At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

113 Immortal Master Appears, Gives Da Qin a Good Wind! [5/7, Please subscribe]

the heart of every man

In fact, everyone has a dream of hiding a big boss!

When Ji Han discovered that these space-time loopholes could be exploited, he couldn't help but think about it. If he could use the ancient to influence the modern, then his profit would be huge.

This is by no means comparable to getting some gold, jewelry, and antiques from ancient times and selling them back. Maybe Ji Han can get more in the future.

Of course, these ideas are still immature and need a lot of experiments and observations, so Ji Han didn't think too much.

"Old Zhao!" Ji Han smiled with interest: "You pretended to be a big guy just now, now it's time for me to pretend?"

"Huh?" As soon as Ying Zheng finished worshiping, he asked in surprise, "What do you mean by this, sir? 99

"It's nothing, just a big gift for you!

Ji Han laughed and decided to use the Good Weather Card!


The card in his hand suddenly turned into a ray of light and disappeared. See you!

At the same time, the statue of the Immortal Master in the Great Qin Holy Temple burst into a dazzling light, and the next moment Ying Zheng and the others were all shaken out of the hall by a gentle force.

"How is this going?"

"My God, why is there light?"

Everyone was so frightened that they exclaimed in unison, but Ying Zheng knew that this was Ji Han's trick.

I saw this light getting brighter and brighter, and finally an illusory statue of a thousand feet appeared above the holy temple out of thin air, exuding amazing light and divine splendor, making it clear for hundreds of miles around.

"What is this? God, God, this is God!

"The Immortal Master is manifesting, this is the Immortal Master manifesting!

"Quick, quick, worship the Immortal Master!

"Meet the Immortal Master!"

Countless people are excited and desperately kowtow!

Daqin civil and military officials were also stunned and bowed down one after another!

At this moment, it is difficult for anyone to remain calm, because everyone has witnessed miracles with their own eyes!

In full view!

The phantom of a thousand-zhang-tall statue looks down on all beings.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said dignifiedly and domineeringly: "The Emperor Qin's political merits are the foundation of the contemporary era, Dezhen Kyushu, and give Da Qin three years of good weather! 95

"My God, the Immortal Master has spoken!"

"Long live the Emperor Qin, long live the Immortal Master!"

"Great, great!"

"The Immortal Master blesses Da Qin!

The people were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and everyone was ecstatic.

At the same time, Ji Han also clearly felt that the power of faith began to spread to the statues, and finally injected into his body.


The statue began to slowly dissipate.

A lot of light began to spill out in all directions.

It seems that a magical buff is being added to Daqin's national fortune.

This not only made Wan Min excited, but also made Ying Zheng and others ecstatic. The Immortal Master actually appeared and gave Da Qin three years of good weather. This was a god-like affirmation.

From ancient times to the present, every person in power has advertised that he is the son of destiny!

But apart from Ying Zheng who can be affirmed by the immortal, who else can do this?

This can represent the destiny of Da Qin, how can the remnants of the Six Kingdoms compete with Da Qin?

"Hahaha, congratulations, Your Majesty, Hexi Your Majesty!

"Thank you for the grace of the Immortal Master, thank you!""

Wang Jian, Li Si and others were so excited that everyone was ecstatic.

In addition to being grateful, Ying Zheng also asked suspiciously: "Sir, what do you say about this apparition? Why are you giving three years of good weather?

"This is a blessing!" Ji Han explained casually: "It can increase Daqin's grain production by 30% within three years, reduce disasters by 30%, and increase the birth rate by 30%! 99

"So powerful?" Ying Zheng was overjoyed: "Hahaha! Thank you sir."9

It is conceivable that these three years will surely make Daqin develop rapidly.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng couldn't help but smile, today's sacrifice really made a lot of money.

"Envy!" Chongzhen sighed sourly: "Sir, when will you give us such a blessing in the Ming Dynasty? How about I go back and build a holy temple? My Ming Dynasty is suffering, and the people urgently need such a blessing.

"Next time, don't worry!" Ji Han casually reassured: "Anyway, with the huge granary of Daqin, you are still very stable in the Ming Dynasty, and your top priority now is to destroy Jiannu! 39

・・Ask for flowers・

"It is!

Chongzhen nodded in agreement.

Next, Ying Zheng once again brought hundreds of officials to worship.

This time, everyone in the worship is much more sincere than before. No matter what the prime minister or the marquis is, they have to offer incense and pray sincerely, and no one dares to be presumptuous.

All the princesses, also offer incense!

The Queen of Wang Ben, Mu Shi, also prayed sincerely!

At this time, Ji Han vaguely aware of the mystery of faith, he can actually be implicated in the power of faith through the idols and their bodies, hear their voices, see their character, even the past and the future!


This kind of magical means is really terrifying and scary.

"But this is very convenient, you can clearly see everything about everyone!

"This Wang Mushi is good, with a bright and generous personality, and a pure and sunny heart, without any dark heart!

"It's not bad to win Yin Man, it's naive, the other princesses are not so good, more or less have some flaws, a few have a lot of scheming."

After taking a few glances, Ji Han selected the two most suitable girls and planned to bring them to the small farm to cultivate and cultivate feelings.

But at this time, Ji Han felt another wave of malice!

Among the thoughts of many prayers, this maliciousness is very conspicuous.

Ji Han sensed the past through the idol, and quickly locked the position of a little boy, who was actually Lao Zhao's son Hu Hai!

This chubby bear boy, about eleven or twelve years old, was glaring at Ji Han's idol, gnashing his teeth while everyone was worshipping the incense devoutly.

"This kid actually blamed Zhao Gao's death and his disfavor on me? Now he hates me to death, right?

"Hahaha, this bear boy, it's a bit interesting!

"Dare to gnash your teeth here, I think you lack social beatings!"

Ji Han smiled inwardly and made a decisive decision that would affect Hu Hai's life.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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