At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

Mr. 114, your taste seems to be a bit heavy! [6/7, please subscribe]

"Old Zhao, I thought about it and decided to have Wang Mushi, Yang Zi, and Hu Hai!

Ji Han decisively said his choice!

Ying Zheng was pleasantly surprised when he heard it, his daughter was indeed blessed to serve the Immortal Master, which was a great joy.

But after a while, his face became weird!

"Yang Zi and Wang Mushi are also extremely beauties, and their personalities and personalities are also very good, and it is reasonable for the Immortal Master to choose them as maids.

"Why can you choose Hu Hai?"

"Don't tell me sir, do you still like male style?"

Ying Zheng exclaimed tremblingly, Chong Zhen subconsciously tightened his grip, and his face instantly became strange!

Among the dignitaries in the Ming Dynasty, there were many people who liked masculinity!

Chongzhen has also seen a lot, and even some strange emperors like to go through the back door. Does "Twenty Twenty" Ji Han also like it?

It tastes a bit heavy!

Oh my god, they seem to have discovered some great secret!

"Sir!" Chongzhen suggested embarrassingly: "How about I also choose some handsome little boys for you to prepare? You don't have to be embarrassed, we all understand!

"Yes yes yes!"" Ying Zheng also reluctantly said: "If the gentleman likes Hu Hai, I will let him go there immediately and pick whatever the gentleman chooses, and I will be an extra daughter!"


"Can you two be so imaginative?"

"My reputation has been ruined by the two of you!

"I just want Hu Hai to come over and be reformed, this bastard has a wicked behavior, I hate the arrogant child the most, and I have to educate him well.

Ji Han explained speechlessly.

Ying Zheng Chongzhen suddenly realized this.

"Sir, what a compliment!" Ying Zheng said gratefully, "This fellow Hu Hai has indeed been spoiled by me. During this period of time, I was too busy to take care of him, and I didn't teach him well no matter how much I beat him. I'm really ashamed!" 5

"If that's the case, then let him come over and be a servant!" Ji Han said maliciously: "When the transformation is completed, I will let him go back. 35

"Okay, thank you sir!"

Ying Zheng readily agreed, and then closed the communication!

After he turned around, he immediately said: "Yangzi, girl Mu Shi, the immortal master has taken a fancy to you, and wants to accept you as maids in the fairyland, are you ready?"

"Oh my God, really?'""

"The immortal master took a fancy to them?""

"It's so lucky!"

"Hateful, I knew I had brought the little girl in my family, this Wang Benduan is not a human being!

Daqin civil and military officials beat their chests and feet with regret!

The princesses are envious and jealous!

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were stunned, and their pretty faces were both surprised and happy.

They never imagined that they were actually favored by the Immortal Master.

This is a great joy!

"Hahaha!" Wang Ben suddenly froze: "This marquis knows that my daughter, Mu Shi, is by no means a thing in the pool, and I never imagined that I could serve the Immortal Master, which is really a blessing of the family!"9

"Humph! 35 Wang Jian, the old man also started to hide his skin: "Who said that the girl from the Wang family can't get married? Who is it? Stand up!

"Hahaha! 39

Ying Zheng laughed heartily, and the civil and military officials also burst into laughter!

The father and son of the Wang family are really a wonderful pair, but no matter what, it is definitely a good thing for Da Qin that the immortal master is willing to accept two maids.

"Yangzi, girl Mu Shi, you must be cautious when serving next to the Immortal Master in the future, and you must not act arrogantly and recklessly. If you offend the Immortal Master, I will never forgive you lightly! Remember?

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, ministers and daughters don't dare to be presumptuous!"

"Father, Yang Zi will definitely be obedient!

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi graciously ensured that everyone was relieved.

Yang Zi's temperament is calm and well-behaved, and everyone is not worried at all. Although Wang Mushi has a lively personality, she is not an ignorant person. How could the daughter of the Wang family be a hindrance?

"Also!" Ying Zheng's eyes flashed and he said with a sneer: "The immortal master once said that Hu Hai is stubborn by nature, and if he is not disciplined, it will definitely bring disaster to Da Qin, so this time Hu Hai has to follow him to the fairyland and be a slave for many years!"

"When the Immortal Master asks you to leave, you can return to Daqin, otherwise you will have to be a servant for the rest of your life!

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Everyone looked at the little fat man Hu Hai with sympathy.

"Father, no way!" Hu Hai was so frightened that he screamed desperately: "Why don't the child go? Why should the child be a slave and a servant?"

"It's not your turn to say no!" Ying Zheng was furious: "If you dare to be disobedient, I will beat you to death first! Go back to the palace!"5

After speaking, Lao Zhao walked away!

The officials also turned around and left.

Hu Hai wailed dumbfounded, but no matter how much he cried, it was useless, he was destined to be reformed.

When Ying Zheng's holy chariot left this place!

Hundreds of thousands of people at the foot of the mountain all boiled.

"Quick! Your Majesty is gone, we can go to worship the Immortal Master!

"Quick, quick, this is a real immortal, so I have to say goodbye."

The people crowded to the holy temple excitedly!

No matter whether it was a poor leader or a wealthy dignitary, they couldn't help turning into devout believers and began to pay homage to the Immortal Master of the Holy Temple.

If Lao Zhao still left many soldiers to maintain order, so many people crowded together, there must be a stampede incident.

When everyone walked up to the holy temple and saw the mighty statue of Ji Han, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

"That's right, this is the Immortal Master, exactly the same as the deity that appeared just now!

"There are also seventy-two worthy ministers and famous generals under the throne of the Immortal Master. Our former Zhao State's Li Mu 4.3 generals are also on it. It's great!"

"Old General Lian Po is also there, I read that right!"

"Wuwuwu, long live Your Majesty, long live the Immortal Master, our six countries are defeated countries, we can get the same treatment as the people of Great Qin, and the sages of the six countries can also be included in the holy temple, it is really a blessing from heaven. !"

"Your Majesty is wise!

The people bowed excitedly, and everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.

At this moment, the grievances and grievances of the six countries have already been written off, and the worthy officials of the seven countries are all honored to be listed under the statue of the immortal master. Everyone is a family, what else can't let go?

At this time, everyone also let go of the grievances and knots in the past, and only remembered that their new identity was the people of Daqin, a people of the Celestial Dynasty who were deeply blessed by immortals!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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