At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

169 The boasting of the two powerful kings, Li Shimin is ignorant! 【5/7, please subscribe】

For thousands of years in China, there are hundreds of emperors!

But there are not too many people who are really famous and remembered by the world, and Li Shimin is one of them.

Just now Ji Han was still curious, who will appear in the third gate of light.

It looks good now, and there is a Tang Taizong!

"Okay, no need for extra courtesy, everyone here is a guest, all sit down!"

Ji Han waved his hand indifferently and greeted him.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, and he had too much contact with Chongzhen Yingzheng, his mood became more indifferent.

If he had met Li Shimin before, he would have been extremely surprised.

But now he didn't react much, as if he had met an ordinary guest.

And his indifference also made Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin more cautious.

"Sit down!" Ying Zheng reassured him casually: "Mr. is easy-going, everyone should not be too restrained, or else they may make Mister unhappy!

"Haha 11 Ha, yes yes yes, it's time to eat and drink!

"Sit down, everyone!"

"Huh? It's a good dish today, let's have a few drinks first."

Chongzhen and Wang Ben opened their mouths to take their seats one after another, and the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more eager.

After Li Shimin sat down with Cheng Yaojin, he was shocked by the fragrant dishes and wine.

After a few sips of wine and food, the two of them were suddenly full of emotion!

It is indeed a fairyland, this wine and food is so delicious, the delicacies of mountains and seas they have eaten in the past are like pig food.

"Old Zhao, the Daqin troops have been fighting fiercely recently!" Ji Han joked while eating and drinking: "There is a team of Flying Fire Army that accidentally killed Annan Kingdom, it's amazing!

"Hahaha!" Ying Zheng laughed proudly when he heard the words: "Sir, what you said is that this guy Tu Sui is very competitive, and he has won every battle in Baiyue, all of which are due to the guidance of Mr.

"I was also taken aback when the battle report came out. This flying fire army is really powerful. The Baiyue natives changed their expressions when they heard it, and they were so frightened that they lost their minds!"5

"There is also a team of Flying Fire Army, which accidentally deviates from the route, kills the ancient conch city hundreds of miles away, and captures the king of Anyang!

"If I hadn't seen this globe, I wouldn't know where the ancient conch city is. It's really refreshing, hahaha!"

Ying Zheng talked eloquently, and it was obvious that there had been frequent good news recently, which made him feel quite refreshed.

It seems that after playing for a month or two at most, this Baiyue Land can be easily won, and it is strange that Lao Zhao is not happy.

"Brother Shi Huang is amazing!" Chongzhen also quickly showed off: "However, I haven't been idle recently. Besides expanding the army, I have also copied the David offices in Northern Zhili, killing tens of thousands of people and killing more than 60 million acres. Nationalize the land!

"After half a year at the most, there will be more than 600,000 new troops under my hands, hundreds of thousands of large ships, and the entire army must be equipped with artillery and firearms!

"And these shotguns and mortar shells, all of which have been successfully developed, and their power is quite terrifying, thanks to the guidance of Mr.

Chongzhen and Ying Zheng sing together!

Li Shimin listened with admiration.

He wasn't a fool either, so he could see that all of this was true.

That is to say, Ji Han, the immortal, has summoned emperors from different time and space here.

Then Ying Zheng and Chongzhen got huge benefits after his guidance, right?

Not sure what benefits they get though!

But Li Shimin is envious. If he could have come here sooner, he would definitely have made a lot of money.

Of course it shouldn't be too late now.

Li Shimin's mind was sprouting, and he secretly reminded himself that he must curry favor with this Immortal Master.

After a few more drinks!

Li Shimin couldn't help but ask tentatively: "Has the first emperor already started his southern expedition to Baiyue? But Tu Sui led the army and sent 500,000 troops? 35

"It's natural!" Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Although Tu Sui led the army, he only sent 50,000 troops, and now all the Baiyue tribes who have already fought are crying for their fathers and mothers!

"Oh yes, my Daqin just destroyed the Huns, and even the city of Manchester was blown up!

"I have even been given a golden elixir to prolong life for a hundred years by the immortal master. Now Daqin has immortal grain potatoes and various high-yield grains, paper newspapers, highways, and gunpowder hot air balloons. Worry about it! 35

Li Shimin was stunned again when he heard the words.

This Qin Shihuang actually knew that the second world died?

Has Daqin now changed so much?

Chongzhen also continued to preach: "What is this, my Ming Dynasty is really developing well. I was going to be defeated by the rebel army, but thanks to the guidance of Mr. to save my life! 35

"Now I have countless guns in the Ming Dynasty. The shotgun you just saw is not worth mentioning. My Ming army went to war, and it was a flintlock gun. The roar of artillery crushed thousands of troops!""

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen are two forced kings, constantly boasting and showing off!

Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin were startled when they heard it, and the two kept gasping for breath like a douchebag, and the small manor of Ji Han was about to have a greenhouse effect.

Under the boast of Ying Zheng and Chongzhen, Li Shimin quickly figured out the changes of the Ming Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty, and also knew the sharp horror of guns and artillery.

All this made Li Shimin's eyes red with envy.

If the Tang Dynasty had these things, why couldn't it be prosperous?

"Sir!" Li Shimin got up excitedly and said: "On behalf of Tang Wanmin, I begged Mr. to give me treasures. If I can give such treasures, I am willing to pay any price!"

"Cibao? You want these things, wouldn't you trade with Lao Zhu and Lao Zhao?" Ji Han said indifferently: "Nowadays, Daqin Daming can communicate with each other, and you are qualified to step here, which means you You can trade with them and buy whatever you want!"

"This statement is reasonable, Lao Li, don't bother Mr., if you want guns, I will sell it to you later!""

"Hot air balloons or something, how about I send you a hundred pieces!

Ying Zheng Chongzhen waved his hand and immediately made a big gift.

This made Li Shimin very happy, and he was excited and grateful.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Ying Zheng smiled and waved his hand: "I have a doubt now, Mr. once said that I was the emperor of all ages, and Chongzhen was the emperor of the subjugated country. I don't know what comment this old Li should have?" "

This question immediately stunned everyone!

At the same time, everyone was also interested.

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