At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

177 Arms dealer Zhu Youjian, slaughtering fat sheep! 【6/7, please subscribe】

"Brother Shimin, to tell you the truth, we are poor in the Ming Dynasty!"

"I can only make a living by doing arms business. You can choose whatever you like, as much as you want!

Chongzhen smiled and solicited business!

Recently, he felt the huge profits of arms business, so he was very enthusiastic about it.

But this made Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin look at them - they were stunned.

How did he take out so many things—? Where did he hide it?

"This is the trading ring given by the gentleman. It contains endless space. If you put ten mountains in it, you will not be satisfied. It is as magical as the fairy's sleeve in the legend!""

"Later, you can ask Mr. to give you one, and then trade with us, which is convenient and fast!

"Oh yes, I don't accept gold or silver, only food!"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up when he heard the words!

He dreamed of this kind of fairy goods.

But he wasn't too embarrassed, after all, what if Ji Han didn't give it to such a precious thing?

Li Shimin struggled for a while!

Before he could ask for treasure, Ji Han threw out a wrench with a laugh!

"Hey, it's yours!"

"Since you can step into this place, it means that you are eligible to obtain this emperor's trading wrench!"

"It can not only store things, but also can trade with other emperors at any time, and it can also have communication functions and automatic master protection functions!

"You will understand this in the future, study it yourself! 99

Ji Han inadvertently warned, but Li Shimin was like a treasure.

He never thought of such a precious thing, Ji Han handed it to him so easily.

"Well, thank you sir!

Li Shimin's excited speech was incoherent, and Ying Zheng Chongzhen was contemptuous by this appearance he had never seen before.

"Don't get excited, little brother, come and try the goods!"

Chongzhen grabbed a shotgun, inserted two bullets domineeringly, and then handed the gun to Li Shimin.

"You know this thing, the Tang Dynasty already had gunpowder used in the military, just hold the trigger!

"Its feature is that it is easy to reload, invincible in close combat, swept away with a single shot within 50 steps, and the ghosts are easy, and no one can stop it!

Chongzhen boasted for a while!

After Li Shimin took over the shotgun, he looked at it with admiration, and finally fired a shot not far away tentatively!


The huge roar shook everyone's ears!

I saw the flames spray, bullets flew, and a tree not far away was beaten into a hornet's nest on the spot.

"Come on, try these!

Chongzhen then demonstrated his product again. The flintlock gun has a long range and is suitable for long-distance strikes.

Mortars and unscrupulous cannons are terrifyingly powerful!

The wooden handle grenade is flexible and changeable, it is a must-have for home travel, murder and arson!

Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin's excited eyes light up!

If these things can be brought back to the Tang Dynasty, they will definitely develop.

Li Shimin was overjoyed: "It just so happens that these Turks are about to attack our city of Chang'an by surprise. I am still thinking about where to send troops to encircle and suppress them. Now that there are such treasures, why do we need to fight?"

"Hahaha, if there are 3,000 of these wooden handle grenades, it will be enough to make 100,000 Turks vomit blood in despair!" Cheng Yaojin was also very excited: "Your Majesty, buy it! You must buy it!""

"Yes, you must buy it!" Li Shimin quickly asked: "Brother Chongzhen, how do you sell all these?

"One stone grain for a wooden grenade, one grain for mortars, heartless cannons, flintlock guns, and one grain for shotguns, one grain for bullets, 10 grains for one bullet, and one grain for cannonballs!"

Chongzhen happily said his price!

"Hi! 35

Ying Zheng, Ji Han and the others took a deep breath, and everyone looked at Li Shimin with a hint of sympathy.

No wonder Chongzhen is so warmhearted, he clearly wants to take advantage of him.

Lao Zhao was also slaughtered by him once before, and it was a big loss for a small wooden handle grenade for more than 100 catties of grain.

Now that Lao Zhao can make this thing himself, he doesn't buy Lao Zhu, so Chongzhen turned his head and tried to cheat Li Shimin.

・・For flowers.......

In fact, if you buy it at this price, a small amount is fine. If it is a large-scale battle, it really won't hurt!

Just throw a wave of grenades out, and hundreds of thousands of catties of grain will be gone, which will hurt everyone.

But Li Shimin doesn't think it's expensive!

Because he still doesn't understand the real cost of this thing.

So he not only does not feel expensive, but feels very cheap.

"Okay, that's the price!"

"I want 1,000 mortars and 1,000 unscrupulous cannons each, with 20,000 shells!""

"Three thousand flintlock guns and 100,000 bullets!

"One thousand shotguns, fifty thousand bullets!

"How about 10,000 wooden handle grenades? 35

Li Shimin made a big order!

He had just been enthroned and proclaimed emperor, and he had money and food in his hands. Although Datang had just experienced war, the population was small and there were still a lot of food rations.

Hundreds of thousands of stones are just drizzle to him!

Therefore, Li Shimin was so angry that he threw thousands of gold in one fell swoop, completely ignoring the sympathetic eyes that everyone looked at him.

"Okay! Hahaha!" Chongzhen said in surprise: "There are firearms and artillery. You asked for a total of 100,500 stone grains. Just give 100,000 stones, and I will give you 3,000 wooden handle grenades!"

"As for the transaction, it's also simple. After you go back, you can just put the food in this ring. We can trade directly from the air and use it as you like!""

"So good, so good!

"Come on, hahaha, have a drink!"

"I respect you, brother, you are so arrogant, I like it!"

Chongzhen and Li Shimin made a deal, and immediately happily hooked their shoulders on their backs, both of them felt that they had taken a big advantage.

At least for Chongzhen, although there are still not enough firearms to equip all the new troops, but the Daming War Bureau and Artillery Bureau are producing at full capacity every day, it is not difficult to squeeze these things out!

One hundred thousand stone grains, but more than ten million catties!

How many ordinary people have to be supported, just thinking about it makes him begging happily.

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