At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

165 Global sensation, the brilliant glory of Daqin! 【1/7, please subscribe】

"Fake, this must be all fake!"

"How could there have been hot air balloons and grenades more than 2,000 years ago? Someone must have faked it! 99

"The King of Anyang is a handsome, powerful, great king who can tear apart tigers and leopards. How could he be so wretched?"

"Two hundred Qin troops want to conquer the ancient conch city, this is a dream!

Annan netizens began to keep clamoring.

People are constantly trying to find evidence that this is all false.

But all of this is so real.

No matter how they argue, it is difficult to explain how this strange space-time magnetic field phenomenon appeared.

It is impossible to find any flaws in the clothes, appearance, weapons and buildings of these ancients.

There is no trace of man-made in all this.

In the end they had to admit that it seemed to be true.

The ancient snail city, which they were proud of, was actually easily broken by two hundred Qin troops, and the so-called King of Anyang was kneeling on the ground like a dog.

"How could this be? It's impossible!

"Aren't our ancestors the greatest? Isn't our nation the most glorious?"

Annan felt aggrieved and wanted to vomit blood!

How proud they were just now, how embarrassing they are now.

Obviously no one laughed at them, but the shame and anger in their hearts was enough to drive them collectively crazy.

This is destined to be a disgrace to the Annan people.

Next, the picture played by the space-time magnetic field continued for more than an hour, and finally slowly began to dissipate.

Everything around began to slowly return to its original state, as if nothing had happened, and everyone saw the ancient conch city, a tourist attraction again.

But what happened just now has been unforgettable for a long time!

Next, the aftermath of this matter continues to spread!

The Annan police quickly took over the ancient conch city, and pulled up a long cordon, prohibiting anyone from approaching.

Even Annan officials have vigorously banned the spread of videos on the Internet, not allowing such humiliating things to spread.

It's a pity that in the Internet age, they simply can't cover the sky with one hand.

There are millions of netizens all over the world who have already saved this video and continue to share it.

In just half a day, the matter became a lot of noise.

As a result, this magical space-time phenomenon is very eye-catching.

Not only ordinary people talked about it with relish, but even scientists around the world couldn't help creating an uproar.

Second, the strength displayed by this Daqin has long exceeded everyone's understanding of history.

It not only shattered the pride and self-esteem of the Annan people, but also set off a wave of Daqin upsurge in various countries. Many foreigners knew about this magical dynasty, and many people in the country were also proud and excited.


A CCTV talk show, taking advantage of the fact that people around the world are paying attention to this matter and major media are scrambling to report it, a temporary extra episode of the show was broadcast along with the popularity.

In front of the camera, the hostess excitedly introduced to everyone: "Everyone, viewers, the recent phenomenon of the space-time magnetic field in Annan has caused a global sensation and great interest from scientists and historians from all over the world~々.

"Today we invited Professor Tang Zhengqing, a famous historian in our country. May I ask Professor Tang, what do you think of this incident?

Facing the camera and the audience at the scene!

Tang Zhengqing smiled politely and said: "First of all, this phenomenon of space-time magnetic field is not uncommon. For example, in a valley in a certain place, at a certain moment, there will be shouts of the army and some pictures. 55

"This is caused by geographical characteristics, weather changes, lightning radiation, and changes in the magnetic field caused by the war at that time. Our current scientific community has not yet had a profound study!"

"Professor Tang, do you mean that these are true?" the hostess asked excitedly.

"It should be true!" Tang Zhengqing replied: "I have carefully checked the video and found that these pictures have no problem with the costumes, clothes, and armor of the ancients. It is impossible for someone to fake it on such a large scale.

"Now scientists from all over the world have rushed to Guluo City to prepare for field research. I believe there will be a result soon."

"However, the information revealed by this incident has brought about a lot of innovation in the history of our Kyushu and even the history of the world!"

The more Tang Zhengqing talked, the more excited he became. If it wasn't for the recording of this episode, he would have to go to Guluo City to check it out in person.

And at this moment, he couldn't help thinking of the recent historical events and what his student Xu Chuyun reported to him!

All of this seems to be controlled by a black hand behind the scenes. These events have made many histories, which have long been conclusive, even more complicated and confusing.

"..If this incident really happened in history, then can we be sure that very advanced hot air balloon technology and gunpowder technology already existed in the Daqin era!"

"But we all know that gunpowder was only invented in the Tang Dynasty, I don't know if I'm right!

"Then why did they have such advanced grenades in the Daqin era, but there is no record of the use of gunpowder in the later dynasties?"

The hostess asked her doubts one after another.

Tang Zhengqing said (to Li's): "Actually, we had already invented gunpowder during the Warring States Period, but it was only officially applied to the military, probably in the Tang Dynasty.

"It is not unusual for Daqin to have gunpowder, but I never imagined that the Qin Dynasty's gunpowder use technology was so skilled.

"It seems that when the Qin Dynasty fell, many materials and craftsmen were lost in the war, so that there was no record of the large-scale use of gunpowder in the Han Dynasty!"

"Oh my God, this is such a pity!

"Yeah, Daqin was destroyed too fast!""

"Otherwise I don't know what Kyushu will be like.""

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV all sighed with regret.

At the same time, the brilliance of Daqin has once again deeply attracted everyone, making countless people become loyal fans of Daqin.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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