At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The archaeological discovery of 1.31 million burial pits shocked the world! 【2/7, please subscribe】

the end of the war

The pagoda stands tall and the inscription is inscribed!

The battlefield outside Jizhou City has gradually become a special place, and it seems to affect a change in time and space.

In the 21st century, an engineering team is busy at the foot of the Panshan Mountain in Jizhou. A dozen excavators and dozens of construction vehicles are leveling a building.

It looks like a large community is being developed.

But suddenly, an excavator master was startled. He found that there seemed to be something similar to a bone under his hook.

After jumping out of the car to check it out for himself, the excavator master was almost scared to death.

"Fuck, bones, all bones!

"What's the matter? What is this?"

"Quick, quick, the manager is here to take a look, isn't this an ancient tomb dug?"

There was an uproar at the construction site!

Workers rushed to check.

When it was determined that there were indeed a large number of corpses underground, many people were terrified.

This is the construction site for the construction of the community. Could it be that there is a mass grave below?

"Quick, quick, call the police!"

"Inform the boss by the way!"

The site manager urged the clinching order, and the matter quickly became a big issue.

After a while, the police, the 233 forensic doctor, and the owner of the construction site all came. Even after the forensic doctor determined that this was not a modern body, even a nearby archaeological team came over!

This archaeological team is led by Liu Yongyan!

He is in his thirties this year, and is also a member of the Yanjing archaeological team.

This time, he was about to lead a team to inspect a tomb suspected to be in the Song Dynasty, and he was brought here urgently before he had time to work.

After a simple inspection, Liu Yongyan was shocked!

"Judging from the degree of calcification and condensation, these corpses have a history of at least three or four hundred years, and they should be from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties!

"All the bones have no heads, and many have obvious bullet piercing wounds, apparently beheaded after the defeat!"

"It is estimated from the size of the burial pit that there are at least 100,000 skeletons here, and from the preliminary judgment of the body and skeleton, it seems that there are East Ying people and Mongolians here!""

"How, how is this possible? What the hell happened here? Why are there so many skeletons?

Liu (bbed) made a bold judgment, which immediately caused an uproar among the people present.

Anyone with a little knowledge of history knows that in which era there did not seem to be any large-scale wars, and even if there were, there were no beheadings of more than 100,000 people.

"Could I be wrong?" asked Nie Nie, an archaeologist.

"There is a possibility!" Liu Yongyan nodded and ordered: "Quick! Block this construction site, and send someone to dig here immediately!


"Hurry up, get to work!"

The members of the archaeological team started to get busy!

But the more you dig into everyone's hearts, the more you can't help it, because this underground is really a large tomb pit, and countless bones are piled up here.

You can dig anywhere!

Liu Yongyan's judgment is really right, there are at least 100,000 skeletons here.

"Captain, there is a discovery here!"

Another archaeological team member ran over excitedly.

After he approached, he was out of breath and said: "There is a large lake not far from here. The engineering team originally wanted to build a sightseeing dam by the lake, but when cleaning up the silt, they found that there was actually a lake in the silt. The collapsed Soul Tower seems to be related to this tomb! 99


Liu Yongyan suddenly became interested!

He ran to the lake and saw that there was a tower stuck in the mud.

In order to build a dam for the lake, the engineering team specially pumped more than half of the lake water, and at this time, the tower was exposed!

Judging from the shape, it is actually the soul tower of Buddhism!

"This must have something to do with the tomb pit. Generally, only the victors want to keep the deceased forever alive, and such soul towers will be built!

"Under normal circumstances, there will definitely be records of tomb pits in the tower, and there may even be murals, poems and inscriptions or inscriptions!

"Quick, drain all the water, clean up this soul tower immediately, quick! 39

Liu Yongyan ordered excitedly!

The lake and silt around here were cleaned up in no time!

After entering the ruins of the collapsed Soul Tower, everyone saw a large number of murals inside, as well as many mourning poems written by the ancients.

It is a pity that most of these murals and poems are blurred in the immersion of the lake water, and they have been busy for a long time and have not found anything of value.

Fortunately, we finally found a broken inscription!

After cleaning up the mud on the inscription, Liu Yongyan couldn't help but light up.

Although the inscription was badly damaged, and many places were blurred, a lot of content could be vaguely seen.

"In the autumn of the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, when the slaves entered the customs and looted, the emperor followed the decree of the immortal master to lead the army to fight against the thieves!

'Wait, this, this is Jiannu's body?

"Chongzhen led his troops to a great victory over Jiannu? Killed more than 100,000 enemies to cast Jingguan, and then threw the corpse here, and built a soul tower to suppress it?"

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Liu Yongyan felt that his brain was not enough.

The other archaeologists were also horrified.

Because anyone with a little bit of historical common sense knows that the Ming Dynasty was abused by Jiannu and turned into a dog. Later, Jiannu took over the Central Plains, occupying the Kyushu for more than 200 years.

How could Chongzhen possibly win?

And it was such a brilliant victory that there was no record in the history books.

"Could it be that Chongzhen made a fake in order to show his achievements?"

"No, so many corpses can't be faked!"

"Yeah, if it's just an inscription, it can be said that he faked it, but how can this corpse be explained? 35

Everyone was talking about it, and they all felt that their brains were not enough.

Liu Yongyan stared at the word Immortal Master on the inscription, and then he dialed his teacher's phone with trepidation.

He felt as if he had made an amazing discovery!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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