At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

123 Is there such a good thing in the world? [1/7, please subscribe]

National policy made by Ji Han

Lao Zhao remembered it clearly!

Especially the plan to build a highway to connect north, south, east and west, and create a super arterial for Da Qin, he was extremely concerned.

After a period of construction, a highway three or four miles long has been built to the north of Xianyang City.

After Ying Zheng left Xianyang City, he went straight to the road construction site!

Along with them were well-known merchants from the counties and counties in Daqin. They were all ordered to come here, and they all had no idea what they were doing.

Thousands of soldiers cleared the way, and Ying Zheng's car frame came to the construction site, only to see a smooth road already paved on the ground.

Tens of thousands of prisoners are building roads!

Some people are shoveling soil, some hammering, some knocking stones, some paving roads, all of them are busy and full of energy.

"This, this is building a road? 95

All the merchants were in an uproar, and no one thought that the road was being built here, and the scene was so huge.


On the mountain in the distance, explosions are constantly heard!

A large number of rocks were blown up, and the prisoners used carts and horses to pull away the soil and gravel. The construction speed was extremely fast, which was much faster than before with knives and axes.

At the same time, the merchants also noticed the built road!

It was actually covered with a thick layer of strange objects. This thing was not like sand or mud. It was mixed with sand and gravel and paved on the road. After solidification, it was actually harder than stone.

When you step on this road, you just feel smooth and comfortable!

There was no bump in the carriage, and the road was wide and straight, definitely better than anyone had ever seen.

"Everyone, have you seen it?" Ying Zheng glanced around and said directly: "This is a brand new road built by our people, it is called a highway, and it was taught by the immortal master!

"This, this is actually taught by the immortal master? It's amazing!""

"Highway? What a strange name! 35

"Your Majesty, why did you let us come here? 55'

Everyone dared to ask questions, and many people could not help wiping their cold sweat secretly, thinking that they were going to bleed heavily today.

From top to bottom, the Qin Dynasty was very contemptuous of merchants!

Even if they have the wealth of the sky, they will not receive any respect, and any nobleman dares to humiliate them.

Once the imperial court is short of money, it will forcibly kill pigs and slaughter them!

So everyone subconsciously thought that Lao Zhao Xiulu was short of money and wanted everyone to raise money.

Ying Zheng ignored their careful thoughts and continued: "Now I am recruiting prisoners from all over the world to build roads instead of imprisonment. After the service period is over, they will be restored to freedom. At that time, hundreds of thousands of prisoners will be rushed here from various places to build a road. From Xianyang to the desert, a straight road for thousands of miles! 39

"A thousand miles?"

Everyone sucked in a breath of fright, and they were all stunned. How long would it take?

"It is not difficult to build this road, just widen it along the previous road. I believe that within a year and a half, the time for you to reach the desert from Xianyang will be shortened from several months to one day!

"After this road is repaired, if you want to spend some tolls, would you like to?

Ying Zheng's question immediately aroused everyone's interest!

"Your Majesty's words are true?" A fat man said excitedly: "What the little people do is to sell food to and from the desert. Every time it is transported, it takes time and effort. Most of the food has to be wasted on the road, and you have to be careful in the rainy season! ""

"If this time can be greatly shortened, the cost will definitely be reduced by more than 90%, and the common people are willing to pay any toll!

Fatty's words attracted the approval of other merchants!

They are all the top businessmen in Daqin, and none of them are stupid.

Most of the cost of buying and selling these days is in transportation. It is difficult to travel on long and long roads. Businessmen have to hire a large number of men and horses to haul them. And energy and money are wasted on the road.

If this road is like the road underfoot, whoever does not go is a fool!

"Okay, well said!" Ying Zheng said with an admiring smile: "Since you understand this truth, then I would like to give you a piece of wealth! 35

"In addition to sending people to build a road from Xianyang City to the desert, we will also build highways to every corner of Daqin in the next few years, and we want to make this Daqin extend in all directions!

"I originally wanted to recruit a large number of corvés to build roads, but Immortal Master wouldn't allow it. His old man doesn't want to waste money on the people, so I thought of you!"

··For flowers...

Ying Zheng's words immediately surprised everyone!

What do you think about them? Do you still want to raise money?

"I will contract this road construction project to you in batches!" Ying Zheng said straight to the point: "I will send troops and horses to escort and provide the cement and gunpowder needed for this road construction! 99

"All you need to do is to recruit slack farmers from all over the country and build roads according to the process route!""

"As long as the roads you build pass the inspection and acceptance, you can enjoy 30% of the income of these road sections after the toll starts in the future for a period of 20 years!"

"And all the merchants who participate in the road construction will be awarded titles and plaques, and the business tax will be halved in the next ten years!


"Would you like to build this highway for me, Daqin?"

Ying Zheng's series of promises immediately made all the merchants excited!

Let's all figure it out, this business can be done.

They don't have to pay for anything, they just need to buy some tools and hire people to repair the road, and then they can share the toll for 20 years, and the business tax will be halved in the next ten years!

More importantly, they can still be knighted!

This is a status symbol!

Is there anything good in this world?

"Your Majesty, we are willing to build the road, thank you for your grace!"

"Your Majesty is ten thousand years old, and immortal masters are ten thousand years old. Our merchants are grateful.""

Everyone was excited and bowed again and again!

Ying Zheng immediately laughed when he saw this.

Ji Han's method is really terrible, so it is like building countless highways without spending a penny.

"Prime Minister!" Ying Zheng commanded with satisfaction: "From today onwards, a highway government will be established, manpower will be mobilized to coordinate businessmen from all over the country, the route will be drawn up, and the inspection will be carried out. I want to see this road repaired as soon as possible!

"Only! 35

Li Si quickly agreed.

He glanced around blankly.

Suddenly, he felt that this Daqin had changed so much, and the changes were so fast day by day that it was almost unbelievable for him.

I believe that within a few years, the traffic in Daqin will become extremely smooth. This Immortal Master is a good method.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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