At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

018 The First Wave Of Smokers In Daqin Was Officially Born! 【35, Ask For Flowers】

After drinking and eating

Ji Han lit a cigarette, and began to puff up in delight.

"Sir, what is this?" Wang Ben asked as usual.

"Smoke, a cigarette after a meal is like a fairy!" Ji Han said indifferently, "You want to smoke and take it yourself."


The three Ying Zheng looked strange.

They really didn't understand how Ji Han was holding a white object in his mouth and then kept puffing smoke.

How can you be so happy like a fairy?

"Is this the way immortals cultivate? To become stronger by swallowing special spiritual smoke?"

"It is rumored that the immortals devoured the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and made smoke from their noses and mouths. Could this be the case?"

"That's right, it must be like this, and this little thing, a fire actually rises when you press it, it must be the treasure of the fairy family!"

"Good stuff, it's all good stuff, why don't we try it too?"

"Your Majesty Shengming, I will try it first!"

Ying Zheng and the three secretly gathered together for a while, and immediately became interested!

After a while, the three of them imitated Ji Han's appearance and picked up cigarettes. After taking a deep breath, they all coughed desperately.

"Don't take such a big mouth at the beginning, slow down!"

"It's good to get used to it, right, how can a man not smoke and drink?"

Ji Han taught carefully and carefully!

After a while, the first wave of smokers in Daqin began to be born.

The three historical tycoons in ancient costumes, puffing clouds with cigarettes in their mouths, did not violate the harmony at all, which really made Ji Han a little ridiculous.

"This cigarette is really good, it's a bit refreshing!" Ying Zheng commented: "And it has an inexplicable momentum when smoking it, I like it very much!"

"Of course!" Ji Han nodded and said, "Men don't smoke cigarettes, they smoke loneliness, come on! Let's play mahjong together if we have nothing to do, just enough people!"

"Who?" Wang Ben Hanhan asked: "Who is Mahjong?"

"Your sister's?"

Ji Han is speechless!

He saw that Ying Zheng and Fu Su were also at a loss, and he felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Wouldn't these three join forces to entertain him?

Could it be that these three guys were filming some kind of trick show and came here to trick him on purpose?

Otherwise, why don't you even know Mahjong?

But Ji Han looked around, no one was shooting secretly around here!

"I now suspect that you didn't run out of the mountains, you clearly ran out of the mental hospital!"

"Forget it, forget it, I'm unlucky, I'll teach you how to play mahjong!"

Ji Han reluctantly moved out of the mahjong table and told them the rules of the game.

At any rate, these three people barely understood, and then Ji Han took a few of them and killed them.

"This mahjong is a university question. It involves mathematics, logic, statistics, psychology, game theory, mind-set analysis and many other knowledge!"

"You must be able to count cards, play cards according to rules, be able to count and play cards, and figure out other people's minds. It's not just for entertainment!"

"Hongzhong, hey hey, touch! Wow! A bar!"

"Hahaha, touch yourself! Give money, give money!"

As Ji Han explained, he slapped and slapped indiscriminately, killing the three of them with ease.

But when he was excited to collect the money, the reaction of Ying Zheng and the three made him want to vomit blood.

"Money? What?"

"Mr. should be talking about silver taels, right? But we didn't bring silver taels!"

"Yeah, when will I take Yinliang out?"

The three of Fusu are of high power and usually don't need to carry money with them.

So when Ji Han asked them for money, they immediately panicked.

"Should we take credit?" Fusu said weakly: "Next time we come back, we will definitely double the compensation, and we will never default."

"Fuck? No money?"

"You guys are making wool, you will have no money?"

"Are you here to make fun of me?"

Ji Han was depressed and wanted to scold his mother, and after confirming that they really had no money, he could only hold his nose and agree to their shameless request for credit.

"Xiao Hei, bring me a pen and paper!"

Ji Han gave an order, and Xiao Hei immediately grabbed a few pieces of white paper and a pen. When he wrote down the names of several people on the paper, Ying Zheng, Wang Ben, and Fusu were dumbfounded again.

"What is this? White as snow, light as cicada wings, why can you write on it?"

"Sir, shouldn't bamboo slips be used for writing records? What is this?"

"My God, can you write without a brush?"

Ying Zheng and the three kept exclaiming, as if they had seen aliens.

Ji Han looked at the three guys in disbelief.

Nima, the acting is so flamboyant, don't you know this is paper?

"Doubi, don't you want to owe money?" Ji Han rolled his eyes and said, "I see it clearly, I remember it all."

"Sir!" Fusu excitedly stood up and said: "What is this? It is ten thousand times more convenient than writing on bamboo slips, and it is definitely a sacred artifact."

"Your uncle, don't you know Zhi?" Ji Han said angrily: "Is it a bit too much?"

"Paper? Is this thing called paper?" Fusu continued to ask, "Sir, how is it made?"

"Nonsense, of course it's papermaking!" Ji Han said depressedly while touching the mahjong: "Boil the bark, bamboo, flax and other plants, cut them and beat them to make pulp. After mixing with water, use a bamboo mat to scoop it up. Just let it dry!"

"Don't you understand how simple it is? You don't usually use your hands to go to the toilet, do you?"

"Bar! Hahaha, flowers bloom on the bar, bookkeeping!"

Ji Han continued to kill Quartet, but the information he inadvertently revealed made Fusu's eyes brighter and brighter.

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