At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

127 Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers! 【5/7, please subscribe】

The situation on the battlefield is getting more and more stalemate!

The Jiannu army is a dozen for half an hour!

During this period of time, more than 50,000 Er Tartars were involved in the battle. They fell into a pool of blood one after another, but they consumed a large amount of ammunition of the Ming army.

"The situation is almost there, save the ammunition!

"Let the people from the Laojing battalion guard the first and second trenches, and the Shenji battalion guard the third trench for auxiliary shooting!

"Pay attention to reducing the frequency of shooting, and pretending that a pair of ammunition is not good, don't scare the other party!"

Chongzhen watched the battle while making arrangements.

The messenger quickly relayed his order.

More than 20,000 veterans of the Beijing camp, who were weak in combat, were driven to the first and second trenches. They were all scared and at a loss.

"My God, how could the Holy One let us guard the trenches, it's going to kill people! 35

"My mother, what should I do, what should I do now? 35

"I don't want to die, I really don't want to die!

"Why let us guard here? We don't want to be cannon fodder!"

More than 20,000 old soldiers huddled in the trenches, all of them turned pale with fright.

At this time, they were either big swords or swords, or the backward bird guns and Lumi guns. Facing the tide of the enemy, it was no wonder that they were not afraid.

This is the rhythm of treating them as a line of defense of flesh and blood!

They wanted to escape, but there was nowhere to escape.

The third trench at the rear is the Shenji Battalion. Once they turn around, they will be shot and killed by the Shenji Battalion. This is no joke.

"You rubbish, cowards! 39

Huang Degong reprimanded and roared while patrolling the trenches.

"What's there to be afraid of? Everyone has one head and two hands and two feet, and the two Tartars opposite you are stronger than you? 99

"The sage is watching you from behind, are you too embarrassed to fail without fighting? Are you embarrassed to say that you are soldiers of the Beijing camp? 35

"Trash, a bunch of stupid pigs, think about how tens of thousands of people fled in the face of hundreds of slaves and thousands of slaves, are you embarrassed?"

"All give Lao Tzu the spirit to kill the enemy, the sage has an order, kill one enemy and reward 10 taels of silver, and all heroic fighters will be selected into the Shenji battalion!

"Brothers, it is only at the present time to be promoted to become rich, to be promoted to rank, and to seal a wife and a son. If you want to be rich, kill Lao Tzu! 33

After Huang Degong's agitation!

The more than 20,000 old soldiers immediately felt a lot of peace of mind.

They have no way out, and they are not born to be cowards, the blood hidden in their hearts, stimulated by wealth, immediately and gradually recovered.

Under the leadership of a lion, a bunch of sheep will run wild.

At this moment, the morale of these waste old soldiers is also slowly skyrocketing.

"Fuck! I fucked them, I'm afraid of a ball!"

"I also want to enter the Divine Machine Camp, kill!

"I'm afraid of a ball, I want to get promoted and get rich, kill kill kill!"


Everyone roared vigorously, and kept raising the Lumi guns in their hands to shoot at the two Tartars.

When the two Tartars rushed into the first trench, the two sides directly fought with swords and swords, killing you and me!

With the shooting support of the third trench battalion and the bombardment of artillery fire, the old soldiers of the first and second trenches always fought with the enemy.

The screams and screams are endless!

The two-mile-long line of defense once again turned into a meat grinder.

"Okay, good fight!"

Chongzhen and Huang Taiji both smiled at the same time.

Huang Taiji thought that the Ming army did not have much ammunition and could only use cold weapons to fight recklessly.

However, Chongzhen knew (bbed) that he had a lot of ammunition in his hands, and he never showed any real combat power from beginning to end.

This time, the soldiers of the Laojing battalion were put into the first and second line trenches to paralyze Huang Taiji and make him think that the Ming army was running out of ammunition.

Second, it is also to let these wastes see blood.

No one is born to be a coward. Any waste material will become a good piece of steel after being baptized and forged with blood!

Of course, the premise is that they have to survive.

Chongzhen let them stay here, that is, let them fight for their lives.

As long as they survive this war, they will have the qualifications to enter the Shenji Camp, so that the Shenji Camp will have fresh blood to replenish and even expand the army!

For Chongzhen, this is a matter of great benefit and no harm.

But no one expected that at this moment on the mountainside in the distance, two groups of people were quietly watching the battle.

These two groups of people are wearing the armor of the Ming Dynasty!

There were about ten people in one group, and seven or eight people in the other group.

The leaders of these two groups were Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu.

These two middle-aged generals are of medium stature, fierce and calm, and at first glance they are battle-hardened.

However, no one expected that they would break away from the army and kill here with some personal soldiers, and they were still watching the play quietly.

"Governor Lu, you are very brave, how dare you come here." Zuo Liangyu sneered with a sneer on his face.

"Haha!" Lu Xiangsheng cast a disdainful glance at him and said, "You're not too bad, I heard that the soldiers and horses under your command have been fighting fiercely recently."

"No matter how fierce it is, it's just a few stragglers, nothing to worry about, but your Tianxiong Army is good!" Zuo Liangyu pouted.

Facing Lu Xiangsheng, Zuo Liangyu had to admit that no matter how reckless he was, the Tianxiong Army under this guy was really brave.

After the two looked at each other, they continued to watch the battle!

Whether they admit it or not, they are very concerned about this battle.

If Chongzhen is really defeated here, then the situation of the Ming Dynasty will undergo huge changes, which they do not want to see.

"I heard that the new army established by the Holy Lord recently is very good, and the firearms and artillery are all first-class and powerful, and it really lives up to its reputation! 99

"Unfortunately, this is about to run out of ammunition and food!

"The Jiannu people are numerous, and once the shells are finished, they can crush the position with a single charge! 35

"I'm afraid there will be a big trouble this time. If that time comes, will Governor Lu save him or not?"

Zuo Liangyu smiled and made his own judgment.

However, Lu Xiangsheng frowned and asked, "Do you think the Holy One is really that simple? Have you forgotten the secret decree sent by him? 99

"You mean, the sage is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?" Zuo Liangyu was secretly shocked.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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