At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

016 This Magical Weapon Is Actually Used To Cut Vegetables? 【15, Ask For Flowers】

"Whose voice? Huh? Lao Wang Lao Zhao?"

"Fuck, you two bandits dare to come?"

"Look, I don't interrupt your dog legs!"

Ji Han, who was preparing dinner in the kitchen, became furious when he heard Wang Ben's voice.

He was so angry that he picked up the kitchen knife and went out to kill people!

On the other hand, they met Ying Zheng and the three of them stepping into the small courtyard, and Wang Ben was carrying four handsome white cranes in his hands.

Looking at Ji Han's aggressive appearance, Ying Zheng and the three were dumbfounded!

"Immortal Master, who are you?" Wang Ben asked with a guilty conscience.

"Ah, ah ha ha ha!" Ji Han was stunned for a few seconds, then threw the kitchen knife to the side in embarrassment, and quickly said: "What, I'm here to welcome you, oh, you come as soon as you come, why do you bring gifts? , really, hurry up, let it go!"

The so-called reach out and don't make a smile!

Ji Han was embarrassed to get angry when he saw Wang Ben and others brought gifts.

With his eyesight, he can see at a glance that these four white cranes are good things.

Today, he ordered many pheasants, peacocks, and ostriches online, but he didn't buy white cranes, which made him extremely regretful and felt that his paradise was not perfect.

But he never thought that Wang Ben and the others would bring Baihe.

It's like giving a pillow when you're drowsy, good man! sensible ah!

This Lao Wang Lao Zhao really knows how to give gifts, and at a glance, he can see that there is a lack of strange livestock here, and since these two people are from the mountains, it should not be difficult to get Baihe.

Ji Han was so embarrassed to be angry with them, he hurriedly greeted them with a smile.

"Sir, I miss you so much since I haven't seen you for a long time!" Ying Zheng smiled and said, "Today we have brought ten pairs of beautiful jades and four cranes to the door. Please don't dislike it, sir."

"No no no, how can you dislike it!"

"Put things down, I like it a lot, but didn't we just meet last night?"

Ji Han happily accepted the white cranes. As soon as these white cranes broke free, they wanted to fly high, but under the caress of his master-level animal control skills, they instantly became clever and clever.

In addition, this small farm is full of aura, and they fell in love with it at once, even if they didn't want to leave.

"Not bad, let's go to the creek and play by yourself!"

Ji Han waved his hand in satisfaction, and the four white cranes immediately spread their wings and flew high.

This scene naturally made Ying Zheng and others secretly amazed!

An immortal master is an immortal master, taming the white crane with ease, this is simply an immortal method.

"Wait, sir, said we only met last night?"

"But it's obviously been seven days since we were there?"

"This, this is really a day in the sky, a year on the ground, a fairyland is a fairyland, it's extraordinary."

Ying Zheng suddenly noticed the information in Ji Han's words, and after comparing it, he was immediately surprised again.

It turns out that the time flow here is different from that of Da Qin!

It is indeed a fairyland, it is amazing!

"Quick!" Ying Zheng said quickly, "Fusu, come and meet Mr.

Fusu immediately came out of the queue, bowed down and said respectfully, "Fusu is here, I have seen Mr. Sir, please accept it with a smile for a small gift."

"Your name is Fusu? Well, you city people really know how to play, and the whole family plays cosplay!"

"But all the people here are guests. Let's go in and sit down. It's time for dinner. Let's have a whole fish feast tonight!"

As Ji Han greeted, he took the tray and threw the priceless jade aside, not bothering to take a second look.

In his opinion, these are definitely worthless fake jade, and it is worth ten yuan and three yuan on the street stall, which is not as valuable as the white crane!

"Xiao Hei, get a drink for the guest!"

"Drink yourselves first, and my dishes will be ready soon!"

Ji Han said and plunged into the kitchen to get busy.

Today, this guy Xiao Hei caught a lot of fish, so he just came to the whole fish feast, so it won't be wasted.

"Wang Wang!"

While protesting his unfair treatment, Xiao Hei opened the refrigerator door aggrieved, and then took out a dozen beers and some fat house water Sprite!

At this scene, Fu Su was stunned for a while.

"This, is this a fairy dog ​​or a liger?" Fusu exclaimed.

"Haha!" Wang Ben laughed when he saw it, "You don't need to panic, Young Master, this is a fierce dog bred by the Immortal Master. It looks vicious but is actually very smart, and won't bite people."

"As for these, it's the Xianjia wine, especially this Sprite, I like to drink it very much, the son can taste it, the Xianshi's harmonious personality will not be blamed!"

"Sit down, drink a drink, and don't look ashamed of being a douchebag." Ying Zheng reprimanded in dissatisfaction, and Fusu quickly pleaded guilty.

After the three sat down and took a few sips of drinks, Fusu quickly fell in love with the taste of Happy Fat House Water. This kind of taste shock from more than 2,000 years later made him feel the take-off of his soul.

At this moment, Wang Ben noticed the kitchen knife Ji Han threw aside!

This kitchen knife is made of stainless steel and looks very delicate and sharp. After Wang Ben picked it up, he immediately fell in love with it.

"This seems to be a knife used by the Immortal Master to cut vegetables, how is it?"

Out of curiosity, Wang Ben couldn't help drawing out his saber and slashed with the kitchen knife.


The kitchen knife didn't move at all, and Wang Ben's bronze sword made a big hole on the spot.

It is conceivable that if two people fought with all their strength, the bronze sword would have to be cut off on the spot.

"What a terrifying treasured saber, how could this kind of magic weapon, the Immortal Master, be used to cut vegetables? What a tyrannical attack on heaven and earth!" Ying Zheng couldn't help exclaiming.

"The immortal master's method is truly astonishing!" Fusu was also horrified.

"Good knife, good knife!"

"How could such a good Immortal Sword Master be willing to lose it?"

"It's a waste, since that's the case, let Wang reluctantly pick it up and take it home!"

Wang Ben pretended to sigh, and then, under the stunned gaze of Ying Zheng and Fu Su, he swaggered the kitchen knife to his waist and prepared to take it away!

This guy has fallen in love with the feeling of being a bandit since the last time he resisted walking more than 10,000 catties of potatoes. He couldn't help it with such a good sword.

"Uh, the Immortal Master didn't want it, I just picked it up, yes! That's right, that's it!" Wang Ben shamelessly defended himself.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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