At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

133 The concept of the immortal proposed by Xu Chuyun! 【4/7, please subscribe】

A speech by Tang Zhengqing

It reminded Xu Chuyun of a very ridiculous idea she once had!

Now with the unearthed of various archaeological digs and various intricate signs, this idea keeps taking root in her mind.

Although it's ridiculous!

But Xu Chuyun's sixth sense told her that it seemed to be true, otherwise how would you explain all this?

Tang Zhengqing should have some kind of guesses and judgments, so he will hold this meeting and prepare to brainstorm and come up with the answer!

It's a pity that no matter how everyone discusses it, even if you want to break your head, you can't think of how many secrets are hidden here.

"Teacher, I have an idea, can I talk about it?"

Xu Chuyun finally couldn't help standing up, she asked "two, three, three" with sincerity and sincerity on her face.

Tang Zhengqing's brows moved, and he quickly smiled: "Speak, say whatever comes to your mind, there is no seniority here, anyone who has an idea can speak freely."

"Okay!" Xu Chuyun hesitated for a while after getting up. Seeing everyone staring at her, she gritted her teeth and said, "I have a very absurd idea. Do you think there are transmigrators or immortals in this world?"

Xu Chuyun's remarks immediately stunned the audience!

Everyone looked at her strangely, as if they were looking at a fool.

What are you doing? This is a serious academic conference. What do you mean by this day and night?

"Xiao Xu!" Tang Zhengqing said dissatisfiedly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Teacher, I know!" Xu Chuyun blushed and said: "I know what I said is absurd, it's like the rhetoric of a science fiction movie, but don't you think it's absurd for everything that happened recently?

"Why do so many strange things happen? This is completely beyond our understanding of history!"

"Since these are all illogical, why don't we jump out of the logic to make the most reasonable judgment? Although this may seem absurd, what if it is true?

"The technology content of the era we live in is not too high, and the exploration of many fields of space and time is not high. The things in many science fiction movies have been continuously presented in reality over the years. Are you sure that these things are really different? Will it happen?

Xu Chuyun's debate!

Suddenly the audience fell silent.

Everyone looked at the information in their hands, and suddenly felt that there was so much truth. Otherwise, how would you explain this?

"Young people, thinking is more flexible than us old men, tell me what you think!

"Yes, go on, we're interested!"

"Xiao Xu, keep talking!

After hesitating for a while, many elderly experts and scholars expressed their support.

Xu Chuyun breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously before continuing: "From the various signs, I have made a bold inference, is it possible that a modern person once traveled to ancient times and brought some modern technologies and items with him? ?

"This change started from the Qin Dynasty at the beginning. It is very likely that this traveler arrived in the Qin Dynasty and then changed history in a small range. His various epoch-making knowledge made the ancients worship and respect him. Fairy!"

"But when I saw the word Immortal Master on the inscription on the tomb of the Ming Dynasty, another very terrifying thought appeared in my mind. This Immortal Master is probably the Immortal Master of the Qin Dynasty!"

"What does this mean? There are only two explanations. One is that this person has mastered a technology that can travel through time and space at will and reach ancient times!

"Secondly, this transmigrator has acquired extraordinary power, and has lived from ancient times to the Ming Dynasty, and even now he may have changed his ordinary identity and live in our modern society!

Xu Chuyun's words made the audience stunned again!

Many experts and scholars were all shocked and stunned. Everyone felt that their brains were not enough. Is this conjecture too bold?

Everyone subconsciously wants to refute!

But when the words came to their mouths, everyone couldn't help being silent.

Because whether it is from a scientific point of view or a logical point of view, this is actually reasonable. After all, the study of time and space in modern society is really superficial..

No one is sure that this technology will appear in the future.

"Xiao Xu, keep talking!" Tang Zhengqing was also interested.

After Xu Chuyun nodded her head, she said, "As for these two guesses, I personally prefer the latter, because this technique of traveling through time and space at will is very difficult to master!

"Even if it is researched by some countries, it will eventually become a country's killer, and then used to study ancient times on a large scale, it is completely impossible to control it in the hands of one person.

"So I prefer to believe that a traveler accidentally arrived in ancient times, and has been immortal, and has been changing history. From the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, he left his handwriting. In the future, we may be able to learn from more historical traces. Find him on!

"But!" An expert in his seventies and eighties asked suspiciously: "Even if someone accidentally stepped into the rift in time and space and traveled to ancient times, how did he live forever?"

"Scientists have researched that as long as the growth rate of human cells is greater than the rate of cell death, we humans may achieve immortality!" Xu Chuyun continued: "Let's talk about metaphysics, similar to Taoist cultivation methods, what if they really exist? ?"

"At the same time, some scientific and technological means can also make people immortal. 4.3 For example, changing DNA, such as modifying genetic codes, such as injecting certain cell-active drugs, or being irradiated by special rays while traveling through time and space, changing his cells?

"Isn't there a plane that traveled through time and space for decades before finally landing at a modern airport?"

"In short, the possibility of all this is really not ruled out, and I think it is really necessary to study it carefully, otherwise we will face bigger and more historical mysteries!

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but fall silent again!

Everyone looked at the information in their hands in a complicated way, and many people's minds were in chaos.

Are times really about to change?

Who in the end is leveraging the development of history?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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