At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

161 Accidentally drifting to the encounter in the ancient conch city! 【4/7, please subscribe】

This city is not very big!

It is smaller than the average Daqin county, the loess rammed city wall looks low and dilapidated, and there are many low-rise buildings in the city, most of which are wooden and earthen houses.

There is also a palace-like house looming in the city!

"What is this place? How could there be such a city in the land of Baiyue?

"My lord, what should we do now? The fuel is about to run out. Can't we land here?"

"It's possible to land here, but there are about 20,000 to 30,000 people living in the city, and there seem to be a lot of soldiers and horses. How can we fight the enemy?"

The soldiers of the Flying Fire Army suddenly became anxious!

Everyone held a walkie-talkie to talk, and used binoculars to observe the enemy's situation from time to time.

The people and the army in the city below had also discovered them. Many people walked up the street and looked up, their expressions full of astonishment. Many people were so frightened that they fell to their knees, thinking they had seen the gods.

"There are so many people in this city!"

Wang Qi, the main general of the three divisions, pondered secretly. He was probably in his thirties, and he was a side member of the Wang Jian family.

Because of his good background and his loyalty and courage, he was selected to serve as the general of the Flying Fire Army.

250 He could see at a glance that the population of this city was about 30,000 to 40,000 people, and the army should have 4,000 to 5,000 people, and it seemed to be the capital of a small country.

They should have drifted about four hundred miles in one night.

If you guessed correctly, at this time, it has left the land of Baiyue and came to the territory of the alien race.

If you look at the soldiers below with incomplete armor and ragged clothes, you can tell that the people here are very poor.

It is absolutely impossible to land at this time. Once the grenades and hot air balloons in everyone's hands land, they will become the spoils of this small country, and everyone will die here.

But it's too late to go, the fuel is about to run out!

The only option now is to start a war. Anyway, they are all aliens, and they will be destroyed while they still have the advantage of high altitude.

As long as he captures this city and enslaves the soldiers and civilians here, he can naturally know his position and send troops to ask for help.

For Wang Qi, there is no difference between fighting here and fighting Baiyue natives. Anyway, sooner or later, these lands will also be the territory of Da Qin.

"All troops obey orders, attack!

(bbed) "Down this city before it runs out of fuel!"

"Quick, quick, throw the grenade and blow up this General!""

Wang Qi ordered the attack without hesitation, and the other Flying Fire Army soldiers were also not timid, two hundred people dared to attack tens of thousands of people below.


The grenades were quickly ignited and dropped.


There was an earth-shattering explosion below, and all kinds of fires shot into the sky, and all the people in the city were stunned.

Many wooden houses were blown to pieces on the spot!

Many grenades exploded in the crowd, and the flesh of the explosion was scattered and bloody.

Screams and wailing, one after another below!

Tens of thousands of people watched and fled in panic, the scene was chaotic, and these small countries and widowers could not raise the slightest resistance.

"what happened?"

"What exactly is going on?

In a palace in the middle of the city, a squat middle-aged man hurriedly walked out. He was wearing a python robe and brocade clothes, which looked like the style of the ancient Shu Kingdom.

His name is Shu Pan, the former prince of Shu!

After Daqin destroyed the state of Shu, he fled, and finally came here to establish the state of Ouluo, calling himself the king of Anyang.

If Ji Han is here, he must know that it is called Guluocheng, located in Dongying County, 18 miles away from Hanoi, the capital of the later Annan Kingdom!

And here was also the capital of many historical dynasties of the Annan Kingdom!

Faced with this sudden blow, King Anyang was immediately stunned.

Looking at the hot air balloon in the sky and the Qin army, he couldn't help trembling with fright. He recognized the clothes and armor of the Qin army.

"Damn Qin people, it's them!

"How did they get here?

"Quick! Shoot them down!"

The King of Anyang was so angry that he screamed, and desperately organized his own soldiers to fight back. As a result, sporadic rain of arrows shot into the sky, not even hurting the Qin army.

Instead, Qin Jun noticed it!

More than a dozen grenades and several explosive packs smashed down with a roar, and an earth-shattering explosion immediately sounded near the King of Anyang.

Not only was the palace blown into ruins, but his personal soldiers were also severely injured, and King Anyang himself was almost killed on the spot.

"No! How could this be? 35


King Anyang desperately wanted to vomit blood.

He never thought that he would be attacked like this, which is completely incomprehensible.

Each hot air balloon of the Flying Fire Army carried three boxes of wooden handle grenades, and there were six or seven thousand grenades on one hundred hot air balloons.

With so much heavy firepower, the entire ancient conch city was bombed over and over again. At a glance, the entire city was already in ruins, and there were fires everywhere.

Countless civilians and soldiers were killed and wounded!

Many people were either buried under the rubble or died in the sea of ​​fire. There were screams and wailing from all over the city, and the scene was truly appalling.

However, in the eyes of Wang Qi and others, this scene did not arouse any pity from them.

Those who are not of our race will have different hearts. If you don't kill them today, it will be you who will die once you land.

Great Qin soldiers would not do such stupid things!

There will be no mercy in the slightest.

"Land now, the open space in front of the target city! 35

"After landing, the whole army assembled and entered the city, and those who dared to resist were killed without mercy!

Wang Qi gave an order, and the Flying Fire Army quickly landed.

The two hundred Qin troops gathered together and attacked Guluo City in a mighty manner!

The soldiers and people in the city had long lost the desire to resist, either running away in fright, or trembling on their knees in fright.

After a bombing, more than half of the soldiers and civilians in the city were killed or injured!

The remaining 10,000 or 20,000 people were quickly disarmed and guarded, and those who dared to resist were all executed.

When the desperate Anyang King was bound and thrown in front of Wang Qi!

This city of tens of thousands of people quietly fell into the hands of Da Qin.

But Wang Qi didn't know that this battle, which in his opinion was not worth boasting about, caused a storm in later generations under the influence of time and space.

"Note: Everyone knows where Annan is in the book. ".

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