At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

170 comments, Li Shimin's three fatal flaws! 【6/7, please subscribe】

"The first emperor is a good question, and I am also very curious."

"In the 289th year of the Tang Dynasty, it was all thanks to Emperor Taizong's painstaking management, and even all nations came to court to rule Zhenguan. In my opinion, this old brother Li should be an emperor through the ages!"

Chongzhen highly respected Li Shimin and gave a very high evaluation.

But Li Shimin couldn't be happy at all, because he heard a key word - the two hundred and eighty-nine years of the Tang Dynasty!

Is this too short?

He also dreams of being able to live forever!

Ying Zheng saw what he was thinking and said with a smile: "Wait, who didn't know that I, the Second Emperor of Qin, died? But now? Everything has changed. say?""

"The first emperor means that the national fortune can be changed?" Li Shimin exclaimed.

"Bullshit!" Chongzhen sneered disdainfully: "My destiny is that of the king of a subjugated country, and he should be hanged on the coal mountain, but who can let me hang himself now? With the guidance of Mr., why can't you be prosperous?


"Please also give pointers, sir! 35

Li Shimin suddenly realized that he was secretly excited!

He had just heard Chongzhen's evaluation of him as the first emperor of the ages. Although it was not as good as Ying Zheng's evaluation, it was enough to make him proud.

Now he is looking forward to hearing Ji Han's evaluation and his advice to Datang.

He is very concerned about whether he can also get a comment from the immortals.

"Actually, the Tang Dynasty has always been my favorite dynasty." Ji Han said while drinking a little wine: "But if you want to say that Lao Li is the emperor of the ages, I'm afraid it's a bit too much. 35


Everyone was stunned for a moment, is Li Shimin unworthy?

"Mr. is wrong!" Cheng Yaojin said unconvinced: "My emperor diligently loves the people, respects the virtuous and corporal, treats the people leniently, hands-on in everything, selects the virtuous, how can I not be called an emperor through the ages~々?"

"Zhijie, don't be rude!" After Li Shimin scolded, he quickly said apologetically: "Sir, don't get angry, Zhijie is reckless by nature, please tell me what is wrong with me, and I will change it!"

"Actually, you are not bad!" Ji Han nodded and continued to comment: "When he was young, he was diligent in political affairs, and he was a good emperor. Otherwise, he would not have created the current situation of the Tang Dynasty. !

"But in fact, the prosperity of the early Tang Dynasty was mostly just an illusion. There are a lot of such examples in history!"

"For example, the Ming Dynasty in Chongzhen was destroyed during the Little Ice Age. At that time, natural and man-made disasters continued, but after the Little Ice Age, it ushered in the so-called prosperous age of Kang and Qian!"

"This is actually just a joke. Everyone in the world thinks how wonderful the prosperous times of Kang and Qian are. In fact, it's just that the weather has changed and the people have recuperated and recovered a little bit of vitality."

"The same is true of the Tang Dynasty at this time. After the demise of the Sui Dynasty, the population of the whole country was only more than 2.9 million households. It is too early to say that the Tang Dynasty was prosperous? It is too early to say that there is one emperor through the ages?"

Ji Han's words immediately made Li Shimin's face full of embarrassment!

It also made Chongzhen realize something, this seems to be the case.

Sometimes, after years of great disasters and wars, the people are miserable, suddenly stop fighting and rest for two years, which will immediately give people the illusion of a prosperous age.

But in fact, how can there be so much prosperity!

Even Li Shimin's Zhenguan Zhi, in Ji Han's view, is a lot of water.

"Today's Tang Dynasty has just been established, with strong soldiers and numerous worthy ministers, but anyone with a little brain can become emperor, and he can make this wasteland country gradually develop and grow!"9

"In fact, Lao Li, you can be considered to have created the rule of Zhenguan. During your reign, the population, economic level, and national strength have all grown by leaps and bounds!"

"It stands to reason that you should be regarded as the emperor of the ages, but in my opinion, you are just an emperor of ZTE, because you have three fatal flaws!

Ji Han talked and said something that made Li Shimin's heart skip a beat.

"Three fatal flaws?"

"Sir, what is the defect?

Li Shimin got up anxiously, at this time he couldn't sit still a bit!

"Haha, this old Li has three fatal flaws?"

"It's interesting, sir, please say it!

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen immediately became interested.

Especially Chongzhen, he has read Li Shimin's proud achievements countless times in the history books, and even his little fan brother, he is extremely respected!

But now that he heard that Li Shimin also had fatal flaws, he was naturally very curious.

Defect 1: good face!" Ji Han said straight to the point: "Old Li, you have no shortcomings, you just want face, and your vanity is very heavy, and you are fanatical about pursuing eternal life!

"You, I can't wait for everyone in the future to praise you as an emperor through the ages, and you don't allow yourself to appear a little bit of blemish, and once it appears, you will try your best to cover it up!

"For example, with the change of Xuanwu Sect, you are afraid that others will look down on you for killing your brother, and you have to learn from old Zhao, who is called a ruthless and ruthless person, what is killing a brother, and this big thing is worth your mind?

"And this Wei Zheng, didn't he put pressure on you in the name of all the people in the world? It's fine if the advice is reasonable, but sometimes it doesn't make sense, and you have to lick your face and praise others for being awesome!"

"It's really shameful for a generation of emperors to do what you do, and they have to suffer for their face, and give people a handle without knowing that they are hungry!"

Ji Han's frantic rants made Li Shimin's face embarrassed.

He opened his mouth to refute the defense, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Sir is right!" Ying Zheng said dissatisfiedly: "Little brother, you have a problem with your brain, reputation and face are used for shit, can you eat or drink? I don't care, everyone in the world says I am What about tyrants? My Great Qin is still strong!"

"This statement is reasonable!" Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh: "I think that I was like this before. The ministers taught their ancestors one by one, and one by one left their name in the history. They used the benefit of their tongue and reputation to bind me, this death. Wanting face is really the biggest flaw of the emperor!

"Everyone is right!" Li Shimin said unconvinced: "But don't I listen to the advice and don't care about the opinions of the world? Isn't this stupid? 35

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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