At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

126 Let them continue to develop, our army is in danger! 【4/7, please subscribe】

After three rounds of artillery fire

The most elite artillery position of the Tianyou Camp in the Jiannu Army was crippled on the spot, and the soldiers were also killed and injured countless times!

Jiannu's morale plummeted immediately, and everyone panicked!

On the other hand, the morale of the Ming army was like a rainbow, and its reputation rose to the sky.

This scene naturally made Huang Taiji angry enough.

"Kong Youde, come here!"

"Can you explain to me what's going on? 35

"Why is this? Why?"

Huang Taiji roared hysterically, like an angry lion.

Kong Youde was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he explained in a cold sweat: "The emperor calms down his anger, the emperor calms down his anger, and the servants do not know that the firearms of the Ming Dynasty have developed so rapidly in the past two years. This artillery should be a newly developed explosive! 99

"If the minions guessed correctly, this Ming Dynasty's blooming bullet has made a breakthrough, I am afraid it is even more powerful than the European foreign devils!

"If we let them develop for a few more years, our army will be in danger!

Kong Youde is a smart man!

His clever tongue quickly diverted Huang Taiji's attention.

From the sharpness of the artillery to the advanced level of the explosive shells, and then to the national fortune of Jiannu, these words made Huang Taiji's anger dissipate quickly, and turned into a hint of fear.

"Yeah, these artillery pieces should have just been developed, so Chongzhen's children were excited to bring people to kill them!

"If you let him develop for a few more years, I'm afraid that Shengjing will be destroyed by him, he must be destroyed, he must be destroyed! 39

Huang Taiji roared anxiously!

The owners of the Eight Banners are also full of murderous intentions.

Artillery and firearms are definitely a terrible natural enemy for the nomads who are good at horseback riding. At this time, everyone subconsciously wants to completely kill the bud of artillery in the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty is wise, the servant thinks that this place should be the only elite firearms unit in the Ming Dynasty~々!" Kong Youde continued to bewitched: "If you kill them here at all costs, then use your army to break through Peiping and loot. !35

"The minions are sure to grab the latest firearms research results and a large number of craftsmen from the Ming Army and Artillery Bureau!

"At that time, the servants will definitely be the emperor for you, and create an artillery battalion even stronger than this! 35

"Okay, hahaha!"

Huang Taiji was overjoyed when he heard this.

Makes sense, it makes so much sense.

If you look at it this way, it's not a bad thing, but a happy event.

At this time, looking at the shells exploding in all directions, Huang Taiji's heart couldn't help but heat up, and his eyes looking at Kong Youde were also full of admiration.

Such a good dog, he loves it!

"But what to do next?" Dorgon frowned and reminded: "The artillery fire of the Ming army is terrifying, so don't fight recklessly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Fan Wencheng on the side said with a smile: "The artillery shells of the Ming army are not endless, we just need to get out of their range and send the men from the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Han to disperse the attack!"5

"Yes, yes, Fan Zhangjing is right, this plan is feasible!

"Hehe, no matter how fierce Ming Dog's artillery fire is, as long as it is spread out, the damage can be minimized!"

"Today, no matter what, we have to destroy this group of Ming troops and capture Chongzhen alive!"

The owners of the Eight Banners agreed!

Fan Wencheng's strategy is not very clever, it is to use the lives of cannon fodder to fill the heap, but this kind of head-to-head strategy is the most difficult to deal with.

In addition to the most elite Eight Banners in the Jiannu Army, there are Mongolian Eight Banners, Han Eight Banners, Chao Eight Banners, and Dongying Eight Banners!

These are the second Tartars of the slave army captured by Jiannu from various places.

Every time Jiannu went to the east and west to beg for it, he would bring a large number of young men and go back as cannon fodder. Therefore, among the 170,000-80,000 troops here, 80% were the second Tartars.

With the lives of these cannon fodders to fill, no one will feel distressed at all!

"Fan Zhangjing said it well, I want to see if Chongzhen's son has more bullets or more people, send the order and attack immediately!

Emperor Taiji's order!

The two Tartar army immediately rushed forward.

Boom boom boom!

The artillery positions of the Ming army continued to fire artillery shells again.

The shells continued to explode after they landed. Although they caused huge casualties to the two Tartars, they were much better than before.

At least this casualty is bearable!

Occasionally, there will be a few unscrupulous cannons. Once this thing hits the ground, people dozens of meters around will be shocked to death. If you want to survive, it depends entirely on luck.

"Kill it!"

The two Tartars screamed and cheered for themselves!

Holding their crude shields, they rushed forward desperately, trying to reach the Ming army's position.

Huang Degong in the trenches immediately drew his sword and roared: "Brothers, load the bullets, after the enemy approaches 150 paces, shoot freely!


"Boom! 99

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion lying in the trenches began to shoot continuously.

This kind of trench design is very comfortable, much better than standing and firing. Everyone is lying on their stomachs and aiming to shoot.

The bullets roared, and the two Tartars were hit hard.

Charged all the way, most of the people had to fall on the road.

The power of the flintlock gun is very strong, except for a few thick shields that can withstand it, the rest of the wooden shields can't stop the bullets at all.

When some people approached dozens of steps away, they were excited to draw their bows to fight back, or rushed into the trenches desperately!

This (okay) a row of Shenji Battalion soldiers suddenly appeared in the second trench!

"Bang bang bang!

There was another fierce gunshot, and these two Tartars were easily killed.

Now the marksmanship of the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

The screams, screams, and gunshots are endless on the battlefield!

The two-mile-wide long and narrow line of defense was even more tragic and bloody.

One after another corpses fell into a pool of blood. From the beginning to the end, the Shenji Battalion did not lose a single soldier or horse, and some were only the loss of some ammunition.

"Fight, keep fighting! 39

"Hehe, I want to see how much ammo you have!

"These firearms are awesome, but they're ours after all!95

While watching the battle with a telescope, Huang Taiji gritted his teeth and sneered.

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