At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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The northeast direction of Xiniu Hezhou.

An invisible figure swept through the sky, galloping all the way, without pausing at all, looking at the direction of its flight, it seems that it wants to go to the Southern Zhanbu Continent!

If Yang Jian and Ao Lie watched closely, they would find that this figure was the Demon Emperor Lu Ya who escaped by casting a magical power in front of their eyes!

At this time, Lu Ya looked extremely embarrassed, not only was his breath extremely sluggish, but his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were even more bleak. At first glance, he was seriously injured.

It's just that no matter how serious the injury is, Lu Ya has no plans to stop his body. He has been clenching his teeth and insisting on constantly flying away, and using secret techniques to cover his breath and body shape, just because he feels that it is not enough insurance. After all, he is extremely fragile now. Under serious injuries, his cultivation base is ten to seven or eight. Not to mention encountering a strong enemy, even a random Jinxian master who was not in his eyes in the past can have an impact on him now. huge threat.

Therefore, even if the injury is severed by two points, Lu Ya will not be able to breathe a sigh of relief until he arrives at a safe hiding place.

"Damn, Tianting, Yang Jian, Ao Lie, the Dragon Clan, and the Wu Clan, all of them should be damned, how dare they join hands against our Clan, and even want to kill this Emperor, really deserve to be killed, and when this Emperor's injuries are healed, I will definitely come to the door one by one, and personally pay back the humiliation suffered by the emperor!~々!"

Lu Ya gritted his teeth and flew away, while he cursed Yang Jian and the others fiercely in his heart. He didn't even let them go.

Moreover, Lu Ya also understands that now that he has been seriously injured and escaped, the demon clan will definitely be defeated, or even wiped out. Get up high, I can't wait to kill all those people!

It's a pity that Lu Ya is now seriously injured, and he doesn't know how long it will take to recover. Therefore, no matter how much hatred he has now, he can only press it first and wait until he recovers in the future.

Lu Ya, who was secretly ruthless, soon came to the northeastern edge of Xiniu Hezhou, and reached an inconspicuous mountain range. Lu Ya couldn't help showing a happy person on his face. He stopped and said, First, he quietly released his consciousness and carefully checked the situation within a radius of 10,000 miles. After several times, Lu Ya's face relaxed, and the whole person suddenly turned into an invisible streak and went straight down the mountain range. He got into the mountains and disappeared.

Soon, Lu Ya appeared in a small secret room deep in the hinterland of the mountain range.

This secret room is one of Lu Ya's many hiding places. It is not only inconspicuous, but also very secretive. Lu Ya is confident that it is impossible for anyone to find his whereabouts. Therefore, after arriving in this secret room, Lu Ya's whole talent is really relaxed. down.


Lu Ya, who was relieved, stumbled suddenly and almost hit the wall.

Obviously, Lu Ya's injury was extremely serious at this time, and he couldn't suppress the injury completely when his mind suddenly relaxed. Before, he used the supernatural power secret technique at the bottom of the pressure box to escape and paid a great price. Later, he was deeply afraid of Yang Jian and others. After chasing him, he did not hesitate to continue escaping, making the injury worse by two points. At this time, it burst out suddenly, making Lu Ya a little unbearable.


Lu Ya spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned completely pale and bloodless. He didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly sat on the futon in the secret room, and immediately took out all kinds of medicinal herbs and spirit herbs and spirit fruits, all of which were swept away. Pour it into the mouth, and at the same time, the small amount of mana left in the body is immediately mobilized, and begins to refine all kinds of medicinal powers, preparing for the whole-hearted (Qian Nuo's) to recuperate the injury.

At this moment, Lu Ya can no longer have any other thoughts. If he doesn't take care of his injuries in time, he might leave some sequelae and dark wounds. It may be even more difficult to restore to the original cultivation base than to ascend to the sky, this is not the result that Lu Ya wanted.

However, just when Lu Ya was in meditation and his whole body was immersed in healing, a slightly playful voice suddenly appeared in the secret room:

"Hehe, the new demon emperor has been reduced to such a level?"

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