At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

156 You dare to provoke such a person, do you want to bring catastrophe to Kyushu? [6/7, please subs

Han Ye and his party, just retreat like this!

Lin Jiamin and the others watched them leave, but did not dare to stop them. When everyone wanted to pursue them, they had long since disappeared.

"Damn it, damn it!

"Just let them run away, what the hell!

at dusk

Lin Jiamin angrily returned to the conference room of the General Bureau of the Security Department, venting his anger for a while.

"Jiamin, what do you mean?" Jiang Weiming said anxiously, "You mean you found their trace, right? 35

In the conference room, all the police officers looked over!

Today, everyone has been busy all day and found nothing, and everyone is extremely lost, but looking at Lin Jiamin's meaning, did she meet someone from Han Ye?

"Director!" After Lin Jiamin stood at attention, he said solemnly, "Today our team did meet people from Han Ye head-on."

"Where? How did you meet?

"Isn't that bullshit? Where are the people? Where are they?"

"Why don't you report it? Call for support, these are all gangsters!

Jiang Weiming and others changed their faces anxiously.

But 250 Lin Jiamin shook his head and said: "We dare not call for support, Director, please let everyone go out, I think I need to report the situation to the Yanjing General Administration in person.


"so serious?""

The crowd exclaimed again.

Jiang Weiming was also taken aback. After taking a deep look at Lin Jiamin, he quickly waved everyone out of the conference room.

Others don't know Lin Jiamin's origin, but he does!

This eldest lady is not an ordinary person, she comes from the Lin family of the Yanjing family.

Her uncle is Lin Weiguo, director-general of the Yanjing Security Department, and her grandfather is retired general Lin Mushan. Their Lin family is well-connected in the political, business and military circles and is deeply rooted!

It is definitely regarded as the top clan in Yanjing, and the right to speak in this acre of land in Kyushu is also first-class and loud.

So he didn't need to guess that he knew that Lin Jiamin must have encountered a major event today, otherwise he wouldn't be so dignified.

After a while, a video was connected on the big screen!

Opposite the video is a quaint study room, an old man in Tang suit with white hair but a majestic face, and a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face appear in the picture.

"Hello Director Lin, hello old man!"

"Second Uncle, Grandpa!"

Lin Jiamin and Jiang Weiming quickly said hello.

The old man Lin and Lin Weiguo on the opposite side were a little surprised. They didn't expect Lin Jiamin to find them at this time, and Jiang Weiming was also by his side.

"Jiamin, what's the matter in such a hurry?" Lin Weiguo frowned and asked, "Jiang Weiming, didn't you have a group of gangsters sneaking in in Dongshan City? Did you catch it? 99


Jiang Weiming was in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Lin Jiamin rescued him.

She said solemnly: "Second uncle, today I met the three leaders of this killer organization head-on, and encountered a very strange thing, so I want to ask you to pay attention.


Mr. Lin spoke calmly.


Lin Jiamin hurriedly recounted what happened today. Her memory was very good. From beginning to end, she explained everything clearly.

Jiang Weiming and the others were shocked by their eyebrows and hearts jumping wildly after a while!

Rao was a well-informed man like Mr. Lin, and he couldn't help frowning secretly. If he hadn't known that his granddaughter would not lie, he almost thought it was a joke.


"The three leaders of the cold night are so respectful to him? 35

"It's incredible, it's really incredible!""

(bbed) "The things in this world are really strange and strange.

The three of Mr. Lin were astonished, and everyone fell into a great shock.

But they are all people who have seen the big scene!

Over the years, they have held high positions of power and have been exposed to too many strange events that ordinary people don't know about, so their ability to accept is still very strong, and it is not too rude.

"Some time ago, the divisions indeed dispatched many experts and scholars to form a research group."

"I don't care about the specific research, it is said that it seems to be related to the recent historical sites that have occurred frequently!"

"I also heard the inference from the immortal of the Xu family girl, but I didn't expect it to be true. How terrifying is this person who has lived for thousands of years?"

Lin Weiguo clicked his tongue and sighed, and the others were also full of surprise!

No one has ever dreamed that such a terrifying existence actually exists in this world, which is much more powerful than the legendary martial arts master.

"Second uncle, the people in this cold night should have been evacuated now, should we continue to investigate?" Lin Jiamin asked: "And who is in this small farm, how should we deal with it? Do we want to touch his bottom? "

"Touch your ass, touch! 35 Lin Weiguo said with a headache: "You dare to provoke this kind of person? They have lived for thousands of years, and I don't know what cards they have. How much catastrophe do you want to bring to Kyushu for the Lin family? 99


Lin Jiamin's face was suddenly full of grievances!

Old Man Lin agreed and said, "Jiamin, don't feel wronged, your second uncle is right, since the cold night's people have been evacuated, then it's nothing to do with it, and don't pursue them any more."

"On the surface of this cold night, there are hundreds of killers, it seems that they can't make any big waves, but they are all masters, and they are not good at assassination, and few forces can provoke them!

"Now that it has been determined that they are being manipulated, it is even more difficult to provoke them, otherwise they will become murderous monsters in minutes, causing huge losses to the country and the people!

"The other old monster should be even more careful. Anyone who lives for thousands of years will become fine. Who knows how much power he secretly controls?"

With the words of Mr. Lin, the solution to this matter was quickly finalized, which also made Jiang Weiming and Lin Weiguo agree again and again.

Lin Jiamin looked a little unconvinced!

But in the end, she could only be silent, because she knew that what the old man said was right, who would dare to provoke such a person before he knew the details?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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