At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

017 Why Does Lao Zhao Like To Ask Historical Questions So Much? 【25, Ask For Flowers】

"Come on, let's have dinner!"

"Tonight's whole fish feast is guaranteed to satisfy you!"

"A fish head with chopped peppers, a steamed mandarin fish, a boiled fish, a pickled fish, a braised fish nugget, a purse carp!"

After a while, Ji Han brought the dishes to the table!

Ying Zheng's three eyes lit up at the delicious food, especially Fusu, who had never tasted this kind of food. He felt the fragrance hit the bridge of his nose, and he couldn't help gulping.

"Go on, you're welcome!" Ji Han greeted casually.

"Thank you for your hospitality, sir!" Ying Zheng nodded and introduced to Fusu, "The Immortal Master's dishes are mostly spicy, which is unbearable at first, but after getting used to it, blood flowed and the whole body felt comfortable. Longevity, you try it!"


Fusu took a piece of fish and swallowed it, the aroma and spicy taste burst on the tip of his tongue, and his eyes widened in shock.

So fragrant, so spicy!

But it was really delicious.

The spicy taste is filled with the fresh aroma of fish, and every bite is a supreme enjoyment.

"As expected of Xianjia cuisine, it is really memorable!" After Ying Zheng sighed, he suddenly looked at the big waterwheel by the stream and asked, "Sir, what is this? I haven't seen it last time. Woolen cloth!"

"A waterwheel, haven't you seen it?" Ji Han casually explained: "It's a gadget that uses stream water to automatically irrigate the land. I have a waterwheel here, which can irrigate more than 100 acres of fertile fields and attract tourists to take pictures. How good is it to play!"

"Irrigation? Taking pictures?"

"Sir, how many acres of land can this waterwheel irrigate?"

Although Ying Zheng didn't quite understand what Ji Han was talking about, he immediately became interested when he heard that a water truck could irrigate fertile fields.

"More than 100 acres!" Ji Han said indifferently: "Where the water is fast, the irrigation area is larger, and where the water is gentle, the irrigation area is smaller!"

"More than a hundred acres?"

The three of Ying Zheng took a deep breath.

God, this is definitely a great artifact.

Look carefully, the design of this waterwheel is really exquisite.

Using the power of the water flow to turn the waterwheel, the waterwheel drives a small colander, which continuously brings the water flow to the shore ditches, and then irrigates the fertile fields.

In this way, not only a lot of manpower can be saved, but the water flow is also stable. If Daqin has such artifacts, it will definitely be able to prosper agriculture!

"Remember it, go back and imitate it!"

Ying Zheng secretly issued an order, and Fusu decisively began to carefully observe the record.

It shouldn't be too difficult to imitate this thing. Besides, isn't it just for everyone to imitate the immortal master?

Ying Zheng decided to plagiarize at ease.

He doesn't care about intellectual property rights and the like!

As long as it is beneficial to Da Qin, copy it!

This trip is really worthwhile, there are treasures everywhere in Wonderland, and any thing is enough to make Da Qin take off.

However, after Ying Zheng took a bite, he couldn't help but ask, "Sir, I have a question, may I ask you to clarify?"

"What's the problem?" Ji Han was surprised.

"I heard what Mr. said last time, Li Si and Hu Hai are both guilty!" Ying Zheng said solemnly: "I just want to ask, do they deserve to die?"


Wang Ben and Fusu looked at each other, and they couldn't help but jump up in fear.

Ying Zheng has been imprisoning Li Si and neglecting Hu Hai for the past few days.

That's right, they were indeed the scourge of Da Qin in history, and Ying Zheng should really kill them.

But Li Si hasn't rebelled yet, and Hu Hai is only a thirteen-year-old child!

Besides, Li Si is also a capable minister, so it would be too much of a loss to kill him like this, right?

So Ji Han's answer is absolutely related to the fate of these two people. Wang Ben Fusu couldn't help but stop and listen carefully.

Ji Han was puzzled about this question. Why does this old Zhao like to ask historical questions so much?

Should Li Sihuhai be my business?

They've all been dead for thousands of years!

But thinking that Lao Zhao should be a senior big Qin fan, it is normal to have such a problem, Ji Han smiled and didn't think much.

"There is nothing wrong with Li Si. He is still loyal to the First Emperor, and his ability is quite good, but he is too obsessed with power to commit a serious crime."

"As for Hu Hai, I can't blame him. The first emperor himself should be blamed the most. Who made him accustomed to Hu Hai all the time?"

"As the saying goes, being a child is like killing a child, and a child does not teach his father's faults. The culprit of a bear child's mistakes should be his parents."

Ji Han commented casually, just expressing his views on the two, but Ying Zheng automatically made up a lot of deep understanding.

Li Si is right? Does that mean you don't have to kill?

right! As long as I'm still alive, how could he dare to rebel?

As long as he beats frequently, this guy is still an important minister of the Qin state, and the immortal master is really thinking about my Daqin.

As for Hu Hai, Ying Zheng had to admit that it was indeed his own responsibility. This arrogant child had been spoiled since he was a child, and he was used to it.

In other words, go back and beat him more, right?

How capable a 13-year-old kid can be, Ying Zheng can manage a country, why can't he handle him?

It must be like this, the guidance of the immortal master is brilliant!

"Thank you for your advice, sir, I understand!"

Ying Zheng bowed his hands gratefully, and Wang Ben and Fusu also looked relieved.

Only Ji Han was stunned, what did he realize? What do you realize?

Did I say anything? Wu you, uncle, why are you so mad?


"It's good to ask for some flower evaluation tickets"

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