At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

160 Indigenous despair, Daqin's rogue style! 【3/7, please subscribe】

"Help, save me!

"Ahhh, my legs, save me!

"What is this? Why can they fly in the sky? 35

In the cottage, the natives screamed in despair!

They were embarrassed to avoid the aftermath of the explosion, dragging their families and trying to escape from here, but they were attacked more violently, so they suffered heavy casualties.

"Damn, shoot them!"

"They are not gods, they are Qin Jun!"

"Shoot me with an arrow. 35

In the crowd, Yi Yu Song, who was tall, fierce-looking, and wearing a lot of silver ornaments, roared in exasperation.

With his roar, many natives began to fight back.

They pulled their bows and arrows in an attempt to knock down the hot air balloon in the sky.

It's a pity that most of the hot air balloons are more than 100 meters away from them at this time, and their range is completely out of reach.

"Leader!" An aboriginal reported anxiously: "The Qin army at the foot of the mountain has already been killed, let's withdraw!

"Get out, get out!"

原Yu Song roared in exasperation, and led his people into the forest as hard as he could.

But the Flying Fire Army still did not let them go. Once they found their traces, they immediately threw down the wooden handle grenades as if they didn't want money.

If this caused a forest fire, the burning natives would have nowhere to go, and the casualties would be heavy.

"Ha ha ha ha!

"Good! Well played!"

Tu Sui at the foot of the mountain was watching the battle with a binoculars in his hand, and he was in a very comfortable mood.

During this period of time, the sullenness of the birds who were attacked by the natives every day was completely expressed at this moment, and the soldiers of the Qin army were also sullen.

"General, let's attack~々!" The lieutenant said excitedly: "These natives have already been crippled, and the last commander only needs three thousand soldiers and horses to kill them. 35

"Don't worry, the Immortal Master and His Majesty once specifically stated that they should not fight with the enemy in the mountains and forests." Although Tu Sui was reckless, he remembered the warning before the battle, and said solemnly: "Though these natives suffered heavy casualties, they will definitely flee into the mountains and forests. Yes, how do we catch up in heavy armor?"

"Haha, order the Flying Fire Army to continue bombing, we have this wooden handle grenade, and we will have someone bring it over when we run out!"

"Whether they are hiding in the cottage or in the forest, as soon as they find their trace, they will bomb the motherfucker!

"As for the crops and fields on this plain, all are destroyed, and if they do not surrender, I will starve them to death!


The lieutenant holds his fist!

Excitedly, he took three thousand cavalry to carry out Tu Sui's order.

Most of the Baiyue terrains are hills and small earthbags, with some big mountains, and then there are large plains and fertile fields under the mountains.

These fields are a good place to be rich in water!

But with Tu Sui's order, the cavalry steadfastly pushed over, and the war horses trampled and crushed them, destroying the farmland in a mess.

Once these crops are destroyed, it will take at least a few months to replant them, which is a desperate time.

Soon the villages on the plains were either destroyed, surrendered, or hid in the mountains!

Life in the cottage was not easy either. The natives were like lost dogs. They were bombed today and fled tomorrow. The flying fire army in the sky was everywhere, and they could be found wherever they hid.

In fact, these are not the most important, after all, it is not difficult for Tibetans in such a large mountain forest, but the question is what do you eat?

The food in the cottage was burned, and the food carried by many people was eaten up in just a few days.

Once they descended the mountain, they were greeted by death!

But if they don't go down the mountain, they have to starve to death.

This rogue tactic made the natives cry out in despair, and their morale quickly collapsed in the panic!

It is only a matter of time before defeat and surrender!

"Okay, hahaha!" Tu Sui laughed with satisfaction: "I would have to see when Er waited to surrender. If you persist for seven days, you will be considered ruthless."

"General, the first and second divisions of the Flying Fire Army have just returned from the bombing mission, but the third division has lost contact." Another deputy general suddenly reported.

"What?" Tu Sui exclaimed in shock: "What's going on? How did you lose contact? These are all your majesty's golden lumps, and nothing can happen.

"..It should be that the fog has been too heavy recently and the wind direction has changed. It seems that they have been deviated from the route by the strong wind and temporarily lost their bearings." The lieutenant explained quickly.

"Look, send cavalry to look for it immediately!" Tu Sui roared anxiously: "We must find them back, hurry up!"


The lieutenant hurried away.

But Tu Sui's face became extremely ugly.

It will be dark soon, and if this flying fire army is not found, there will be great trouble.

First of all, in addition to one tank of fuel, each hot air balloon is also equipped with two tanks of spare fuel, usually whale oil and oil, which can burn for about two or three hours!

These three tanks of fuel can barely last a night!

The terrain of Baiyue is complicated, it is not easy to find a place to land, and who dares to land in the middle of the night?

In case of being discovered by the nearby natives, wouldn't (Li's) die?

But once the night falls, the visibility of the hot air balloon is greatly reduced. It is quite difficult to find the Qin army camp in this hilly area.

This is the rhythm of something big!

Tu Sui's brows were beating wildly, and he felt something wrong.

But he never imagined that the hundred hot air balloons of the third division of the Flying Fire Army were actually carried by the strong wind and deviated from the channel, drifting all the way to the southwest.

They want to land, but they don't have the conditions to land at all!

After nightfall, these soldiers did not dare to land at will, and could only barely gather together without falling behind, and then continued to advance southwest with the strong wind.

Barely hold out until after dawn, just when everyone's fuel is about to run out!

Not far below, a city gradually appeared, covering an area of ​​several miles.

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