At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

178 What stinks so much? Sir, are you actually cooking shit? [7/7, please subscribe]

"Congratulations, brother Chongzhen, for making a good business!" Ying Zheng smiled enviously: "If you say that, I can't help but want to make a business with brother Shimin!"

"Oh?" Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "What business does the First Emperor want to do with me?"

"He wants to sell you grain seeds!" Ji Han saw through Ying Zheng's mind at a glance, and smiled: "Bang! Oh, my brand is good, Lao Zhao has recently planted a lot of grain in Daqin Guang, he Now he is the biggest landlord in the world!""

"I finally met a fat sheep like you, oh no, I finally met a rich man like you, can he not make a fortune from you?

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. who knows me too!"

Ying Zheng laughed calmly, seeing that Chongzhen made a fortune, he was moved.

I've been out of luck recently, and I've lost a lot of "two six seven", but I have to make a lot of fat sheep.

"Brother Shimin, have you ever heard of Baishi Immortal Grain Potatoes? It's a good thing that yields hundreds of stones per mu, and is suitable for vegetables and grains. With it, you will no longer have to starve to death in the Tang Dynasty!"

"Do you know about corn? This stuff produces 20 to 30 stone per mu, and it's delicious when steamed and boiled. It's a delicious food!"

"Do you know about cement? Let sand and gravel condense into stone, and use it to build roads that are smooth and durable. The built highways extend in all directions, which can travel thousands of miles a day, and can open up commercial and grain roads, and it will not be muddy at all on rainy days! 99

"I don't want your food like Chongzhen, you can just give gold, iron ore, saltpeter ore or something!

When Ying Zheng blew it, Li Shimin's eyes lit up again. Needless to say, these must have been sent by the Immortal Master!

Datang really does not have potatoes and corn!

Li Shimin will not face famine in the short term, but who would think that he has too much food?

And this cement, it seems to be very awesome!

"First Emperor, how do you sell your potatoes, corn and cement?" Li Shimin asked, breathing faster.

"It's not expensive, the grain is 10 taels of gold and one stone!" Ying Zheng said cheerfully: "As for the cement, I'll give you 100 packs first, and I'll buy it from me if it's good for use!

"Ten taels of gold and one stone?"

"My God, Lao Zhao, you are even darker!"

Everyone was speechless, this guy Chongzhen is already black enough, who would have thought that Lao Zhao was even blacker!

The price of potatoes for gold is awesome!

"I'm not a profiteer, these potatoes are immortal grains, and I don't have much in Daqin!"

"And you don't need to buy more of this stuff, just bring some back and use it as a seed to sow. You can buy and sell it with a hammer. Of course, I have to sell it more expensive!"

"It's a big deal, this cement will be cheaper for you in the future, and the price will be lower if you purchase it on a large scale!

Ying Zheng's righteous words immediately made everyone speechless.

What this swindler said makes sense.

"Buy! I bought it!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said: "The seeds of potatoes and corn are 1,000 stone each, and I can still afford 100,000 taels of gold in the Tang Dynasty. 99

"Good! 35

"Hahaha, cool!"

"I'll give you 100 more grain seeds when I look back!

Ying Zheng happily decided this big deal!

Ji Han was dumbfounded while watching, Li Shimin, who was taken advantage of, was slaughtered by them because he joined late.

But this wealth is nothing to everyone!

Chongzhen and Ying Zheng were just joking.

"Yangzi, go to the kitchen and bring out the good things I made!" Ji Han ordered with a smile.


Yang Zi had a weird face and walked into the kitchen with a smile!

After a while, she walked out holding a large stack of black things, and a strong stench began to permeate the surroundings.

"What's the smell?" Li Shimin frowned and immediately reprimanded Cheng Yaojin: "Zhijie, why did you take off your shoes? Hurry up and put them on, what should you do if you smoke the immortal master? How can you be so rude?"5

"Your Majesty, I didn't take off my boots!" Cheng Yaojin blushed, desperately trying to prove his innocence.

"How dare you make a quibble? How can you smell so bad without taking your shoes off?" Li Shimin's eyes widened in anger, and everyone burst into laughter!

Ji Han shook his head and smiled: "This is stinky tofu, a good thing, come and come, eat it! Oh yes! Mu Shi put some stinky tofu and grilled it, this thing is also extremely delicious when grilled!"

"Is the smell coming from this thing?"

"Oh my God, it smells so bad! Sir, are you actually cooking shit?"

"Such a stinky thing is comparable to Cheng Zhijie's stinky feet, how can it be eaten?"

Everyone's faces changed wildly, and Li Shimin even remembered some bad pictures, and almost spit it out!

These are Ji Han's secret stinky tofu!

He quite likes these snacks, he can tinker with them when he has nothing to do, they are absolutely authentic.

Moreover, when Wang Mushi put some stinky tofu on the barbecue grill, a visual sense of boiling feces came to his face, and the stench was even more intense.

Everyone was stunned, is this thing really edible?

"Come, eat, good food!

"Eat it all, if you don't eat it, you will lose face!"

Ji Han urged with a smile, everyone took a few bites of stinky tofu, resisted the urge to vomit one by one, and found that it didn't seem to be unpalatable.

And the more you chew it, the better it tastes!

"Smell the stench, eat the strange fragrance, this thing is really amazing!

"Sir, how is this stinky tofu made?"

Everyone is curious!

"What's this, it's not made of tofu!" Ji Han said indifferently: "There is tofu in the dish you ate just now. This thing is made of pressed soybeans. Oh yes, soybeans were also called shu in the Qin Dynasty. , you can ask Yang Zi for the specific method! 99

"This thing is very good, go back and let the cook make some!"

"Tofu is also good, fragrant and delicious, really good!

Everyone was talking and laughing, playing mahjong and eating some stinky tofu.

These 4.3 ancient bosses have another quirky hobby.

"By the way, Lao Jin, your feet smell bad?" Ji Han asked with great interest.

"Hu, nonsense, nothing, absolutely nothing!" Cheng Yaojin blushed and retorted.

"Actually, you don't have to be so excited, there is a way to cure foot odor!" Ji Han comforted.


Cheng Yaojin was immediately excited when he heard the words.

"Of course it's true! 35 Ji Han pointed out: "You go back and boil a large pot of hot water, add ginger, onion, garlic, and then add spirits to cook, soak for half an hour, then chop off your feet, once Radical never recur!

Cheng Yaojin:

Li Shimin:



"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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