At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

134 This is the ancient costume of the Qin Dynasty? [5/7, please subscribe]

"Xiao Xu, wait a minute!"

After the meeting, the experts and scholars left the conference room with heavy hearts!

Tang Zhengqing kept Xu Chuyun behind.

He said solemnly: "Your point of view has aroused the interest of many people, and it is even possible that a special research group will be set up to study this matter!

"I will recommend you to join at that time. Prepare yourself. In addition, the content of today's meeting is not allowed to be leaked, understand?"


Xu Chuyun nodded again and again!

There was a flash of excitement in my heart.

If her guesses really caught the attention of the top, then all kinds of scientific elites and historians will be secretly mobilized to join this research, which is also a great news for her.

"Teacher, if there is nothing else, then I will go first, I want to go home!"

After Xu Chuyun packed her things, she quickly left the conference room.


She drove straight to the airport!

And set the nearest flight, decisively direct non-stop to Dongshan City.

For some reason, when she said this guess, Ji Han always appeared in her mind.

She felt compelled to make another trip to the small farm!

Although she didn't know why she was going, there was a voice in her heart, urging her to move forward.

In the afternoon, Xu Chuyun arrived at Dongshan Airport.

Without disturbing anyone, she took a taxi by herself to the outside of Ji Han's small farm, looking at the familiar farm and smelling the sweet air!

She felt as if she was one step closer to the truth.

At this time, in the small farm, Ji Han was lying on the deck chair by the creek fishing happily, and Wang Mushi and Yang Zizheng served on the side.

The two women's costume gauze skirts have outstanding temperament, just like fairies.

As for the bear boy Hu Hai, he held his hoe aggrieved and waved it vigorously in the fields. There were many villagers on the mountain in the distance who were tending the fruit trees, which was a perfect scene of the manor.

"Sir, there is a visitor!"

After Yang Zi saw Xu Chuyun, she quickly opened her mouth to remind.

Living in the manor for the past two days, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi have become accustomed to the life here.

Every day I accompany Ji Han to fish, drink tea, feed small animals, and tend to the flowers and trees in the fields, and I live a very comfortable life.

They are also used to having guests every day!

Therefore, they were not surprised at all about Xu Chuyun's appearance.

"Huh? It's you, Miss Xu, why do you have time to come and play today?

"Come, come, sit and sit, Mu Shi makes tea!

Ji Han greeted with a smile, Wang Mushi saluted again and again, and then quickly boiled water to make tea.

This scene made Xu Chuyun stunned.

She thought that Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were just some costume lovers, so she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

But the more I look at her, the more surprised she becomes!

They both have a good temperament, don't they?

The movements are gentle and elegant, and every move has an indescribable sense of nobility and beauty, just like the beauties in ancient costumes in the movie, people can't get enough of them no matter how they look at them.

"Boss Ji, I came here today to buy some more fruit for my sister! Who are these two?" Xu Chuyun asked tentatively.

"Oh, they were hired by me." Ji Han smiled and asked back: "After all, the beauty in ancient costumes are more compatible with the mountains and rivers, and it may not be necessary to attract some costume lovers to come and shoot. 35


Xu Chuyun is speechless!

This explanation is very perfect, and most people can't pick out any faults.

But she always felt that these two women were different!

Oh yes, there is a little kid who is hoeing not far away.

This little boy wearing ancient short clothes has slight differences from modern people in every move, and even his physical features seem to be different, and his frontal bones are obviously wider.

"Is this the ancient costume of the Qin Dynasty you are wearing?" Xu Chuyun asked with a frown.

She has been studying history all the year round and immediately recognized the dynasty of these clothes!

Although Han costumes are popular nowadays, many costumes are made by modern people, which is very different from the real costumes in patterns, fabrics or accessories!

The so-called layman is watching the fun, and the expert is watching the doorway!

Xu Chuyun looked up and down with her professional eyes, but found that these three people did not have the slightest problem from head to toe, from clothing to accessories!

It is completely the genuine dress of the people of the Qin Dynasty!

Moreover, the jade ornaments on the waists of Wang Mushi and Yang Zi and the hairpins on their heads are also antiques, and they are invaluable.

"This this?"

Xu Chuyun's face was full of weirdness, she felt that the guesses in her mind were getting more and more correct, and the answers to all these mysteries seemed to be in front of her.

"Miss Xu, are you okay?" Ji Han asked curiously.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xu Chuyun hurriedly waved her hand: "I, I just wanted to know something, so I was a little surprised. 35

"So, sit down and drink tea!" Ji Han didn't think about it, but casually ordered: "Hu Hai, are you hoeing well? Hurry up and pick some watermelons, hurry up!


Hu Hai cried and walked to the watermelon field with a face full of grievances.

Seeing this, Xu Chuyun was stunned again: "He, his name is Hu Hai?

"Yes, ancient costume lovers, you have to give yourself an ancient name, this is called personality!" Ji Han casually introduced: "Uh, this is Wang Mushi, this is Yang Zi, you can get to know him.

"Hello, Sister Xu!"

Wang Mushi and Yang Ziying bowed down and said hello coquettishly!

This made Xu Chuyun's scalp numb and dumbfounded. If everything around her was modern, she almost thought she had crossed over.

Now she can almost conclude that there is something wrong with this little manor, and something big!

Ji Han also has a problem, maybe even as she guessed, this seemingly sunny and handsome man is probably just a disguise of his identity!

He is likely to be an immortal hidden in human society!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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