At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

122 Daqin storyteller, all the people rejoice! 【7/7, please subscribe】

at the same time

After returning to Daqin, Fusu could be ordered to set up the "Daqin Newspaper Office"

From the location of the newspaper office, the recruitment of personnel, the layout design, and the writing of the content, it took him only two days to produce the first Daqin newspaper.

In this Daqin newspaper, it mainly boasted about the attack on the old Zhao Shengmiao, the golden dragon's body protection, and the blessing of Daqin by the appearance of immortals!

Then he publicized the recent good policies of Daqin, popularized some legal knowledge, and some anecdotes about the battle of the northern Huns, which are very eye-catching.

After Ying Zheng read the newspaper, he immediately applauded!

After the order was given, the newspaper office worked overtime to print frantically, printing a total of 300,000 copies, and then distributed them to the major counties in Daqin.

Soon, all kinds of strange sights appeared in all parts of Daqin!

Not only in the villages Yuli is reading newspapers for the leaders of Guizhou, but also in the downtown areas of the major counties, there are also scholars and small officials reciting it repeatedly, so a large number of people have gathered to listen.

In the streets and alleys, one by one newsboys are hawking along the street!

The price of a newspaper is one dollar, and the price is affordable for ordinary people, so it has attracted many readers and powerful people from all over the world to buy it!

Inside many restaurants!

Singers are transformed into storytellers!

They talked eloquently and eloquently, and they told the content of this newspaper to be lifelike and eye-catching!

"Speaking of which, after the First Emperor pacified the world's Kyushu, he was blessed by the gods, and the immortals descended upon him. One night, the Xianyang Palace was filled with mist, and the gate to the fairyland was faintly visible. At this point, His Majesty was able to set foot in the fairyland and obtain the guidance of the immortals!

"His Majesty the First Emperor, in order to express his gratitude to the immortals, specially built a holy temple to worship them. On the same day, millions of Qianshou in Xianyang City watched and knelt down. The scene was huge! 95

"Wang Jian Wang Taishi personally presided over the excavation of immortal grain potatoes, and measured the average yield of 62 stone per mu. It is a real immortal grain!"

"However, these remnants of the six kingdoms do not know whether they are alive or dead, and they dare to assassinate Your Majesty in public, which arouses the wrath of the immortals, bestows nine golden dragons to protect their bodies, shatters more than a thousand arrows on the spot, and crushes hundreds of assassins!

"At that time, His Majesty was not afraid of danger, stood proudly, the world changed in color, and the assassins vanished into ashes with a wave of his hand. It really shocked the world."

"Afterwards, there was a phantom image of a ten-thousand-foot statue in the sky above the holy temple. He personally crowned His Majesty, and granted me good weather in the three years of Daqin. The heads of the Qianzhou hundreds of miles around have been seen in public, and the scene (bbed) is absolutely true! 99

The storytellers talked more and more, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

The diners around were also fascinated and applauded from time to time!

"Okay, well said, my Daqin has the protection of immortals, your majesty is mighty!"

"Hahaha, it was said in the newspapers that His Majesty has really decreed that corvée and miscellaneous taxes will be exempted, and we will have a good day in the future!"

"I didn't expect that the wise officials and generals of the previous six kingdoms could also be ranked in the holy temple, it is a blessing from heaven!

"The newspaper said that the sage is also planning to build new Mongolian schools in various places, so that Daqin children can go to school for free!

"Really? That's great! Your Majesty is really the king of saints!

"The storyteller, let's talk about your Majesty's golden dragon's body protection, I'd love to hear it!"

"That's right! Say it again, it's well said and rewarded.

In the restaurants and bars, cheers and sighs resounded.

Lao Zhao led a private visit in disguise, dressed up in a micro-clothing, and strolled around in several restaurants. Hearing everyone's admiration, he immediately flew up.

Especially listening to these storytellers excitedly telling his stories, he couldn't help but applaud.

"Okay, how wonderful!" Ying Zheng sighed while listening to the book while drinking: "Sir, this strategy is really good, and the newspaper is also very good, Fusu, you have done a good job in this matter, you should be rewarded!"

"Many thanks to the father and the emperor!" Fusu cupped his hands beside him.

"Humph! 35 Li Si said with a livid face: "Your Majesty, this newspaper minister has also read it, and it is indeed an excellent thing. It is helpful to the consolidation of the Daqin regime, but in this section where a hundred schools of thought contend, the minister is quite unconvinced. !


Ying Zheng and Fu Su looked at each other and laughed immediately!

"Prime Minister!" Ying Zheng pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Why don't you? I read the content of this section is really good, it seems that it was written by Chun Yuyue, and the writing is outstanding! 35

"What's the use of this?" Li Si said angrily: "This article is all about bragging about Confucianism, full of benevolence, righteousness and morality.

"The Prime Minister's words are a bit extreme." Fusu said with a smile: "This Mr. Chunyu's point of view still has many novelties. After the newspaper was published, the great scholars from all over the country applauded and applauded. Appreciate Mr. Chunyu!

"This, isn't this nonsense?" Li Si was stunned: "How can he be so arrogant as he is so pure and virtuous? This is simply misleading the children and deceiving the saints!


Ying Zheng and Fu Su burst into laughter when they saw this!

Li Si's reaction was so intense, they were not surprised at all, because all this was expected by Ji Han.

Even a fool can see the awesomeness of something like a newspaper!

Can a hundred people not see it?

Chunyuyue took the lead in the first edition and expressed his own opinion, which attracted many great scholars to applaud excitedly, and would the other hundred people be angry?

Li Si, the legalist tycoon, is not happy with the Confucianism, he would be strange if he doesn't scold people.

"Your Majesty!" Li Si said angrily, "I urge you to block the contention of a hundred schools of thought, and you must not let this kind of sour Confucianism bring disaster to the country and the people!"

"Hey! You can't say that." Ying Zheng smiled and waved his hand: "How can such a speech be banned if you want to? I feel that not only can it not be banned, but it must be highly praised."

"Yes, Prime Minister, if you are dissatisfied, you can speak and criticize in this newspaper!" Fusu fanned the flames and said: "In this second issue of the contention of a hundred schools of thought, you can write an article criticizing Mr. Chunyu, and compare it with literary talents. Wouldn’t it be fun if the Confucian view was sharp, or if the Legalist approach was higher, and let the leaders of the world witness together?”


When Li Si heard the words, his heart pounded immediately!

"Hahaha!" Ying Zheng laughed and got up when he saw this, and said, "Let's go, let me inspect the highway of Daqin with me!"

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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