At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

130 Take a breath for the lingering Ming Dynasty! [1/7, please subscribe]

This big explosion easily changed the situation of the battle!

The death of Huang Taiji and the annihilation of Zhenghuang Qi completely stunned the army of Jiannu who was present.

"How can this happen? How can it be? Are there really immortals in this world?"

"The emperor is dead, what should I do now? Ah?

"The emperor of the Ming Dynasty has the protection of immortals, how can this fight?"

The soldiers of the Eight Banners were frightened and collapsed without fighting.

Even the tough-minded Dorgon and the others were horrified at this moment and had no intention to fight. Everyone looked forward in stunned eyes, and they would never forget this incredible scene for the rest of their lives.

"What should I do, are you still fighting?"

A Jiannu Niu Lu asked stupidly.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Dorgon.

Huang Taiji was fried into meat sauce, and Azige died. Now the strongest among the Eight Banners is Dorgon, so everyone wants him to pay attention.


"Withdraw Shengjing first!""

Dorgon gritted his teeth and resolutely led people to evacuate.

What a shit, Huang Taiji is dead, all the yellow flags are gone!

The Mongolian and Han Eight Banners were also damaged by more than half, and if they meet this big tomorrow who is blessed by the immortals, if they don't run away, everyone will be finished.

In the chaos, the army of Jiannu fled in a hurry!

They subconsciously rushed in the direction of Xifengkou, obviously preparing to withdraw back to Shengjing from the road.

As for the food, treasures, and people they looted, it was simply too late to take them away. One by one, they ran away in fright, for fear that they would be left here if they ran too slowly.

"Hahaha, great, Jiannu has withdrawn! 99

"Long live my emperor! 99

"Long live the fairy!

The Ming soldiers were all excited and jubilant, roaring with excitement.

At this moment, whether it was the Shenji Battalion or the soldiers of the New Army Beijing Battalion, they were all full of fanatical worship to Chongzhen, and even Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu in the distance could not help but secretly awe.

At this time, Chongzhen was really mysterious and unpredictable.

"Cao Bianjiao Huang got the power, and immediately led the cavalry to chase and kill Jiannu, and they mustn't let them leave easily. Kill as many as you can kill for me~々!"

"In addition, immediately notify Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu's subordinates to block Jiannu's retreat!

"Remember, you must capture Kong Youde, Fan Wencheng, and other traitors alive!"

"I will cut off the heads of these Jiannu corpses and bring them back. I want to build a big Jingguan outside the capital city! 99

Chongzhen gave an order, and the Ming army quickly began to chase and kill!

Under the leadership of Cao Bianjiao and Huang Degong, a large number of cavalry went straight to Jiannu to kill.

Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu, who were watching the battle from a distance, looked at each other silently, and quickly mounted their horses and left. After returning to the camp, they brought their army and began to siege and kill Jiannu with all their might.

This time Jiannu suffered heavy losses, what if he didn't beat the drowning dog?

They must be hunted down, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So all the troops and horses were dispatched in unison, madly chasing and killing these bereaved dogs.

"Fang Zhenghua, take your troops and start cleaning the battlefield and treating the wounded! Chongzhen continued to instruct.


Fang Zhenghua quickly ordered people to get busy!

The 8,000 forbidden troops and the old soldiers who had not yet had time to be incorporated into the Shenji Camp began to quickly clean up the battlefield.

There are at least 50,000 or 60,000 Jiannu corpses left here, plus the previous Chongzhen army beheaded in several battles, the enemy's 200,000 army has at least lost more than half.

If this chase goes well, then tens of thousands of people will have to be killed!

After this battle, Jiannu's vitality will definitely be severely damaged. If he wants to make a comeback, it is not easy, and he will not be able to attack for at least ten years.

"Congratulations to the emperor, Hexi emperor, this is a great victory that has never been easy! 35

"If the news spreads all over the place, it will definitely make the people admire you greatly!""

Fang Zhenghua was flattering excitedly.

Seeing this, Chongzhen was also in a good mood, and he casually reminded: "Ture the wounded well, and the soldiers who died in battle will receive three times the pension, so they must not be neglected.

"Yes!" Fang Zhenghua immediately asked, "Your Majesty, what should I do with the corpses of Jiannu after they have their heads cut off?

"Throw them all into this big pit and bury them so as not to cause a plague." Chongzhen pointed at the big pit that had just been blown up, and Fang Zhenghua's eyes immediately lit up.

This hole is not small.

Such a violent explosion directly blasted the ground into a huge pit one or two meters deep, wide and large, casually threw the corpses into it, and then simply buried them to dispose of these corpses.

"..After burying it, let someone build a soul tower. I want to make these slaves live forever."

"Build an inscription in the tower to record the glory of this battle, so that future generations will always remember the glory of my Ming Dynasty!""

"As for this inscription, I have to write it myself, and you will send someone to engrave it later!"

Chongzhen commanded contentedly, vowing to record this battle to let future generations know his bravery.

Of course, on top of this inscription, the credit of the immortal master must be praised!

After the war, everything was in an orderly manner.

The multi-channel army brazenly pursued and killed Jiannu, all the way from Jizhou to Xifengkou, and then from Xifengkou to a hundred miles outside the customs!

In the end, only the elites of the tens of thousands of eight banners led by Dorgon were left in the Jiannu army and escaped!

The other miscellaneous soldiers were almost completely lost, and even the traitors such as Kong Youde and Fan Wen (with good luck) were captured alive and returned to wait for their release.

Seven days later, hundreds of thousands of heads were cast outside the capital into a Jingguan!

This terrifying scene scared the people of the capital into an uproar.

After the news of Jiannu's defeat came out, all parts of the Ming Dynasty cheered.

Hundreds of millions of people celebrated, and Chongzhen's reputation became more and more widely spread. When the details of the war were continuously disclosed, Chongzhen quickly established his halo as the Son of Destiny.

As for Fan Wencheng and Kong Youde, their limbs were cut off and they were made into puppets and placed in the downtown area of ​​the capital, enjoying the scolding of the people every day!

At this point, Chongzhen has officially passed the first wave of the crisis of the Ming Dynasty, and it is finally not in vain for Ji Han's guidance.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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