At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

141 When did my Daqin fight such a shabby battle? [5/7, please subscribe]

"Sir, my Daqin development has been good recently!"

"The construction of highways in various places has already begun, and I believe that results can be seen within half a year, and within three years and five years, the economy of Daqin will be extended in all directions.

"After the reduction of taxes and the exemption of corvée, the people all over the world will be stable, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment.

"This newspaper is also quite prosperous, it is sold every seven days, and every time it can attract hundreds of students to buy and discuss, everything is under the control of Mr.

Ying Zheng was elated and happily showing off his recent achievements.

Ji Han is no surprise!

Lao Zhao's control over Da Qin is too strong, and basically no one dares to stop him what policy he wants to promote.

According to this method, Daqin's national strength will definitely increase day by day.

"How about the north?" Ji Han asked again.

"Everything is fine in the north!" Ying Zheng replied quickly: "The two newly established counties have moved a lot of people to the past, and the expressway can be repaired within half a year!"

"Meng Tian leads a 100,000-strong army to guard the desert, and the Da Yuezhi and other grassland aliens don't dare to attack in the slightest! 35

"Now the North can provide Daqin with a large number of high-quality war horses and a large number of cattle and sheep every year, which is really a cornucopia of 233.

"Sir, the sweater you made from the wool has also been woven. I have seen it myself, and it is indeed very warm. Now a large number of merchants go to the north every day.

"Oh yes! Grain seeds from all over the country have also been distributed, and almost all of them have been sown. I believe that my Daqin will soon usher in a bumper harvest!"

The more Ying Zheng talked, the happier he was, and his old face was already smiling.

Ji Han nodded, pondered for a moment and then smiled: "Get ready, let's fight Baiyue in a few months."


Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and each other immediately accelerated a lot!

Wang Ben's eyes were bright, and he was secretly excited.

Are you going to hit Baiyue so soon?

"Sir, won't this be too fast?" Ying Zheng said hesitantly, "Didn't you say before that Baiyue's terrain is peculiar, full of miasma, and difficult to conquer?

"That's true!" Ji Han nodded and said, "But now that the power of the Qin Dynasty has increased dramatically, the people's hearts are stable, and there are more benefits of firearms, what's the point of destroying a small Baiyue?

"This is (bbed) yes!" Wang Ben quickly agreed: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, now that Daqin is no longer what it used to be, it's really not difficult to destroy a Baiyue."

"Sir is right! 99

Ying Zheng couldn't help but be moved.

As an ambitious emperor, pioneering new territories is his favorite thing to do.

Destroying the Huns is enough for him to blow for a lifetime!

This time, if Baiyue is destroyed again, then the surrounding area of ​​Daqin will be basically cleaned up. Wouldn't it be fun to kill the Central Asian region at that time?

"Okay! Ying Zheng no longer hesitated, and decisively said: "When we go back, we will restart the Southern Expedition and Baiyue Plan. The next time the food is harvested, we will immediately send out 500,000 troops to destroy them!


Chongzhen's envious eyes turned red.

He is now in control of more than 100,000 people with all his calculations. Although the Ming Dynasty claimed to have an army of one million, it was actually bullshit.

Just look at Lao Zhao, a 500,000-strong army with a wave of his hand, this blackness is overwhelming, and it scares people to death.

No wonder Chongzhen is not envious!

"Don't need so many people, waste food and grass and waste national strength!" Ji Han shook his head and said, "Come out 30,000, if you think it's too little, just pay 50,000.

"Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand?

"Is that too little?"

"When did my Daqin fight such a shabby battle?"

Ying Zheng exclaimed and exclaimed in frustration!

Chongzhen couldn't help but look resentful on the side, he felt offended.

Shabby? Shabby what? Who is shabby?

Who are you alluding to? You are insulting me!

"Brother Shi Huang, there are only 30,000 to 50,000 people, so don't show off your wealth all the time!" Chongzhen complained.

"Eh?" Ying Zheng said, dumbfounded, "But 30,000 to 50,000 people are really too few, what's enough for this? How could Baiyue have more than 50,000 soldiers to fight, and they are good at mountain warfare. How can we win?"5

"Indeed!" Wang Ben frowned and reminded: "I have done a sand table game before, and an army of 500,000 people will be defeated if they attack a hundred and more. How can these 30,000 to 50,000 people fight?"

Everyone was suspicious for a while, and everyone looked suspicious!

Obviously, everyone does not think that 30,000 to 50,000 people can lay down this hundred and more places.

"You, all of you are still thinking in the age of cold weapons. With the development of firearms, you must also be familiar with the combat thinking of firearms!

"The more people on the battlefield, the better. Sometimes a reasonable configuration of troops can actually perform better!"

"Lao Zhao, your gunpowder has been researched, and you can also try to get craftsmen to build it, or buy it from Lao Zhu!

"As for the flintlock gun, it's not too difficult to imitate, you can also mass-produce it!"

"This battle in the mountains and forests is originally a small-scale battle. If you squeeze in 500,000 people, you will not be able to exert the advantage of your troops. You might as well use firearms to push them all the way!"5

Ji Han pointed patiently!

Ying Zheng and the others couldn't help nodding after hearing this.

Although everyone still can't accept this new war mentality, but if you think about it seriously, if you rely on the benefits of firearms, it is not difficult to crush the enemy.

Don't Baiyue people like to drill in the mountains and forests?

Once you find them, you immediately greet them with grenades and artillery, and then shoot at random!

Lao Tzu even flattened the mountains for you, what can you do if you can drill?

"In fighting the enemy, we must overcome the enemy's weaknesses with our own strengths, and we must not confront the enemy's advantages head-on! 35

"For example, the Baiyue people are very strong in the mountain forest war, so let's not play the mountain forest war with him, and push and kill them all the way to their cottage. If he can run the monk, can he run the temple?

"I will destroy his cottage, destroy his people, burn his fertile fields, and starve him to death. Can they all hunt for a living by the hundreds of thousands of people?

"Besides, they have the advantage of mountains and forests, we can also gain the advantage of the sky, wouldn't it be fun to fly over and blow them up?

Ji Han talked eloquently, but the last sentence made Ying Zheng and others bewildered.

Fly over, how to fly?.

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