At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

173 Wave after wave of humiliation, do you still have the face to be called the emperor of the ages?

Li Shimin's emotions have gradually gotten out of control!

The repeated blows from the future made him seem a little at a loss, even annoyed, and wanted to draw his sword to kill on the spot.

At this time, how could he still have the face to call himself an emperor of the ages!

Wave after wave of humiliation, shameful!

If he really doesn't change these histories, he will be embarrassed to meet his ancestors when he goes underground in the future.

"Wu Zetian's real name is Wu Zhao, his ancestral home is Wenshui County, Bingzhou, and he is only two years old now.

"You don't have to rush to kill her, I still want to take her as a maid in the future, so I will keep her for the time being!

"Of course, even if you kill it, it may not be useful. As long as your old Li family is still the emperor of Li Zhi, then there will be Liu Zetian and Song Zetian "two six seven" days without Wu Zetian!

"So the reason why Tang Dynasty was usurped by a woman was mainly because you didn't know anyone well and were indecisive!

Ji Han's words quickly made Li Shimin calm down!

He frowned and thought for a moment, then asked back: "Sir, it's understandable that I don't know people well, but when did I become indecisive?"35

"Do you know why Li Chengqian chose to mutiny instead of putting the good prince inappropriately?

Ji Han asked with a playful face!

Li Shimin is full of ignorance again, is it because of him?

"Yes, it's because of you!" Ji Han continued, "Li Chengqian was intelligent, benevolent, and loved since he was a child, and he was made a prince early on!"

"But since ancient times, the crown prince has suffered many hardships, and he is no exception. As the heir of the Tang Dynasty, he has naturally suffered from suspicion and attacks from all sides. Many careerists can't wait to discredit him every day and pull him off the throne!

"At the same time, with the birth of other princes, you gradually neglected him, and you turned a blind eye to the slander and attack of others, and refused to support him, leaving him to bear all this alone! 35

"In addition, he suffered from leg problems and inconvenience since childhood, in this case, his mood gradually turned black and distorted, his personality became different from ordinary people, and he even fell in love with male pets!

"In the end, after he confirmed that he might be deprived of the crown prince, he decisively followed your military advice to seize power. Whose fault do you think this is?

Every word of Ji Han made Li Shimin be struck by lightning!

He took a few steps back in horror, and almost fainted on the spot.

His beloved son, Li Chengqian, would be distorted by his own efforts in the end?

Will he end up on the same path as him?

If all this is true, then all of this is really Li Shimin's fault!

He was not upright, was unkind to his father, and finally forced his own children to learn from his own military counsel and forced the palace. He is the biggest culprit! "As for why you are indecisive! Ji Han continued: "Because you are in the cold with Li Chengqian and his son. Afterwards, you already have the heart of abolishing the prince, but you are tangled and hesitant to make up your mind! 35

"If you want to abolish the crown prince, you can abolish the crown prince. You have to talk to this minister today and talk to this minister tomorrow. The city is full of turmoil, and Li Chengqian is forced to be insane. Do you think it's your fault?



Li Shimin's face was pale, he never imagined that he was so unbearable, is this really him?

"It's true in historical records!" Chongzhen exclaimed: "In the past, when I read historical records, I only thought that Li Chengqian was unfaithful and unfilial. Today, it seems that he is not at fault! 99

"I'm sorry for Chengqian, I'm sorry for my ancestors, it's my fault!" Li Shimin whimpered bitterly, turning back and forth in his heart.

Originally, he heard that Li Chengqian was going to rebel, and he was going to clean up this guy when he went back, but at this moment, boundless guilt surged in his heart.

After all, he is the eldest son he loves the most!

Ji Han explained, how could he still hate it?

"Sir, if I stay firm and take care of Chengqian carefully, can his fate be changed? Can I change the fate of the Tang Dynasty? 55 Li Shimin sincerely asks.

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded solemnly and said, "Li Chengqian is only eight years old at this time, nothing has happened yet, you still have a chance to change!

"You do your best to cultivate him, love him, don't let anyone slander and criticize him at will, firmly maintain his status as a prince, and let him grow up in a healthy way!

"In the future, I will give you Jin Dan to cure his leg disease, why worry that his heart will be twisted? Why worry that he will betray?"



"Well said sir!

"I am so grateful!"

Li Shimin burst into tears and was full of surprises!

Because Ji Han's words not only saved his son, but also saved the Tang Dynasty..

This avoids the situation of father and son cannibalism!

After Li Shimin calmed down, he thought about it seriously. Ji Han's three-point evaluation of him was really intricate.

If these three defects can be corrected, why can't the Tang Dynasty prosper?

"Sir, do you have any other advice?" Li Shimin asked expectantly: "I humbly beg Mr.

"I can't talk about it!" Ji Han waved his hand indifferently and said, "There are actually three main reasons for the demise of the Tang Dynasty, one is the serious land annexation, the second is the internal party struggle, and the third is that the system got out of control, which led to the suppression of the army. Repeated rebellion!

"These are problems that many dynasties need to face and solve. Even the Great Qin and Great Ming dynasties have to face these problems!"


"I have thought many times that if we want to solve these problems thoroughly, we must establish a very perfect system.

"What system?"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, and Li Shimin all started to ask questions.

After all, these problems are what they are about to encounter, or are encountering, if there is a solution, how can they not be interested?

"This system model, I call it a centralized system!" Ji Han said with great interest: "It was born out of some advanced systems in later generations, and then integrated the advantages of imperial rule. Let's listen to it, if you like it, you can Use as appropriate!""

"Please teach me sir!"

Everyone was secretly excited again.

Great centralized system? This thing sounds awesome.

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