At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

140 Cold Night was established, the setting of the three pavilions of heaven, earth and people! 【4/7

"very good!

For the obedience of Ku, Dun, and Jian!

Ji Han was still quite satisfied, he decisively squeezed out three drops of Tiannu blood, and then bounced on their wounds.

"What do you mean, sir?"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but become curious again!

At this time, the blood of the slaves has been integrated into the three of them, and their wounds are also recovering quickly, and it will be as if they have never appeared before.

"This, what kind of means is this? 99

Everyone was secretly surprised, and Ku, Dun, and Jian were even more stunned, because they felt that after the blood entered their bodies, their strength, speed, reaction, and state were slowly increasing.

It feels so mysterious!

Can't tell, can't tell.

However, they were still clearly aware that their state of decline because they were middle-aged was rapidly returning to their peak at the age of eighteen.

Moreover, the various dark wounds in their bodies also disappeared quickly, and the strength of the whole person also soared a lot.

"This is the blood of the gods, and it will be passed down from generation to generation through heredity, which can greatly stimulate the power of your bloodline, making you infinitely powerful, soaring in strength, long in physical strength, and infinite in vitality!

"From today, the three of you will set up the "Cold Night" organization, and you will serve as the pavilion masters of the three pavilions of heaven, earth, and people. They will be independent of each other and not interfere with each other. These are the specific details.

After speaking, Ji Han handed them the three manuals!

Here are his simple plans and expectations for Han Ye. Ku, Dun, and Jian are all professionals, and I believe they will understand at a glance.

First of all, they have to remain anonymous, adopt orphans, and train a lot of professional killers.

Cold Night is divided into three branches of Heaven, Earth and Human, and each branch contains thirty-two top killers and seventy-two ordinary killers, corresponding to Tiangang and Disha!

Since its establishment, the pavilion masters of these three pavilions must be held by the descendants of the blood of Ku, Dun, and Jian, and passed down from generation to generation!

During the training of killers, you must cooperate with all kinds of brainwashing!

Then you can make money by taking some ordinary killer orders, not too high-profile, not allowed to cooperate with national forces, and not allowed to interfere in the change of dynasties!

Try to sneak training and wait for orders!

This not only ensures the organization's ability to operate itself, but also ensures its viability, and also ensures Ji Han's control over it.

Once the cold night lurks in Daqin!

Then under the automatic correction of time and space, they may really be passed down from generation to generation in the long river of time, and eventually become a terrible organization in modern society.

"Do you remember~々?" Ji Han asked seriously.

"Don't worry, sir, we have written it down!"

After Ku, Dun, and Jian seriously flipped through the manual, they quickly shredded the thin manual and swallowed it.

After taking a deep look at Ji Han, they resolutely clasped their fists and left, disappearing behind the gate of light after a while.

"What does this mean? What kind of organization did you ask them to form, sir?"

"Cold Night? Sounds like a killer organization!"

"Sir, what kind of experiment do you want to do?

Ying Zheng Chongzhen and others became curious.

"This is indeed a killer organization!" Ji Han laughed dumbly: "I just want to test if such an organization is secretly established, whether it can be passed down for thousands of years."9


Everyone was stunned.

what test is this?

The Immortal Master is indeed an Immortal Master, this kind of gameplay can be imagined, and it is really beyond the reach of human beings.

"Mister just gave them the blood of the gods, but it can be passed down from generation to generation. Isn't this a way to make masters in batches?" Ying Zheng asked with his eyes shining, "I wonder if I can obtain this kind of god blood?

"You can't!" Ji Han shrugged and said, "Although this blood is miraculous, it will always be controlled by me, would you like to?


Ying Zheng's eyes flashed and he understood!

This must be a tactic Ji Han uses to control the killer.

In this case, he is not suitable for use.

"But this guy Hu Hai already has the blood of the gods!" Ji Han laughed: "His physical strength, speed, and strength are increasing every moment. I believe that when he becomes an adult, he will definitely become a peerless master who is unparalleled in the world!"

"And I also promised to let him open up territory for Daqin. In this way, Lao Zhao, you can also benefit. At least you have an extra trustworthy tiger general under your command, isn't it!"



When Ying Zheng heard the words, he suddenly burst into a smile.

Originally, he had always worried that Hu Hai would become a scourge of Da Qin, for fear that this guy would cause trouble, but he was reluctant to kill him.

Now that Ji Han has given him the blood of the gods to help him become a generation hero, and he will not betray, how can Ying Zheng be unhappy?

"Mr. also made a very strange request to the child!" Hu Hai muttered at the side: "He asked me to return to Daqin and spread my branches and leaves, and the descendants will be incognito from the royal family, and I don't know what it means.

"And about this?

"Could this be another test like the cold night? 35

"What Mr. is thinking is really hard to fathom. 35

Everyone was amazed, but no one went to investigate Ji Han's intentions (good enough), after all, everyone believed that he would not harm Da Qin.

If he wanted to harm Da Qin and Lao Zhao, raising his hand would be enough to wipe out Da Qin. Who could guess the thoughts of such immortals?

"Since you have your life, Mr. Hu Hai, you have to do it!" Ying Zheng urged seriously: "And it must be done well, do you understand? Go back and marry me!"


Hu Hai reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Ji Han waved his hand casually and said, "Let's just leave it like this. How has Daqin Daming developed recently?"

Talk about it!

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen were both interested.

The two of them stopped the chopsticks in their hands, and the corners of their mouths could not help but outline a smile, obviously they were quite satisfied with the recent development of the situation.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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