At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

112 Surprise, open the channel of faith! 【4/7, please subscribe】

A big coercion is over

Lao Zhao Shuang turned the sky and made a splash!

At the same time, it also made countless people return to their hearts, and even confirmed the rumors that Daqin was blessed by immortals. This benefit can be said to be extremely huge.

"Haha, thank you sir, thank you very much!" Ying Zheng grinned, secretly happy in his heart.

"Brother Shi Huang, I'm envious!" Chongzhen beat his chest and said: "I thought last time I broadcast a live broadcast of killing Jiannu once, but I didn't expect you to be more powerful. Next time there is something like this, you step aside and let me come. !

"No, no, I also have to arrange a big push, and next time I will enter the Huang Taiji barracks alone, and then let ten thousand cannons roar at me. This scene is guaranteed to shock the world!"

"Hahaha! 35'

Ying Zheng and Ji Han laughed dumbly.

Chongzhen's proposal is a good one.

"But you all be careful, this skill has to be cooled down for 24 hours after use, that is, one day and one night." Ji Han reminded: "During this period, you must bring more soldiers and horses for protection."

"Don't worry, sir, I understand!"

Ying Zheng nodded in agreement.

At this time, the golden dragon on him at 220 has disappeared, and the mask has also disappeared!

This feeling of invincibility receded like a tide, which made Ying Zheng feel a little flustered.

Pretending is good, but don't be greedy!

Ying Zheng stopped for a while and continued his worship ceremony.

As for the mastermind behind this assassination, he will not let it go. Only someone will secretly investigate and find out the other party thoroughly.

Ying Zheng marched up with civil and military officials!

After walking a hundred steps, he appeared in front of a huge palace.

This is a splendid palace, the entrance is a large piece of hard cement, and there are three domineering bronze cauldrons, and there are several auxiliary halls faintly visible in the distance!

After entering the main hall, you can see a domineering god statue that is more than ten meters high and gilt bronze. This is actually the god statue of Ji Han!

It is covered with a bronze-colored long gown, like a fluttering fairy.

The eyes are like gods, and the domineering is absolutely domineering, which makes people instinctive (bbed) in awe, which is similar to Ji Han.

There are many portraits on the left and right sides of the statue, which are naturally the portraits of the seventy-two worthy officials and generals.

"This statue is a drawing drawn by Fusu himself, and it was made by more than a thousand craftsmen day and night. It is quite difficult. 35

"As for the seventy-two worthy officials and generals around here, due to the lack of time, we can't make bronze statues one by one for the time being, and we can only temporarily replace them with portraits!"

"After a while, there will be craftsmen who will cast a bronze statue as high as one person instead! 35

Ying Zheng explained to Ji Han and brought his courtiers to incense to worship.


"Lao Zhao, do you really treat me as a statue?" Ji Han couldn't help laughing.

Chongzhen commented: "This statue is quite handsome, but it has a bit of style of Mr., after I completely stabilize the Ming Dynasty, I will definitely build a bigger and better golden statue for Mr. 99!

"Nima, Lao Zhu, don't get involved!" Ji Han said speechlessly, "I feel panicked by so many people worshipping me.


Chongzhen laughed dumbly, but he had already made up his mind that he would build a more domineering and magnificent temple statue in the Ming Dynasty.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for getting 30,000 points of correction!

'Congratulations on obtaining a god-level skill - King Kong is not bad!

"Congratulations on getting a Good Weather Card!

"Congratulations on opening the channel of faith!

A system prompt suddenly appeared.

In addition to being shocked, Ji Han couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Holy crap, this time seems to be a bit of a good thing.

When he seriously perceived the information that appeared in his mind, he couldn't help being shocked again.

The first is the 30,000 corrections, which are more than the usual half-month corrections.

Secondly, this god-level skill King Kong is not bad. This is also a passive BUFF blessing. It can make Ji Han invulnerable to swords and bullets, and water and fire will not hurt him. At this moment, blasting him with a cannon may not hurt a single hair on him.

This is definitely a life-saving skill, even more powerful than danger perception.

As for this good weather card, it is a status card, which can be used for a country, and then add a three-year good weather buff to it, which can increase food production by 30%, reduce disasters by 30%, and increase the birth rate by 30%!

In the end, this channel of faith, Ji Han, is stunned!

Because he obviously felt a subtle and invisible force, like a trickle, that was constantly gathering from the officials of the Qin Dynasty to the statue, and then it entered his body, constantly nourishing him. body and soul!

"Is this the legendary power of incense? Or faith?"

"Can I still be a god?"

Ji Han muttered strangely, but didn't really resist it.

Anyway, the way to become stronger is better than being an ordinary person.

"Wait!" Ji Han suddenly thought of a question: "System, why are there so many corrections today? It's obvious that I haven't caused much change to Da Qin!"

"The more you change the ancient history, the greater the correction value of time and space correction!" The system intelligently explained: "And many things are the most difficult to modify, such as belief, memory, culture!"


Ji Han pondered for a while, and finally understood the meaning of the system.

That is to say, if Ji Han throws some modern things into ancient times, time and space will easily correct them without much effort.

Even if he changes the fate of the entire Daqin, the time and space are very well corrected!

However, if he changes the beliefs, cultural inheritance and other things of everyone in this time and space, then the time and space will be difficult to correct, so that he may obtain more correction values.

"Does this mean that I can find ways to drill more time and space loopholes, and then take this opportunity to affect the modern age?" The more Ji Han thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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