At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

157 The military reform of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen's big explosion! [7/7, please subscribe]

When everyone in the Lin family was shocked by their discovery!

Daming and Daqin are also undergoing amazing changes.

Under the guidance of Ji Han, Chongzhen returned to the Ming Dynasty and immediately started a series of reforms.

The first was to expand the army. After he gave an order, the capital began to frantically absorb the victims of the surrounding counties and counties, and then opened porridge sheds to relieve the disaster.

At the same time, select the strongest among the victims, and prepare to expand the army!

Most of these victims are innocent people, dragging their families with their mouths to feed, and Chongzhen gave them a bite to eat, and they are naturally grateful in their hearts.

Coupled with the fact that the victims were born in poverty and endured hard work, they were willing to work hard to get food, and they were definitely first-class soldiers!

Ji Han's suggestion is to expand the army by about 200,000!

But Chongzhen wasn't happy anymore, didn't he hear Lao Zhao's shabby mouthful, disgusting with 30,000 to 50,000 soldiers and horses?

Chongzhen was envious, so he decided not to expand his army to 200,000, but to directly expand his army to 630,000!

This is an astronomical number!

You must know that the entire Ming Dynasty had only a few hundred thousand troops, and now that more than one million troops are still there, Chongzhen has to increase by 630,000?

Isn't this a martial art?

Civil servants in the Ming Dynasty were naturally unhappy, and they criticized and blocked them one by one, but unfortunately they could not match Chongzhen's stubbornness.

Because in Chongzhen's eyes, the other soldiers and horses are all bullshit, and the nine frontier troops of the Liaodong Army and the Liaodong Army must all be abolished!

These soldiers and horses are already rotten to the core, and they are just a burden to the Ming Dynasty. If it is not the time now, Chongzhen will clean up them sooner or later.

Since the Ming Dynasty will be replaced with a new batch of soldiers and horses in the future, it is better to start the drill now, wouldn't it be better to do it in one step?

Anyway, his treasury is very rich and rich!

So he waved his hand and directly ordered the expansion of the army.

In fact, before that, he had already subdued three generals, Lu Xiangsheng, Zuo Liangyu, and Li Dingguo.

Naturally, Lu Xiangsheng needn't say more, this person is loyal, honest and honest, and he can be said to have no second thoughts about the Ming Dynasty and his Chongzhen, and can be trusted.

Zuo Liangyu is arrogant and domineering, but after seeing the scene of Chongzhen's Jiulong body protection with his own eyes, he was already stunned!

In the face of such an emperor with the help of immortals, he had to bow his head obediently even when he was arrogant. After Chongzhen hung him for a while, he easily subdued him.

As for Li Dingguo, it's a little troublesome!

This person was captured alive together with his adoptive father Zhang Xianzhong and brought to the capital in the name of offering sacrifices.

However, Chongzhen was reluctant to waste such a talent, so he had a serious talk with him, and finally agreed to give Zhang Xianzhong poisonous wine, exempting him from the punishment of Ling Chi, and then he subdued Li Dingguo.

So Chongzhen's military expansion and military reform plan began to be officially implemented, and it was carried out according to the three-three system instructed by Ji Han!

Fang Zhenghua still led the Imperial Guard, from the original 8,000 troops to an army of 30,000 people.

Huang Degong's Shenji battalion was named Shenwu Corps, with three subordinate armies, which expanded to 100,000!

Cao Bianjiao's new army was named Tianwu Corps, with three subordinate armies, expanding to 100,000!

Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong Army was given the name Tianxiong Army, with three subordinate armies, expanding to 100,000!

Zuo Liangyu's motley army selected elites to form a mighty army, with three subordinate armies, and then added 100,000 people!

Li Dingguo was instructed to set up the Zhen Navy Regiment, subordinate three armies, recruit 100,000 people, and go to Tianjin Port to train the army, as the foundation of the future Ming Dynasty navy.

As for Sun Chuanting, who was suppressing the bandits, he was also ordered to form the Zhenguo Army. The more than 100,000 soldiers and horses under his command also needed to be streamlined and quickly adapted to the new military system!

At the same time, under the command of the major legions, there must also be a lot of necessary equipment such as communication troops, scouts, artillery, cavalry, and staff.

As a result, Chongzhen's army directly controlled as many as 630,000 soldiers, and once he was trained into an army, he would definitely be able to sweep everything.

What Jiannu, Dongying, and Liaodong Army are all scum!

"Unfortunately, there is currently no way to equip all troops and horses with firearms. With the output of the existing military and artillery bureaus, it will take at least one year to replace all the major legions!"5

"The order goes on, each army temporarily trains the array, and then some Lumi guns that have been eliminated before will be trained by the new army! 39

・・For flowers.......

"The Battle Bureau and the Artillery Bureau will expand their scale, work overtime, and equip our entire army within half a year!

"There are also three major shipyards to build near this port, mainly to build large ships of more than 1,500 materials, and to produce more than a thousand ships for me within three years!"

Inside the Qianqing Palace!

While Chongzhen instructed the memorial, he kept instructing Wang Chengen.

"Your Majesty, this gun is easy. Now there are more and more skilled craftsmen in the military and artillery bureaus, and the output is also increasing sharply every day. It is said that Lord Bi Maokang has already created this thunder mercury primer.

"But this shipyard is not easy. We don't have so many craftsmen. Even if we urgently recruit people from the private sector and transfer people from other shipyards, it will be difficult to mass produce in a short period of time!"


"What's more, it's really not easy to produce a large ship with 1,500 materials and waste time and energy!""

Wang Chengen reminded embarrassingly.

How could Chongzhen not know that this large ship was built with a lot of processes. Although the timber of the Ming Dynasty was cheap, the cost of a large ship was only a few thousand taels to more than 10,000 taels, but it could not bear the size of the ship!

Take Zheng He's voyage to the Western Ocean as an example, the Dafu treasure ship. This thing is called a 5,000-material ship. It is 139 meters long, 56 meters wide, and has a displacement of 5,000 to 10,000 tons.

This kind of behemoth requires hundreds of craftsmen, after hundreds of processes, at least a year to make, so Chongzhen needs a thousand ships of 1,500 materials, which is easier said than done?

"I don't care so much, I must build a thousand ships within three years. If there are not enough people, I will recruit them. If there are not enough craftsmen, I will train them. Let the old craftsmen bring new craftsmen!"

"No matter how high a salary is hired from the private sector, I won't believe no one! In the heyday of my Ming Dynasty, there were as many as three or four thousand large ships, but what is a thousand ships now?"

"Sir once said that the Ming Dynasty is rich in resources, not only quality but also quantity. In the future, whenever foreign devils dare to provoke our dynasty, thousands of ships will be crushed by me!

Chongzhen's domineering declaration shocked Wang Chengen as if he were a chicken.

"Today Chapter Seven, Asking for a Flower Evaluation Ticket" beg.

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