At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

129 I have the blessing of the immortal master, and you can only commit suicide! [7/7, please subscr

in the middle of the battlefield

Chongzhen and Huang Taiji confronted each other with a party of men, the two sides were less than fifty paces apart, and when they looked up, they could see the folds on each other's faces.

"Haha!" Huang Taiji sneered: "Chongzhen child, you are very courageous, how dare you resist so stubbornly, aren't you afraid that I will cut you? If you want to say something, say it quickly, and it will be your doom!"

"Little Jiannu dares to say nonsense? Have you forgotten how you knelt down to me, Daming, and asked for asylum?" Chongzhen scolded with a horse whip: "You are slaves, and I am the master. Today, you dare to imitate Daming and establish a country. How rampant is it?""


Huang Taiji was furious when he heard this!

In a few words, the two almost quarreled.

But just when Huang Taiji was about to turn his face and let his cavalry begin to charge, Chongzhen chuckled "two, three, three".

"Do you know why I came to see you?"

"What do you mean?"

Huang Taiji frowned secretly, feeling that something was wrong.

However, Chongzhen was too lazy to talk too much, so he raised his hand and ordered: "Cao Bianjiao, bring people back, go!


Cao Bianjiao had obviously already been ordered.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he retreated with five thousand iron cavalry.

But Chongzhen did not go back with him, but stayed on the battlefield!

This scene shocked everyone enough.

What are you doing? Is Chongzhen crazy?

He came here alone with soldiers and horses, but let them go back, leaving him alone to face the enemy's thousands of horses?

Does he want to die?

"Oops, no good!

"Why did Cao Bianjiao abandon the sage and ignore it? 99

"Holy Dangerous!"

Lu Xiangsheng in the distance was extremely anxious, Zuo Liangyu was also stunned!

No one expected such a thing to happen, even Huang Taiji was stunned, Fan Wencheng and others were even more stunned!

Chongzhen, is this a brain problem?

This is totally unconventional.

"Aren't you afraid I'll catch you?"

Huang Taiji took a deep breath, and a dangerous cold light appeared in his eyes, but Chongzhen's mocking smile responded to him.

"I am the son of tomorrow, I am blessed by God, and there are immortals to help me!

"You and other mere slaves dare to be presumptuous in front of me?

"Today, I will let you have a taste of God's condemnation! 35

Chongzhen's domineering leaks, his voice is like thunder!

Since the last time he saw Lao Zhao pretending to be coercive in public, his heart felt like a ticklish itch.

He thought about it day and night to put it on!

As a result, Huang Taiji has become suspicious today, and it is already difficult to kill his soldiers and horses, so he must play with a big one.

Second, Chongzhen also wanted to imitate Lao Zhao and live up to his name as the Son of Destiny, so today he played such a strange scene.

"Your Majesty, it's not good!"

"Get out, there's gunpowder!"

Fan Wencheng had been holding the monocular to observe, and suddenly found that there was a wire burning quietly on the side of the mountain wall.

He knew right away that it was a trap!

Chongzhen deliberately brought out his troops and deliberately asked King Huang Taiji to confront the king!

After Huang Taiji led the troops out, he had his men withdraw.

No one can understand all this, and Fan Wencheng can't understand it, but he can see that there is danger here, and this lead will definitely detonate some gunpowder buried on the ground!


Huang Taiji was also taken aback.

He couldn't understand why Chongzhen was so crazy.

Isn't this guy afraid of blowing himself up?

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Huang Taiji roared anxiously, turning his horse's head and trying to escape.

But the next moment, the earth-shattering explosion sounded frantically.


Upheaval changes, the earth shakes!

Hundreds of thousands of kilograms of black gunpowder had already been buried under this plain. They were buried so deeply that ordinary explosions could not ignite them at all.

How much damage does a single gunpowder point explode!

But when they were ignited by the special lead wires, a huge amount of black powder erupted like a lava volcano, and the ground for several kilometers was instantly overturned!

Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu in the distance could see clearly!

They saw with their own eyes a fire blazing into the sky, the soil below flying, explosions roaring, and a mushroom cloud faintly appeared!

Huang Taiji and his 10,000 cavalry under the Yellow Banner were engulfed by the explosion on the spot, and in desperation, there was no time to let out a scream.

Even the terrible aftermath swept all directions!

Even the Eight Banners Army formation in the distance suffered heavy casualties.

Only the Ming army knew the situation in advance, and the soldiers had already retreated to the trenches behind to hide, because there was no damage at all.

"How can this happen, how can this happen?

"Where is the saint still?"

Lu Xiangsheng roared anxiously, and many people were secretly horrified!

More than 10,000 people in Huang Taiji were blown up, and the Eight Banners Army suffered a lot of damage. The power of this explosion was truly terrifying.

But what about Chongzhen? Is he crazy?

Just when everyone was wondering, a roar of dragons came out from the smoke!

I saw that Chongzhen was shrouded in divine light, and the nine hundred-zhang golden dragon roared and roared, constantly surrounding him, setting him off like a god!

The terrifying explosion did not hurt him one bit, and even the warhorse under his seat was not damaged at all.

He stood so proudly, domineering in a mess.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The King of Qin rode a tiger to travel around the eight poles, and his sword illuminated the sky and the sky became blue.

"The sound of Xihe knocking on the glass on the sun, the ashes of the robbery flew away from the past to the present.

"Does the little Jiannu dare to go against the sky?"

"I have the blessing of Immortal Master 4.3, and you can only commit suicide!"

Chongzhen recited poetry and laughed wildly, arrogant to the sky.

At this moment, he finally realized the pleasure of Lao Zhao pretending to be forceful.

"Holy, sage really has the protection of immortals!

"Long live my emperor and immortals!

"God bless me Daming!"

The Ming army up and down, all excited and ecstatically cheered in unison!

The Jiannu army has long been panicked, and their eyes are horrified.

Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu's eyes widened, they couldn't believe it for a long time, they thought that Chongzhen was dead, how could such a thing happen?

This is too crazy, right?

Could it be that the Ming Dynasty was really blessed by immortals?

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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