At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

167 Gate of Immortal Court, why can't we enter? [3/7, please subscribe]

How can Ji Han not know the feelings of Yang Zi and Wang Mushi?

The two of them have long been deeply attracted by his mysterious and unpredictable immortal master, and a heart has been quietly promised.

Even the topics they talked about in the boudoir every night, Ji Han knew all too well.

In addition, Lao Zhao often told Yang Zi to seize the opportunity and take the initiative to make substantial progress with Ji Han as soon as possible.

That's why she took advantage of this rare alone time today to summon up the courage to say so many embarrassing things.

After speaking, Yang Zi's face was already blushing, and she didn't dare to raise her head to look at him again.

"Hahaha! 35

Ji Han laughed dumbly, and immediately walked over to help her up lightly, and asked in his ear: "It's not too small, you have to check it to find out, right?"

Yang nourishes the heart and liver with tremors, and the eye waves flow!

He blushed and followed him into the room.

at dusk

Yang Zi left the room excitedly, and rushed to the kitchen to start cooking before Wang Mushi returned.

She and Ji Han didn't do anything, but they seemed to do a lot.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel ashamed, her mouth and feet tingling!

after nightfall

The outside of the small manor is shrouded in fog again, and the door of light flashes!

And just as the system said, the third door of light arrived as promised, quietly appearing in the fog.

As for the other end of the light gate connection, it is the Tang Dynasty!

Inside the Tang Palace, there is fog!

A huge gate of light stood on the square in front of the Golden Palace, which immediately caused a sensation in the entire palace.

Li Shimin, the eldest grandson, the princess, the eunuchs in the palace, the imperial guards, the palace maids, and various ministers in dragon robes surrounded the area in a short time.

Everyone looked at the door of light in the mist in amazement. It was shining, and it vaguely seemed to lead to a fairyland of birds and flowers, which attracted everyone to exclaim.

"What is this? Why does it appear here?" Li Shimin couldn't help but ask: "Zhu Qing, who knows?

"Your Majesty, it is rumored that there is an immortal vision on the coast of the East China Sea, this must be an illusory shadow!" Wei Zheng said quickly.

"Hehe, not necessarily!" The eldest grandson Wuji said solemnly: "What if this door of light is real, what if the immortal court messenger arrives?"

"What the hell is it, don't you know if you try it?'

Cheng Yaojin snorted coldly, waved his hand and ordered someone to step forward.

The two imperial guards stepped forward to check, but they were bombarded by the golden light on the spot, and they were almost shocked to vomit blood.

"This, this is not an illusion!

"Oh my God, is it really the Gate of Immortal Court?"

Everyone was in an uproar, and Li Shimin's eyes were even more fiery.

As an emperor, things like longevity and immortals are what he pays the most attention to. Now that he sees that there is really a gate of immortality in front of him, how can he not be ecstatic?

"Your Majesty!" The eldest grandson Wuji hurriedly cupped his hands and shouted: "There will be immortals coming later, and I also ask your majesty to set up an altar of three animals to welcome immortals.


"Hurry up and do it!"

Li Shimin waved his hand slightly excitedly.

After a while, the tribute table and blood food were placed here, ready to welcome the immortal.

But everyone waited and waited, but did not find any trace of immortals coming, which made everyone embarrassed.

"Could it be that the immortal wants to invite your majesty to be a guest in the immortal court? So when this door is opened, we have to step into it?" Cheng Yaojin raised his opinion curiously.

"This statement is reasonable, this minister agrees!"

"The minister also thinks it should be so!

"No, no, who knows what's behind this door? What if His Majesty steps on it and gets damaged?"

The civil and military officials suddenly quarreled.

Li Shimin immediately frowned and scolded: "Quiet! Zhu Qing and I came forward together, and let's see how this immortal sect reacts."


Everyone agrees!

As Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin's courage was quite astonishing. He was not afraid of any danger behind this door, so he raised his legs and walked over.

··For flowers.....

The others followed suit!

But soon everyone was stunned, because this door of light seemed to have wisdom.

Except for Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin, all the others were blocked by the golden light it radiated.

If you dare to break in, you will be knocked out on the spot!

"What, what's the point of this? Why can't we enter?" Zhangsun Wuji was full of unwillingness.

"Hahaha!" Cheng Yaojin laughed proudly: "This is the immortal's invitation to His Majesty to set foot on the gate of the fairy garden. How can you wait for the old man to enter? Go and go, just wait for me to protect His Majesty."

"Hey, you old Cheng is so crazy! 35

"Cheng Heizi, don't be complacent.


"If you have the ability, let's fight for three hundred rounds.

All the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty were angry, and everyone's eyebrows and eyes were raised, which made Cheng Yaojin smile again.

"Your Majesty, let's ignore these vulgar people, let's walk around, let's step into the fairy garden first, I will protect His Majesty comprehensively." Cheng Yaojin patted his heart and assured.

"it is good!"

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction!

He took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, raised his foot and stepped directly through the door of light!


After a ray of light flickered in front of him, he and Cheng Yaojin came to an unfamiliar place.

This is a huge estate!

Surrounded by mountains in the distance, chickens and dogs hear each other.

The picturesque scenery in the park, a strange building and many strange lamps, made the two of them stunned.

There seems to be a faint sweetness in the air, and taking a deep breath can make people full of strength.

"This, is this a fairyland?" Li Shimin exclaimed.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!

Cheng Yaojin suddenly shouted loudly, and his tower-like body immediately stood in front of Li Shimin.

Because he found three middle-aged men not far away, staring at them speechlessly, two of them still wearing dragon robes.

"You are the newcomers? Why are you dawdling? I've been waiting for so long!" Ying Zheng begged in dissatisfaction.

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