At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

175 High salary and honesty, Zhu Yuanzhang is the most stingy? 【4/7, please subscribe】

Facing Lao Zhao, who has a strong thirst for knowledge

Ji Han can only explain patiently: "Party disputes and clansmen are in the final analysis because of the monopoly of knowledge. You see, there are very few scholars from all dynasties and generations, especially in your Qin Dynasty, non-rich families are not allowed to study!

"This will lead to a kind of knowledge monopoly, the rich and powerful will always be in power, the poor will always be poor, and then a family of large and small families will be formed, and in the end, they will fight for their own interests in the court!"9

"So if we want to solve these problems, we must first realize universal education, so that more and more people can acquire knowledge and let this class flow!

"Then we will realize a fair and just new imperial examination, select talents from the people, and put an end to the monopoly of noble families recommending each other to become officials!

"In this way, wouldn't the foundation of the aristocratic family be dug up? Wouldn't the party struggle be minimized?"

"And then cooperate with some anti-corruption and anti-corruption measures and select fair officials, and the whole country will be reborn!"

Ji Han talks eloquently and freely!

In just a few words, the problems that plagued the emperors of the past dynasties will be troubled, and a relatively excellent solution has been come up!

At least for Li Shimin, these measures are a huge life-saving straw, and it is also an absolute weapon for him to fight against the clan.

"Sir, what does this high salary mean?"

Chongzhen took out some pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and while recording Ji Han's famous words, he asked inexplicably.

"High salaries to keep clean, is to give officials and small officials absolutely high salaries, so that they can eat and drink without worry, and even equipped with carriages and horses, so that they can support their families and work with peace of mind!"

"Why do corrupt officials in all dynasties continue to be killed? Is it really just because of corruption? No! Most officials are corrupt because of poverty!"

"Especially your Ming Dynasty is extremely weird. Your ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang is the most stingy, and the guards system is implemented to support soldiers. Let the soldiers farm the land to support themselves without spending a penny~々!"

"Keeping officials is also a terrible search. They often don't get paid for several years, and even if they do, they only give out a small amount of rice!"

"People who are officials and officials need to keep cars and horses, support their families, and socialize. Do you think they can not be greedy in order to survive? 35

"So even if Zhu Yuanzhang slaughtered the Quartet and killed wave after wave of corrupt officials, the officials are still greedy one after another. That's the truth! 35

Ji Han's streak made Chongzhen a little embarrassed.

He did know these things. His ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang was indeed a rather stingy person. In addition, he hated corrupt officials, making him a real killer of corrupt officials.

It's a pity that no matter how he kills, there are still too many corrupt officials!

Chongzhen couldn't figure out why, but this was the crux of the matter.

"People are afraid of death!" Ji Han continued: "Most people are really not at the level where they can die for money. You support them with a high salary and let them do things for the people without any worries!

"On the one hand, we will strictly investigate corruption, and then we will implement some joint system, such as embezzling more than money, punishing the descendants, or the descendants are not allowed to be officials for three generations!"

"One-handed sweet dates and one-handed sticks are enough to make ninety percent of the officials in the world not dare to be too arrogant, and this country has hope! 99

"well said!

"Sir is right!"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, and Li Shimin all nodded.

Ji Han's remarks can be said to have insight into the weakness of human nature, and it is indeed a good idea.

These words also gave Lao Zhao and the others a lot of inspiration.

They pondered silently, and each one gained something.

This scene made Ji Han burst into laughter. He felt that he could hold a training class for emperors. In the future, all dynasties and generations will be his students!

"The third step is the right to tax!" Ji Han continued to talk eloquently: "To collect taxes means to hold the lifeblood of the country. This thing must be controlled and no one is allowed to intervene!"

"For example, many counties around the country have the right to collect taxes, so there have been various showdowns and various layers of taxation, which must be resolutely put to an end!"

"You must hold all kinds of taxes in your hands, and then spend money to support officials and soldiers, and let them know that you are supporting them! 55

"Then there are some adjustments to the tax rate. Now Daqin is in the process of eliminating a series of corvée and miscellaneous taxes, reducing agricultural taxes, encouraging the common people to cultivate, and adding business taxes to increase treasury revenue! 35

"With such a series of means, a country can maintain a virtuous circle and become stronger and stronger!"

Ji Han said that Ying Zheng and Li Shimin also learned from Chongzhen and began to record, but now they are afraid of missing a word.

As for land rights, it is to nationalize the land, distribute the land to households, and strictly prohibit random buying and selling, and strictly prohibit land mergers!" Ji Han said with a smile: "Now Lao Zhu's Ming Dynasty is trying to implement it, what is the effect?"

"Excellent!" Chongzhen raised his head excitedly and said, "I have taken back all the military fields in Beizhili, with a total of more than 60 million mu, and more than 20 million taels of silver!"

"Then these fields have been gradually distributed to hundreds of thousands of new troops, and many refugees who don't have fields have been absorbed. After the land was distributed to them, the people were excited to give me a longevity card!

The more Chongzhen talked, the happier he was, obviously he had tasted the sweetness!

If it weren't for the fact that the new army had not yet been trained, he would have to implement (Wang Zhao) this division of fields all over the world.

"That's right!" Ji Han commented with satisfaction: "You will find that there is a huge difference between the division of fields and households and the old guardhouse system. In the past, a guardhouse divided a large field, and now it is a soldier division. Dozens of acres of hungry!

"And these fields are all owned by the state, and they are just allocated to them for cultivation. If they want to obtain these fields forever, they must serve the country honestly and be loyal from generation to generation!

"The common people have land to grow and food to eat. Are you still afraid of them rebelling?"

"As for the last right of inheritance, which is also the most meaningful, you must have a system that ensures that your heirs from generation to generation are good enough! 99


This sentence immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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