At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

174 Ji Han's centralization system, every word is precious! 【3/7, please subscribe】

Ji Han is someone who likes to think!

During this time, he had been thinking that the demise of all dynasties in Kyushu was due to some reasons, such as land mergers, such as partisan disputes!

Can these problems be completely solved?

The answer is yes, but it is very difficult!

First of all, the capitalist socialist system of the later generations is not suitable for Lao Zhao and others in the imperial society.

He said these systems, Lao Zhao and the others would not agree to implement them, even if he was an immortal master, no one would give up their rights.

Do you want to try to implement the voting system in Daqin? They all have to call you brainless.

Therefore, the system envisaged by Ji Han is a system based on the rule of imperial power and then strengthening the rule of imperial power.

"Presumably you should all know!" Ji Han said eloquently: "If you want to maintain a stable regime, you must firmly hold the imperial power in your hands, including military power, political power, tax power, and land power. Right, right of inheritance!"

"So the fundamental purpose of the Great 11 centralization system I set up is to strengthen the imperial power and reconcile the contradictions of various classes, thus forming a virtuous circle!"

"The first is military power - the emperor's control over military power must be strengthened. A large dynasty has about one million soldiers and horses. Some dynasties, such as the Song Dynasty, like to adopt a military layout of internal strength and external weakness. In the hands of the emperor, he controlled 800,000 forbidden troops, and only scattered weak troops were set up in all parts of the border to prevent the border troops from splitting up.

"In the late Tang Dynasty, because of the defense against foreign enemies, they used the strategy of being strong from outside and doing things in the middle, that is, deploying heavy troops on the border. As a result, the town of Jiedu caused everyone to support their own troops and be lawless!"

"These two strategies have their own advantages and disadvantages. I think we can make a compromise. Take the army of one million people in the world as an example, 500,000 people are in the hands of the emperor, and they are arranged around the capital, and the remaining 500,000 people are sitting on the border. This problem can be solved. !"

"This not only ensures the emperor's control of military power, but also ensures the stability of the border. If something happens, hundreds of thousands of troops will be killed, and everyone will be terrified!

Ji Han's eloquent talk caused everyone to think deeply!

Indeed, if an emperor has too little control over military power, he will have to do something wrong.

Chongzhen could not help but subconsciously reflect on himself and a series of policies formulated by the Ming Dynasty. For example, the Nine Frontier Army was too big.

If half of the world's soldiers and horses are concentrated near the capital, it can really shock the states and make no one dare to mess around.

"But sir!" Chongzhen couldn't help asking: "There is a problem with this, that is, once there is a war on the frontier, it will be difficult for the soldiers and horses of the capital, which are far away, to rush over!"

"That's why I asked you to build roads!" Ji Han explained with a smile: "You think that if there are a large number of highways and railways, you can transport thousands of miles in one day and night. Do you still have to worry about enemy attacks on the frontier?"5

"You only need to arrange a small number of troops and horses to control the main level. Once an enemy attack is encountered, it can be killed by a large army after a short delay. Who is not afraid?"

"And in the future, with the development of Daqin and Daming, foreign wars will always only be fought by us. How dare foreign races fight us?"

Ji Han's domineering remarks made Chongzhen and Ying Zheng nod again and again!

This is indeed justified. A strong nation is never defenseless. If you have the ability, you can come and try it, and see if I don't hammer you to death!

There is absolutely no need to hoard hundreds of thousands of troops on the border all the time, like guarding against the Huns, which will easily lead to a situation of division of military power.

Ji Han's advice is really valuable.

With a little modification, it can become the layout plan of Lao Zhao and others. This kind of knowledge of the bitter and bitter history of various dynasties is very helpful to them.

"It turns out that in the later period of the Tang Dynasty, there will be situations where frontier troops support their own self-respect. It is no wonder that the country has been in the country for more than two hundred years. It is better to take more precautions!" Li Shimin was secretly vigilant.

"The second is the regime!" Ji Han continued: "You should all know that the longer a dynasty lasts, the more severe the party struggles will be!

"For example, eunuchs interfering in politics, harem interfering in politics, civil servants and parties fighting against differences, and confrontations between noble families and the imperial court will continue to occur, which will greatly consume a country's national strength and eventually lead to the country's demise!

"Old Li, you should know that the Sui Dynasty perished because of Yang Guang's confrontation with aristocratic clansmen, and even your Li family was originally a clan clan, and now there are various clans behind you to support and control you!

"If you can't solve these problems, you know better than me what the consequences will be in the end!

When Li Shimin heard this, he was in a cold sweat again!

Recently, he has always felt that the Tang Dynasty is full of vitality, everything is prosperous, and it seems that there are no shortcomings.

But he forgot the control power of the aristocratic clan over the world, which is absolutely unimaginable. His Li family is now the biggest clan in the world.

"Sir, how should this matter be resolved?" Li Shimin asked sincerely for advice.

"If you want to maintain a stable regime, you must improve the imperial examination system, implement universal education, implement fair and just selection of officials, high salaries and integrity, strictly prohibit corruption, and strictly prohibit party struggle!" Confused.

Until everyone understands what this means!

Chongzhen's eyes couldn't help but burst into a strange brilliance, because he was in a later age, and he borrowed a lot from historical books, and indeed felt some of the drawbacks of the regime.

In just a few dozen words, Ji Han set off a huge wave in his heart. This is really a gem of words.

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin didn't quite understand it, especially Lao Zhao didn't know what the imperial examination was, so his comprehension was much worse!

"What is the purpose of your series of actions now?" Lao Zhao was puzzled.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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