"What? You!!??"

The shocking weather was a bit terrifying. When it swept all around, it actually shook the seriously injured Lu Ya back a step and leaned directly against the wall.

After Lu Ya felt the terrifying aura exposed by Ji Han, his whole face changed dramatically. His face that had recovered some blood became pale again, and he looked at Ji Han with an indescribable surprise in his eyes. Fear and astonishment.

Lu Ya did not expect that Ji Han's cultivation and aura were not inferior to him, and he seemed to be three points stronger than himself in his heyday. The thought of fighting against it.


Lu Ya didn't even think about it, the whole person instantly turned into a golden rainbow, and he was about to escape without saying a word.

At this moment, Lu Ya had no more thoughts, and only thought about how to escape. As long as he escaped from this place, he would have the hope of surviving.

You must know that Ji Han's aura exposed at this time is stronger than his heyday. If it was his heyday, Lu Ya would not be afraid, but now that he is seriously injured, facing such a powerful enemy, how could he be an opponent? Woolen cloth?

Therefore, Lu Ya made the most sensible choice in an instant, that is to escape!

However, before Lu Ya could make a move, Ji Han waved his sleeve robe lightly, and within a radius of 100 feet with Ji Han as the center, even the air became stagnant, and Lu Ya naturally did the same. The action was two beats slower.

In the next breath, Ji Han directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Lu Ya, and laughed loudly:

"Haha, fellow Daoist Lu Ya, don't rush to leave, we haven't had a good chat! 35

Before he finished speaking, Ji Han came to Lu Yi and grabbed his right hand in a sharp claw shape.


Lu Ya's expression changed, knowing that it was hopeless to escape now, so he resolutely forced a mouthful of mana and managed to dodge directly under Ji Han's grasp.


However, after dodging out, Lu Ya couldn't help bending down slightly and gasping for breath.

Obviously, Lu Ya has begun to gradually unable to suppress the injury in his body. Such a simple action has already made him feel quite uncomfortable. If he drags it on, maybe without Ji Han's action, Lu Ya himself will completely lose his resistance. strength.

After thinking of this, how could Lu Ya dare to delay, and Ji Han was obviously coming for him, and there was no chance of a turnaround between the two parties. Therefore, Lu Ya clenched his teeth sharply, his heart was ruthless, and he fought for the foundation. If you are damaged, you will use the Golden Flame Blood Escape Dafa again.

This golden flame blood escape method is exactly the magic power secret technique that Lu Ya used in front of Yang Jian and Ao Lie. , In addition to this golden flame blood escape method, Lu Ya couldn't think of any other way at all.

··For flowers...

But performing this golden flame and blood escape method is very costly, not only to burn most of the blood essence of the body, but also to catch most of the mana, which is why Lu Ya was so seriously injured after escaping before.

Therefore, now that Lu Ya wants to use this method again, even he who has always been quite decisive can't help but hesitate for a moment. After all, with his current physical condition, if he uses the Golden Flame Blood Escape Dafa once again, not only will the foundation suffer If it is damaged, maybe the cultivation base will take a big step backward, and it will be difficult to restore it later!


Just thinking that he had no other choice, Lu Ya immediately thought hard: "What an ancient wasteland, today's hatred for this emperor has been written down, and it will be returned a hundredfold in the future!!"

Lu Ya cursed secretly in his heart, but his hands kept on, he immediately clenched his fists, forced the only mana left in his body and the blood essence left in his body, and he was about to escape with blood.

Moreover, in order to stop Ji Han, Lu Ya released more than ten magic weapons that were not commonly used, and flew them directly to Ji Han, trying to control those magic weapons to explode.

But Ji Han seems to have already prevented Lu Ya's move. When he saw Lu Ya's decisiveness, his eyes showed admiration, but his action was one point faster than Lu Ya's.


A terrifying roar suddenly roared out of Ji Han's mouth, forming a sound wave visible to the naked eye, and slammed into Lu Ya!! Qi.

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