At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

104 Completely wiped out the enemy army, the brilliant victory of the Ming Dynasty! [3/7, please sub

"Kill slaves! 99

"Kill slaves!

"Kill slaves! 55

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion are quickly changing!

They are all elites in the Beijing camp, and after Huang Degong's painstaking training, one by one has already been reborn.

Although they did not have the temperament of the Iron Army, the series of attacks not only crippled the opponent, but also filled the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion with pride and courage. Everyone would not be afraid of these screaming enemy troops.

The soldiers roared in excitement, and rows of shield soldiers quickly blocked the front and began to kill the enemy in a neat pace.


Behind the pile of people, a large piece of wooden handle grenade was smashed forward without money!

The musketeers hid behind the shields and fired frantically. The sound of explosions and gunfire performed a cruel revenant song.


On the chaotic battlefield, the enemy had just been beaten by artillery and gunfire, and while the casualties were heavy, the momentum was extremely low, and an effective counterattack could not be formed at all.

The remaining thousands of people were hunted down for a while, and those who died on the spot died, and the disabled were disabled. The situation had already turned into a one-sided massacre.

"Damn, damn it!"

Azige gritted his teeth in anger. The more than 20,000 cannon fodders under his command were almost dead, and the Ming army on the opposite side still had zero losses!

This is an absolute disgrace to him!

"Children, follow me to kill!"

"Slaughter these Chinese dogs, kill!

Azige drew his sword and roared in exasperation, and with 5,000 elite iron cavalry inlaid with white flags, he whistled and slaughtered.

He is a reckless person, and he never cares about the consequences.

Now, although the cannon fodder under his hand has suffered heavy casualties, he doesn't care at all, anyway, he can still capture slaves to replenish it when he goes back.

Although there were not many soldiers from the Manchu Banner, there were as many as the Han Eight Banners and slave soldiers. Now he only wanted to completely crush the Ming troops in front of him.

And he saw it too!

The Ming army's means have been exhausted.

All artillery, grenades and firearms have been used, and they are still strangling with the brigade. At this time, it is safest for him to kill, at least not to worry about being bombarded.

But Azig never imagined it!

His charge did not make the Ming army feel flustered, and even Chongzhen showed a sneer.

"Order Cao Bianjiao to attack, not a single one!" Chongzhen ordered.

"Yes! 35

The messenger waved the flag, and soon Cao Bianjiao, who was ambushed on both sides of the mountain and forest, received the order.

"Brothers, kill slaves!"

"Shoot, shoot me! 35

"Give me all the shells, hurry up!"

Cao Bianjiao cried out excitedly, and his men immediately took off their disguise and drilled out, and the mortars that had already been arranged began to carry out a comprehensive bombing of Azige's department.

The battle just now made the blood of the 30,000 soldiers of the new army boil!

Witnessing the Shenji Battalion kill so many opponents with almost zero casualties, everyone is already in the air, and they all want to fight.

"Kill slaves!"

"Kill slaves!"

The new army soldiers roared excitedly!

Various artillery shells were continuously fired, and everyone raised their guns freely to shoot. Although this marksmanship might not be very good, the hail of bullets was extremely terrifying when there were so many people commanding the crowd.

Azig's department was hit hard!

A large number of artillery shells exploded in the cavalry pile, and for a while, the elite with the white flag also suffered heavy casualties.

The densely packed bullets shot from both sides, making it almost impossible to avoid, and a large number of Jiannu cavalry were swept down like wheat.

"Damn, damn it!

"There is an ambush, withdraw, withdraw quickly!

Azige roared anxiously. At this time, he had no pride and ambition. After experiencing the horror of the cannonballs and firearms, he finally understood the despair of the soldiers!

All kinds of shells exploded around him, and the bullets flew around him several times. If it wasn't for his personal soldiers who were not afraid of death to block the gun for him, Azig would have died several times.

The barbarian doesn't dare to be rude now!

In the face of the hail of bullets, any hero has to become a coward.

Azig was so frightened that he tried desperately to escape, turning his horse's head and trying to escape, and his men and horses had lost more than half of them in the chaos, and the rest of them wanted to run away with him.

Unfortunately, how could Chongzhen's well-laid traps let him escape?

Cao Bianjiao had already taken 10,000 soldiers of the new army and blocked their retreat.

"Brothers, kill slaves!"


Cao Bianjiao skillfully commanded the army, holding a shield to form a battle formation to block the past, all kinds of muskets and grenades greeted at random, Azige's men and horses couldn't rush out, but suffered heavy casualties.

"No! You scumbags!"

"How can this happen? How can this happen!"

"I am invincible in the world with a white flag and iron cavalry, how could I be defeated here?"

Azige roared and howled in disbelief. He couldn't figure out why the times were changing so fast.

The Ming army in the past was not so strong!

Hundreds of Jiannu dared to run after tens of thousands of Ming troops.

Why are these Ming troops so brutal now? This is unscientific!

"Hahaha, the overall situation has been decided, this battle is refreshing, I haven't won such a big victory in the Ming Dynasty for a long time, it's cool!"

"Sir, First Emperor, I didn't embarrass you, did I?"

Chongzhen laughed with satisfaction, obviously very proud of this battle.

"Amazing!" Ying Zheng couldn't help but praise: "It wiped out 20,000 to 30,000 enemies with almost zero casualties. This artillery and firearm is really powerful, and the Ming army is also well-trained in 4.3.

"It's really good!" Ji Han also nodded and said, "Although Shenji Battalion and the new army are still very immature, many soldiers still make mistakes when they are in a panic, and their cooperation is not tacit enough.

"However, none of this is harmless. This great victory has already baptized the soldiers' faith. With a little more training, they will surely become an iron army!"

Ji Han's approval immediately made Chongzhen smile.

He said excitedly: "Thank you sir for your guidance, I will definitely not let you down and drive these Jian slaves out of Daming as soon as possible! 35

"Okay! I'm waiting for the good news at home with a warm wine. When I come back next time, we'll celebrate for you and chat in detail by the way!" Ji Han encouraged.

"Yes, thank you again sir."

Chongzhen smiled happily, and then he turned off the live communication with satisfaction.

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