldn't compare with the witch tribe, it was extremely powerful. That golden light was only in the It left a coin-sized white spot on its arm, and did not directly break the defense.

However, this also made Lu Ya furious: "How brave, how dare you hurt me!

After that, Lu Ya's face flickered, a surging golden flame ignited on the double swords, and Lu Ya rushed towards Yang Jian again.

Obviously, Yang Jian made Lu Ya completely angry!

And how could Yang Jian be afraid of him, he held a three-pointed two-edged spear in both hands, and a layer of zhang-long sword energy appeared on the tip of the spear, and under constant blocking, it also offset Lu Ya's Golden Crow Divine Flame.

At the same time, Yang Jian's mind moved, and a huge sky-opening axe quietly appeared behind Lu Ya, and slashed towards 4.3 Lu Ya's back.

But Yang Jian didn't give up. He opened his mouth and spit, and he went straight to the door of Lu Yamian with a mouthful of three flavors.

Lu Ya was shocked, and a layer of golden feathers suddenly appeared behind his back. With a bang, he blocked the opening axe, and Lu Ya also opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of golden crow flames that swallowed Yang Jian's three-flavored real fire. .

As a result, the two sides were evenly matched, and they only had the opponent in front of them at this time, so they began to use their magical powers to fight crazy!

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