At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

166 The third door of light is about to open, who will it be? 【2/7, please subscribe】

Things in the ancient conch city are getting bigger and bigger!

Even someone like Ji Han who doesn't like to watch news and doesn't like to pay attention to the outside world already knows it.

"This? 39

Ji Han was speechless for a long time after watching the video!

Others would find this very shocking, but he was a little dumbfounded.

He never imagined that Lao Zhao's movement against Baiyue would be so big, and he accidentally killed Annan!

But thinking about it is also right, Baiyue and Annan are too close, the hot air balloon will arrive at any time, and the Anyang King deserves to be unlucky.

"System, what's going on with this space-time magnetic field?" Ji Han couldn't help but ask: "What is its principle? Is it really what scientists say?

"Yes!" The system intelligently replied: "A huge turbulence has occurred at a certain node in time and space, coupled with the power of the magnetic field, the energy interference such as the panic thoughts of the dead on the battlefield will form a space-time magnetic field, which will make such Events are recorded, and it is possible that these images will appear in later generations.


After Ji Han nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In this way, this kind of thing may happen a lot in the future.

Imagine Dongying, Goryeo, Maozi, 250 Mauryan Dynasty and other places, all of which have various space-time magnetic field phenomena.

At that time, all human beings will develop in astonishment, and their ancestors have been abused by the people of Kyushu. This is so interesting.

"Hahaha! 35

"Interesting, really interesting."

Ji Han couldn't help but feel a little bit of bad taste in his heart. It would be quite interesting if he could play the history of this country.

"Master, friendly reminder! The system intelligence suddenly said: "The third light gate will be opened tonight, so stay tuned. 35


Ji Han suddenly became interested.

The third door of light is about to open?

In other words, a new emperor is coming soon, right?

This is a bit interesting. I brag and fight with Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu every day. It's not bad to have a newcomer, and there are many people who play mahjong.

Maybe in the future, in the small manor of Ji Han, there will be a lot of emperors playing mahjong and eating hot pot, which makes people look forward to it.

"Who will come tonight?" Ji Han asked curiously.

"I can't tell you for the time being!" The system intelligently replied: "Please look forward to it. 99


Ji Han was speechless.

However, Daqin and Daming have developed smoothly recently.

Lao Zhao is busy attacking Baiyue to expand new land, highways are also being built, and everything is booming.

The same is true for Lao Zhu. He is busy expanding his army and building ships. He cannot make much progress in a short period of time, and is still in the stage of accumulation for the time being.

This time, there is another newcomer, but he can train and train well, but he doesn't know who it is.

"Yangzi, add a few more dishes tonight, there are guests!" Ji Han ordered casually.

"Yes!" Yang Zi quickly and obediently agreed, she asked curiously, "Sir, how many guests are there tonight? Would you like to prepare some special dishes?"

"No, you can cook whatever you want, just add a few dishes." Ji Han said indifferently, "By the way, what about Hu Hai?

"Practicing swordsmanship in the woods!" Yang Zi covered his mouth and chuckled, "Sister is training him, and now he has been able to fight over a hundred strokes with Sister Mu Shi without being defeated. The progress is really fast!"

Between the words, Yang Zi's eyes were full of pride.

First of all, she worshipped Ji Han, and felt that Hu Hai could make such great progress thanks to his help!

Second, she saw Hu Hai's change, which made her very happy. After all, the two were blood relatives, so she naturally hoped that Hu Hai would get better.


Ji Han nodded and acquiesced to Yang Zi's statement.

The recent changes in Hu Hai are indeed big enough. He practiced swords day and night, and he had to learn Sun Tzu's art of war, various battle formations, and the war experience of later generations.

All these made his whole person change rapidly!

And the great resilience of Tiannu blood, and the increase in bloodline, made him unforgettable, with unlimited potential, growing every moment.

I believe it won't be long before he can return to Daqin to serve, and Daqin will also have a terrifying prince.

It's just that Ji Han hasn't figured out how to arrange for his descendants.

The bug in this time and space is like a program loophole, and Ji Han can be programmed, and he is not reconciled if he does not create a powerful hidden family.

"Which family is good? How about Gu Wu?

"A group of people with the blood of Tiannu are born to be good materials for martial arts!"

"If you exchange some martial arts secrets for them in the system, and then order them to live in seclusion for generations, will there be a group of martial arts masters?

Ji Han pondered secretly, the more he thought about it, the more interested he became.

"Sir, it's still early!" Yang Zi on the side asked cautiously, "How about I play the piano for Mr.?"

"Fuqin? Good!

Ji Han agreed with a smile, and Yang Zi immediately jumped up and down happily.

She has liked to play the qin since she was a child, but she was itching for not playing it for a while, so Lao Zhao specially asked Lao Zhao to bring her a qin.

Sit up in this gazebo!

She is ethereal and immortal.

A pair of jade hands stroked the strings, and a beautiful rhythmic sound was transmitted to the surrounding, which added a sense of tranquility and peace to this small manor.

Ji Han slept beautifully on the reclining chair, quietly enjoying the perfect afternoon time, listening to Yang Zi's moving rhythm, and admiring her perfect appearance.

This kind of day is really an existence that gods can't change.

"Yangzi, how old are you?" Ji Han asked with interest.

With such a little beauty in front of him, any man who says he's not interested is a lie, and Ji Han is no exception.

Facing his scorching gaze, Yang Zi's pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Concubine, concubine body!" Yang Zi Nie Nie said: "In another month, it will be sixteen!"

"Only fifteen or sixteen years old? So young?" Ji Han was slightly disappointed.

"Sir, my concubine is not too young! Yang Zi was secretly anxious, and boldly said: "My mother and concubine were only fifteen years old when I was sleeping for the father, I can do it!"5

Ji Han was slightly taken aback!

Is it so direct?.

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