At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

139 The three dead men of the Black Ice Terrace, Ku, Dun, and Sword! 【3/7, please subscribe】

When Ji Han ordered, Ying Zheng naturally did not dare to neglect!

When the night was foggy, he brought Wang Ben and three middle-aged men dressed in gray to the small manor.

The three of them look amazing!

But the eyes are introverted, with hidden edge!

There is also a shrewd look in his eyes, obviously they are all first-class assassination masters.

As the saying goes, girls and killers should be the oldest professions in the world.

As a super overlord who swept across the six kingdoms, how could Daqin not have dead men walking in the dark?

In the anime Qin Shimingyue, Daqin had a killer organization called Luo Wang, of course these descendants fabricated it.

Ji Han once asked Lao Zhao, he said that there is no net, but there are Black Ice Terrace and Iron Eagle Swordsman!

Among them, Hei Bingtai was the strongest killer organization directly under him, responsible for assassination, gathering intelligence and all other matters.

These three middle-aged people are called Ku, Dun and Jian!

They are all single-named people, and they are one of the sixteen commanders of the Black Ice Terrace, and they are also the best killers and dead men!

As long as 11 Lao Zhao gave an order, even if they were asked to wipe their necks on the spot, they would not hesitate in the slightest.

"Huh? First Emperor, who are these?"

After Chongzhen stepped through the gate of light, he noticed these three people at once, and it was obvious from his eyes that these three people were not simple.

"This is the dead man that Mr. wants, I don't know what it is for, let's walk around, let's eat and chat! 35

"Yes! I've been busy fighting and sleeping in the open during this time, but I'm starving. I'm always thinking about my husband's food. 99


The two laughed and stepped directly into the pavilion.

"Father, father, you are here!"

"Baby is wronged, you have to decide for the baby! 35

At this time, Hu Hai, who had a blue nose and a swollen face like a pig's head, had slurred speech, snot and tears rushed over, and wanted to cry while hugging Ying Zheng's thigh.


Lao Zhao was taken aback immediately!

He imitated Ji Han and made a foul language, and he kicked Hu Hai subconsciously.

"Bah! You pig-headed man is so courageous, how dare you assassinate His Majesty the Emperor?

Wang Ben was furious and drew his sword!

The three dead men also stared slightly, wanting to attack people.

Hu Hai's face was full of grievances, but fortunately, Wang Mushi came to relieve the siege at this time, and she smiled and said: "Meet Your Majesty, father, this is Young Master Hu Hai, not an assassin.

"Is this Hu Hai?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ying Zheng also looked up awkwardly.

Sure enough, I found that this guy with a swollen face like a pig-headed man seemed to be Hu Hai.

"Father, the child is suffering! 35

Hu Hai was another grievance cry.

"What kind of formality is it to cry and cry, what's the matter with you? Did you provoke the Immortal Master again?" Ying Zheng reprimanded angrily.

"That's not the case!" Wang Mushi explained: "Mr. said that he would train him to be a peerless master and let him open up territory for the Qin Dynasty, so let me teach him swordsmanship."

After speaking, Wang Mushi showed a trace of embarrassment!

The others were stunned when they saw it.

Especially Wang Ben did not know that once his daughter held a sword, she would be a ruthless and ruthless female swordsman. Hu Hai was not beaten like this.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness!" Wang Ben embarrassedly pleaded guilty: "Mu Shi Young was so arrogant that he shot without notice, accidentally injuring the son, and the minister was sentenced to death!

"It doesn't matter!" Ying Zheng smiled indifferently and said, "Only teachers can produce high-level apprentices. The teacher has the intention of the teacher, so it's fine if he doesn't die!"

"Yes! 95

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Hu Hai could only hide in grievances, silently rubbing his pig face, not daring to say anything more.

"It's all here? Sit and sit!"

"I have prepared a lot of good dishes today, all sit down and try Yang Zi's craftsmanship.

Ji Han took Yang Zi out of the kitchen at this time. Under his guidance and hands-on teaching, Yang Zi was already busy cooking a table of good dishes.

The fragrance suddenly made everyone secretly swallow their saliva.

"These are all dishes made by princesses? It's delicious!

"It's really good, Yang Zi has a heart!"

"We got the light of Mr., haha!

Everyone took their seats one after another, and began to push the cups and hand over the cups unceremoniously.

As for the three major killers, they stood behind Ying Zheng, bowing slightly like three servants, and said nothing.

But behind their respectful reverence, there is a hidden edge!

Pairs of eyes glanced around from time to time, and once there was any movement around, they would immediately burst into flames and hurt people.


Ji Han watched them silently, and nodded with satisfaction, the three of them were indeed very good.

"Sir, they are the third of the sixteen commanders of the Black Ice Terrace under my command, and they are the top killers and dead men! 39

"Although I don't know what Mr. is going to do, from today onwards, the three of you will obey the orders of Immortal Master 233, and be loyal to Mr. forever. Even if it is my order, you can ignore it."5

Ying Zheng's solemn order!

The three dead men immediately clasped their fists and said yes, then walked decisively behind Ji Han to serve.

The brainwashing and training they received from childhood made them absolutely unconditional loyalty and obedience.

Ying Zheng's last order was to transfer them to Ji Han!

Then their lives will be Ji Han's in the future.

What he asked the three to do, the three would do, even if Ying Zheng wanted to order them in the future, it would be impossible.

They only obey Ji Han's orders!

This is the real dead man!

"What do you want these three people to do? But who do you want to kill?" Ying Zheng was surprised: "No, if you want to kill someone, why should they do it?"

"Actually, I just wanted to do an experiment with them." Ji Han explained casually.


The crowd is puzzled!

Ji Han didn't say anything more, just opened his mouth and ordered: "You three, cut yourself with a knife.


Ku, Dun, and Jian didn't even think about it!

He took out a short blade and swiped it on his palm, and blood splattered out.

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