At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

132 Data summary from various places, experts are collectively stunned! [3/7, please subscribe]

three days later

Yanjing, Hilton Hotel

Large conference room on the third floor!

Xu Chuyun was being invited to a special meeting, and the people attending this meeting were all the bigwigs in the archaeological circles.

And the person who presided over the meeting was her teacher Tang Zhengqing!

During this period of time, Tang Zhengqing was running around and made major archaeological discoveries in many places, but when he connected these discoveries, he couldn't help but be startled.

Hence this meeting.

"Experts, teachers, scholars, welcome everyone to participate in this archaeological seminar!""

"First of all, on behalf of the Yanjing Archaeological Team, I welcome everyone to come and guide you~"

"Secondly, this meeting is related to a very important thing, it may be related to the reshaping of our country's history, everyone participating in the meeting, please keep it confidential, let's start now! 35

After Tang Zhengqing's opening remarks!

Quickly let your assistant play a slideshow on the big screen.

Then he got up and explained: "Look, everyone, this is what we found in an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty some time ago. According to research, this ancient tomb should be the tomb of Wang Yuan, the great-grandson of Wang Jian, the Marquis of Wucheng in the Qin Dynasty!

"We found a jade box engraved with "Treasures from the Immortal Master" in it, and the box contained two objects made of special alloy steel."

"After our laboratory analysis, these two items are indeed more than 2,000 years old, and their material is very close to our modern steel!"

Tang Zhengqing's remarks immediately caused an uproar in the audience!

Many experts have heard about this ancient tomb, but have not yet understood the specific details. At this time, looking at the big screen, and then looking at the materials distributed by the assistants, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

"How could this be? Qin Dynasty didn't use iron on a large scale at all. At that time, it was all bronze. How could there be steel?"

"Steel is available. At that time, when some craftsmen forged magic weapons, they would beat out a hundred forged steel by hand. For example, Mo Xie and the like were all steel.

"But it's impossible for special alloy steel to appear. Did the ancients at that time know to add trace elements to steel?"

The experts exclaimed and shocked the discussion!

Xu Chuyun was not too surprised, because she already knew about this, and the information of the immortal master Ji Han flashed in her mind at this time.

"And then!" Tang Zhengqing continued: "We found a large burial pit near the site of Touman City. This burial pit contains not only a large number of corpses, but also something similar to a stirrup! 39

"According to technical analysis, it can be determined that these people are not the Huns, but the races located in the Central Plains at that time!"

"And we also found an inscription near the burial pit, which clearly states that in the autumn of the 29th year of the First Emperor, the Qin army crossed the desert north to attack the Huns, and left an inscription on the inscription forever!

"This inscription also has the word Immortal Master on it!

The more Tang Zhengqing talked, the more excited he became!

However, the information he revealed made the experts completely dumbfounded, and everyone thought they had auditory hallucinations!

Did the Qin army ever go to the desert? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible?

Why isn't it recorded in the history books?

And this stirrup appeared in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, how could Da Qin have it?

Is everyone's history taught by physical education teachers?

"There is more shocking!" Tang Zhengqing played another set of slides and said: "My old classmate, Dr. Li Wenfu, also excavated an ancient tomb in the depths of Taibai Mountain.

"This is the tomb of a businessman in the Qin Dynasty. This cemetery is well preserved, and there are all kinds of funerary objects in it. It is of great research value!"

"But what shocked us the most was that in the main tomb, we found a coffin made of cement and some gunpowder residues! 35


"This is impossible!"

The experts were startled again.

What are you doing, are you telling a story?

How could there be gunpowder and cement in the Qin Dynasty?

Even if a warlock accidentally discovered gunpowder in the process of alchemy, what about cement?

How to explain this? This thing is not a product of the Qin Dynasty.

What happened during this period of time? Why did a lot of messy things pop up, which made the common sense of the archaeological community messed up.

··For flowers......

"Don't worry, everyone, there is still a good show!" Tang Zhengqing said with a serious face: "A large tomb was also excavated near Panshan, a famous scenic spot in Jizhou.

"This is a very large burial pit. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of skeletons are buried in it, and all of these skeletons have been decapitated!

"After verification and analysis by technical experts, it is concluded that most of these skeletons are Mongolians, Qing people, Dongying people, and Han people in the late Ming Dynasty, and they were all beheaded after being defeated!"

"But there is no such war recorded in history. When we were puzzled, we found another tower collapsed in the mud from the bottom of a large lake near the burial pit. 35

"This tower is very damaged, and most of the murals in the tower are incomplete. On the only inscription found, most of the writing is blurred. 35

"Finally, after layers of repairs, we could barely identify a part of the inscription, which actually records the glorious victory of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty who led his army to beat the Jian slaves and beheaded 100,000 people! 35

"And the words of Immortal Master appeared many times on the inscription!

As soon as Tang Zhengqing's voice fell, the audience suddenly burst into an uproar!

Everyone whispered in disbelief, and even asked questions.

"It's impossible, it's completely impossible, there's never been such a big victory recorded in the history books.

"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the rotten army was weak, and tens of thousands of Ming troops were no match for thousands of Jiannu. This is a well-known thing, how could it be possible that 100,000 people were beheaded?

"And what the hell is this Immortal Master? Why is there a record of this Immortal Master on the tombstone of the Ming Dynasty?"

Everyone was amazed by the discussion!

Everyone's face is blank, obviously all this has refreshed everyone's cognition.

"So, this is the focus of our meeting today!" Tang Zhengqing finally threw a blockbuster: "I doubt that there has ever been a person or an organization in history, who has had an impact on history that is incomprehensible to us, People call him the celestial master!"5

Xu Chuyun's expression suddenly changed when she heard the words! Beg.

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