At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

015 What Does The Fairy Like? The Courtesy Is Light And Affectionate! 【55, Ask For Flowers】

"Not bad, it's not worth my hard work all day!"

"This small spirit gathering array is really awesome. The aura in the air should keep increasing. It won't take long for me to become a paradise!"

Ji Han admired his masterpiece with satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment emerged spontaneously, which made his mood couldn't help but improve.

After the whole body attribute +10, his physical strength became super strong, and he didn't feel tired at all after working all day. Instead, he happily started to eat dinner.

And of course he didn't notice!

When night fell slowly, there was another round of mist around the small farm, which began to completely block it from the outside world.


at the same time

In the Daqin Palace, there is also a faint mist.

When this vision reappeared, the Qin Palace immediately boiled over.

Ying Zheng arrived excitedly with the civil and military officials, and the familiar Guangmen appeared in front of everyone again. The officials who didn't believe in the immortal's words were suddenly dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, as expected, as expected!"

"Did you see it? This is the gate of fairyland!"

Ying Zheng laughed happily!

It's been seven days, and it's been seven days since the last time I came back!

In the past seven days, he has constantly adjusted the national policy of Da Qin, and has been benevolent to the world.

But he always wanted to set foot in the fairyland again, but he didn't wait for the fog to come, and many people among the officials were secretly suspicious.

In order to dispel such doubts, Ying Zheng immediately summoned a hundred civil and military officials to gather here after learning that the mist had reappeared, so that everyone could see for themselves whether he had lied or not!

"Wonderland, this is really a fairyland, Your Majesty will not deceive me!"

"There really is an immortal, and there really is!"

"God bless me Daqin, God bless His Majesty!"

The hundreds of officials screamed in excitement, and everyone no longer had any doubts, and all of them looked at Guangmen with a frenzy.

"Your Majesty!" Li Xin said excitedly, "I wonder if the ministers and others are lucky enough to follow His Majesty to meet the immortals?"

"I pray to see the immortal!"

"My minister also prays!"

The hundreds of officials kowtowed excitedly, and everyone wanted to go over to see it together.

If you can set foot in the fairyland, this is a major event that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. Naturally, everyone does not want to miss it, and everyone wants to receive the same treatment as Wang Ben.

"Okay, all the ministers will go with me to meet you!"

"The immortal master has an easy-going personality, so he won't blame him."

"But this door of light is very strange, and ordinary people may not be able to live it. Let's try it together!"

Ying Zheng commanded expectantly. Obviously, he also wanted to test the characteristics of the Light Gate and obtain more information.

It's a pity that the civil and military officials found depressed after taking turns testing that they couldn't make it through!

Once they get close to the gate of light, they will be bounced off, but Fusu has an accident. Not only was he not bounced off, but he seemed to be able to get close.

"Hahaha, Fusu is fortunate to be able to set foot in the fairyland, and I will go with me later!" Ying Zheng ordered with a big smile.


Fusu bowed in surprise and agreed, while all the officials were envious.

Everyone couldn't understand why they couldn't get through on their own, but Wang Ben and Fusu could accompany them. This is simply a difference.

Seeing the beaming Fusu and Wang Ben, Baiguan couldn't help but feel sour.

"Your Majesty, are you in the past now?" Wang Ben asked.

"No!" Ying Zheng frowned and said, "I came to the Immortal Master empty-handed last time, and I brought back so much immortal food. It's a bit rude to go to visit empty-handed this time, right?"

"Your Majesty said it very well. Although the Immortal Master doesn't care about this worldly thing, we can't be so rude!"

"Yes, yes, it's not good if you offend the immortal!"

"But what gift should I give? Gold and silver jewelry? Three animal blood and food?"

All the officials frowned when you looked at me and I looked at you.

They also don't know what gift to give, what does this Immortal Master like?

"Royal Father!" Fusu cupped his hands and said, "I heard that immortals like beautiful jade, and the fairyland in the legend is even more cranes roaring together. Why don't we present ten pairs of beautiful jade and four white cranes!"

"Although these vulgar things are worthless, but they are polite and affectionate, which is enough to show my Daqin's respect for the immortal master. I wonder what the father and emperor think?"

Fusu's proposal immediately made everyone's eyes shine!

Yes, where can you send gold and silver jewelry to immortals? It's almost the same as sending Meiyu!

Sending a few more white and flawless white cranes will definitely win the favor of the immortal master, at least it will not be rude.

"Okay, Fusu said it well, it's a reward!" Ying Zheng laughed with satisfaction, and quickly ordered: "Quick! Order ten pairs of beautiful jade, four white cranes, Fusu and Wang Qing to follow me to the fairyland, Meet the Immortal Master!"


Fusu and Wang Ben excitedly agreed!

The gift will be ready in no time.

Fusu held a tray with ten pairs of beautiful jade in his hand, Wang Ben carelessly carried four white cranes, and the three of them stepped directly into the door of light and disappeared.

With a flash of light, the three of them once again came outside the Ji Han farmyard!

Looking at this fairyland-like beauty and breathing in the sweet scent of the air, the three of them suddenly felt at ease, and Fusu looked around curiously.

"Follow me, don't run around!"

"This fog is very strange. No matter where you go, you will eventually come back here, and you can't get out at all."

"Last time, I have tried it myself, and it is expected that the Immortal Master has set up the Lost Way Formation around here."

Ying Zheng took a few deep breaths while exhorting Fusu.

He felt that the air here seemed to be much better than the last time he came back. Taking a sip would make his whole body feel comfortable, and it was extremely magical.

"It is indeed a blessed land!" Ying Zheng smiled and said, "Wang Qing called the door, we will meet the Immortal Master!"

"Yes!" Wang Ben agreed, and quickly said loudly, "Sir, we are here to disturb you, please meet again!"


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for a Reward for Flower Evaluation Tickets"


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