At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

103 When did Shenji Camp become so terrifying? [2/7, please subscribe]

"Boom boom boom!

The earth-shattering roar sounded again!

Everyone finally understands why the gunners are covering their ears, because the sound is so much louder than the mortar!

Everyone seemed to hear the roar of thunder!

Amid the violent explosion, forty or fifty large gunpowder packets flew high into the sky, and then smashed into the crowd with a parabola.

"Boom boom boom!"

Another series of earth-shattering explosions sounded.

The explosion this time was more terrifying than the mortar, and the fire was soaring, and the shock wave swept in all directions.


"Puff puff!"

Many Mongolian soldiers and Er Tartars screamed and were blasted out.

Even if they tried their best to avoid it, they still couldn't stop this pervasive shock wave.

The terrifying air wave swept through the crowd, and people and war horses in a radius of more than ten meters would be blasted and vomited blood, and people around a hundred meters would be shocked and bleed from the seven orifices, and their internal organs would be shattered!

Although this large explosive pack has no shrapnel, its power is ten times more terrifying than a mortar, and it covers a wide area, causing huge casualties in one fell swoop.

Forty or fifty large explosive packs exploded one after another!

The people nearby only felt their brains buzzing, their ears were temporarily deaf, and there was a large mass of flesh and blood and corpses in front of them, and the audience was extremely tragic.

The enemy army, who had already lost thousands of people, was shocked and killed thousands of people on the spot. At this time, they were not even close to the 100-step range of the Ming army, and more than half of them were killed or injured.

This tragic casualty rate has already scared the enemy army, everyone present, and the generals of Qin who are watching the live broadcast.

"Why are these artillery pieces so terrifying?"

"This is simply a thunder from the sky, not like a human method!"

"Can my army of millions in Daqin be able to withstand such means?

"Difficult, difficult, even a volley of bows and crossbows may not be able to stop such artillery, even if we have a wooden handle grenade in our hands, it is not as good as this artillery. 55

"If there were such artillery pieces when attacking the Xiongnu, why did he use so many people, and the lord could destroy the Xiongnu by dispatching three thousand troops.

Li Xin, Tu Sui and others were talking a lot, and everyone couldn't help but have a hint of envy and worry on their faces.

If Da Qin encountered such an enemy, would they be able to defeat it?

Everyone simulated it over and over again in their minds, and the final answer was shocking, because even if Da Qin had a terrifying Qin crossbow, he was still weaker than artillery in some respects.

After all, the gap between cold weapons and firearms is huge.

"Sir once said that firearms will eventually eliminate cold weapons. This statement is true. I, Daqin, must vigorously develop firearms in the future." Ying Zheng secretly swore in his heart.

After several rounds of unscrupulous artillery bombardment, the enemy had already approached within 150 steps of the Ming army's battle formation.

At this time, although they were frightened and embarrassed, they became even more ferocious, because they knew that if they retreated, they would die!

The further back, the more the range of Ming army artillery bombardment.

And even if they escaped, they would have to face the massacre of the Jiannudu team, but it would be better to kill them.

For a time, these enemy troops have also been inspired to be fierce!

"Damn, damn, these Ming dogs should be killed!"

"Brothers, rush over, their artillery is useless against us, kill!"

"Kill them!

The remaining 10,000 Mongolian soldiers and the two Tartars, gnashing their teeth, slapped their horses and charged forward, eager to immediately crush the Ming army ahead.

Although their formation was chaotic, the aura of a desperado was still quite terrifying.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Huang Degong sneered disdainfully, raised his gun and shouted angrily: "Brothers, the musket formation strikes in four stages, open fire!


"Brothers, kill slaves!"

"Bang bang bang!

The 20,000 God Machine Battalion soldiers were divided into four rows, 5,000 people in each row!

When the first row of soldiers opened fire, they immediately squatted down and began to reload, and the second row of soldiers opened fire one after another!

After the third row and the fourth row finished firing, the soldiers in the first row had been reloaded and got up to fire again!

This forms a perfect cycle.

・・For flowers.......

The four rows of soldiers kept firing, and the front suddenly turned into a hail of bullets.

The densely packed bullets shot frantically, fast and ruthless, and easily penetrated the enemy's armor and horses.


"My ears, my ears!

"Save me, save me!"

A shrill scream rang out in the crowd.

Many enemy troops were beaten into a hornet's nest during the charge, and some horses struggled and trampled after being shot, causing huge chaos.

Every time the enemy takes a step forward, there will be heavy losses!

It is impossible for anyone to survive such a terrifying hail of bullets, and the enemy troops fell one after another as if they were being reaped.


This terrible scene once again scared everyone to pee.

"Oh my God, isn't this too scary? What firearm is this? Why is it reloading so fast?

"When did Shenji Camp become so terrifying?

"Who can stop such a terrifying shooting speed?

"If we face this kind of enemy, I'm afraid we will die miserably."

The old soldiers of Beijing camp who watched the exhibition were already scared to pee!

Azige was also stunned with fright, and the Jiannu cavalry was also numb.

Ying Zheng and Daqin's generals even had their eyes lit up, realizing the power and madness of this firearm. If Daqin encountered such an opponent, it would make people despair to think about it.

As long as there are enough bullets on the opposite side, you can't get close at all!

How is this fight going?

"Not bad!"

Ji Han nodded with satisfaction. At this time, Shenjiying had already looked a little bit. Hearing his approval, Chongzhen smiled happily.

"Call Huang Degong to end the battle quickly." Chongzhen ordered.


The flag soldiers on the side quickly waved the flag and conveyed the order!

Seeing this, Huang Degong hurriedly roared loudly: "Change the formation, the sword and shield soldiers are in the front, the musketeers are in the back, and the wooden handle grenades greet them!

"Brothers, kill slaves and leave none!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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