At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1031 The plot is not small! 【Subscription】

This sound, like a shocking thunder, suddenly resounded in Lu Ya's ears.

"who is it!!??"

After hearing the sudden sound, Lu Ya's body couldn't help shaking violently, his eyes opened instantly, and at the same time his sleeves swung forward suddenly, but his feet suddenly retreated.

At this moment, after feeling an unexpected accident, Lu Ya's reaction was not unpleasant, and he even instantly distanced himself from the enemy while making a preemptive strike.

It's just that Lu Ya is now seriously injured. Even if he takes the first shot, it has not caused any impact on Ji Han. Ji Han can't avoid it. Not only was there no sound, but it also disappeared in an instant.

But after seeing Lu Ya's explosive retreat, Kankan stood in front of the wall. At this time, Lu Ya's face was full of shock, horror and horror, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes. The whole person was like a bird with a frightened bow. To the extreme, even if the injury aggravated, he did not dare to relax at all, but instead stared at Ji Han.

He didn't expect that someone could follow him into the secret room silently. What kind of means? If this person is not weak and has bad intentions towards him, wouldn't he be in danger today? already?

Thinking of this, Lu Ya couldn't help but feel chills, and a dense layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

However, Ji Han just chuckled and said, "Hehe, my name is Gu Huang, and you don't even know me!"

At this time, Ji Han has changed his body shape to the size of a normal person. It doesn't seem to be much strange. Lu Ya has never seen Ji Han before, nor has he heard (bbed) the name Guhuang. will recognize.

But Lu Ya still stared at Ji Han: "Ancient Huang? This emperor really doesn't know, how did you find this place? You have been following this emperor?"

While speaking, even Lu Ya himself may not have noticed that there was a slight trembling sound when he spoke, obviously because he wanted to understand that his current situation was really bad, but he had no countermeasures for a while.

He didn't know how Ji Han got here, nor why Ji Han was able to follow him all the way without being noticed by him, but at this point, it seemed pointless to think about it.

For a time, the thoughts in Lu Ya's mind turned sharply, and he was frantically thinking about the way out.

Ji Han glanced at Lu Ya lightly, and seemed to see through his thoughts, he didn't break it, but smiled: "This is not a top secret place, why can't I find it? Besides, with you leading the way, what can I do? Can't find it?""

Obviously, Ji Han is indirectly admitting that he is indeed following Luya all the way, otherwise he would not have found this place.


When Lu Ya heard the words, his blood surged in an instant, and he almost couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He never expected that the top secret hiding place he thought was exposed because he led the way, and Ji Han followed him all the way, but he didn't notice it at all, which made Lu Ya even more terrified.

"Who are you? Why are you following this emperor?"

Lu Ya stared at Ji Han, asked a question in the face, and his pale complexion instantly returned to normal blood, the whole person's momentum was also rising, and then with infinite murderous intent, he shrouded Ji Han and turned towards Ji Han. Go, it seems that as long as Ji Han doesn't answer correctly, he's going to explode!

Obviously, in this desperate situation, Lu Ya knew that the person in front of him must be doing something big. He must not show any weakness, otherwise he would be very likely to be seen through, so Lu Ya could only suppress the injury. , To show his original momentum again, he wants to scare Ji Han away.

After all, the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse. Once Ji Han is weaker, he may be frightened by the bluffing Lu Ya.

I have to say that Lu Ya is really good at playing this hand. If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely be frightened by him, and he would not dare to shoot at will.

However, Ji Han smiled playfully: "Why, is the demon emperor trying to attack me?"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Han no longer suppressed his breath, and a violent and terrifying momentum suddenly rose from Ji Han, like a hurricane, swept through all around.

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