At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

138 Experimental product Hu Hai, three joys are coming! 【2/7, please subscribe】

"Sir, what are you asking me to do?"

Hu Hai stood in front of Ji Han with a face full of anxiety.

He saw the demonic smile on Ji Han's face again, which made the little fat man horrified immediately.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to settle you." Ji Han said with a smile: "You've been doing well recently, if you reformed with me, would you like to go back to Daqin?

"Yes, of course I do!" Hu Hai nodded desperately.

"What do you want to do after you go back?" Ji Han asked again, and it was time for Hu Hai to stop.

What do you do after you go back?

Eat, drink, fight?

After a few days of hard work, he suddenly felt that these were not very fun, and there were not as many delicacies in Daqin as here.

"Two, three, three" What should I do when I go back?

Hu Hai couldn't help but be confused.

"Your father is in charge of this Great Qin, will there be a new emperor for a while, and with your eldest brother here, you will never have the chance to be an emperor!

"You can't lead troops to fight as a prince, let alone become an official in the dynasty, and you can't do business to make money!""

"So after you go back, it is very likely that you will be raised as a pig, and you will spread branches and leaves for your old Zhao family from now on. Would you like to?"

"I don't want to, of course I don't want to!"

When Hu Hai heard this, he immediately shook his head desperately.

He didn't want to live a life of breeding pigs that was full of food, sleep, sleep, and food. It would be too boring to live like this.

"Now, I can give you another life!" Ji Han continued: "I can train you to become a general who can conquer and fight well, and let you gallop on the battlefield and live a brilliant life!

"But you still have to get married and have children, and your descendants must leave the royal family, keep their names incognito, and no longer interfere in all matters of Da Qin!

"And your descendants have to obey my orders from generation to generation, and listen to my dispatch at any time, are you willing?"

Ji Han's words made Hu Hai's face bewildered!

What kind of request is this? Not letting him obey, but letting his descendants remain anonymous and obey orders?

"You can rest assured!" Ji Han continued: "As long as you are willing to nod and agree, then I will tell you where your father is. I promise that he will absolutely trust you from now on, and will let you control the military power as a prince and open up new territories. Kill the Quartet! Luo

"Sir, I promise!"

Hu Hai didn't even think about it, but agreed decisively.

Although I don't know why Ji Han is like this, he really wants to live such a hot day.

As for his descendants, although they can't be the royal family, they can live a prosperous life even if they remain anonymous.

"it is good!"

"Hahaha! 35

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction!

After Hu Hai agreed, it meant that Daqin would have one more general who was able to conquer and fight well from now on, not only arranging this arrogant boy, but also eliminating him from the throne of the emperor.

In the end, Ji Han also held his line of people firmly in his hands. As long as he was allowed to go back and spread his branches, it is very likely that a powerful hidden family would emerge in modern times.

This is a good thing for three joys.

"Raise your hand!"

"Mu Shi, take your sword and use it! 35

Ji Han took Wang Mushi's sword and decisively cut a knife in Hu Hai's palm.

The little fat man groaned and was so scared that he hugged his palm, which was already dripping with blood.

"Sir, what do you mean by this?"

Hu Hai screamed and screamed, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were also surprised, no one expected Ji Han to do such a thing.

"Be quiet!"

Ji Han didn't explain much, a drop of Tiannu blood appeared directly on the tip of his finger, and then it bounced into Hu Hai's palm.

I saw that this drop of blood touched the wound and quickly penetrated into Hu Hai's body, and then the blood flowing out of him gradually returned, and even the wound disappeared quickly.


Everyone was immediately surprised.

What is this? How is it so amazing?

"This is the blood of the gods. It can greatly change your physique and bloodline, make you innately powerful and intelligent, and also make your descendants extremely outstanding!"

Ji Han was flickering casually, and everyone exclaimed again..

Hu Hai was even more ecstatic, because he felt that after the blood entered his body, it seemed to assimilate his blood.

He was all hot all over!

And the bones and body seem to be getting stronger gradually.

The brain is also clear, and the state can be said to be unusually good.

"Thank you sir!

Hu Hai bowed and bowed excitedly.

Ji Han nodded with satisfaction and arranged directly: "From today onwards, in addition to hoeing, feeding pigs, and doing farm work, you also have to learn swordsmanship, various firearms and the art of war!"

"I will teach you firearms and the art of war, as for swordsmanship, you teach him Mu Shi!

"Whenever you are successful in your studies, you will return to Daqin to open up territory!


Hu Hai and Wang Mushi repeatedly agreed.

Wang Mushi is still very good at swordsmanship, and it is not difficult to teach a Hu Hai, after all, she is the daughter of a family of military commanders.

"Come on, come with me!

Wang Mushi took Hu Hai to the nearby mountain and forest clearing!

After slashing two wooden swords, the two began to confront the swords, and after a while, Hu Hai heard screams.

Wang Mushi is very strict as a teacher.

Every time the sword hits Hu Hai's wrist, neck, face, etc., it can be said to be the key to 4.3 moves.

It's fast and furious!

If it were an iron sword, Hu Hai would have died a long time ago.

But this guy's physical strength, stamina, and perseverance seem to have greatly improved now. Although he screamed constantly, he still insisted on gritting his teeth.

Moreover, his progress is quite fast. After just half an hour, he has gradually learned a trick and a half, and he can occasionally dodge a sword.

"Well, not bad! 99

"But that's not enough! 35

After a moment of contemplation, Ji Han decisively used the communication function of the trading ring to contact Lao Zhao, and asked him to bring three dead men with assassination experience here. He will use it tonight.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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