At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

179 Hu Hai's Special Warfare Training? Why are you blushing? [1/7, please subscribe]


Everyone was full, and after three hundred rounds of mahjong battles in a row, they all retreated contentedly.

Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin were secretly excited.

They have been busy for so long without feeling tired at all. This trip to the wonderland has made them addicted and rewarded a lot!

"Sir, do you have any other orders?" Hu Hai said respectfully: "If not, I have to go and bathe the wild boar!

"Wait!" Ji Han suddenly took out a book and said, "This is for you, try to memorize it overnight, and then go to the mountain to train! 99


"What is this?

Hu Hai took the book with a face full of astonishment, and it actually had a few big characters written on it.

This is Ji Han specially collected from the Internet, and collected from the military of various countries with hacking skills, and then converted into a book in Xiaozhuan script.

That is to say, this is a special forces training manual suitable for Hu Hai, which will make Hu Hai quickly mutate into a special force.

Although Ji Han did not train him systematically like the army, Tiannu blood and recent sword training have laid a solid foundation.

Now his combat power is stronger than that of ordinary special forces, and his physique is still increasing, and sooner or later he will become a super master.

At this time, I taught him some skills, and it was easy to make him a special soldier, and from then on, Daqin could have an army of special operations.

This is what Ji Han wants to see too!

"It will help you in the future after you have read and studied it carefully! 33 Ji Han solemnly instructed: "From tomorrow onwards, you should stop practicing swordsmanship, go into the mountains to hide, don't bring food and water, and live in the nearby mountains and forests for seven days. During this period, the wild boar family will hunt you down, so be careful!"


Hu Hai's face is full of confusion, what kind of training is this?

This book has a few big characters written on special operations. What is this?

"Special operations is a special team that gathers the most elite forces of the entire army to form a special team that infiltrates with sharp knives and performs important tasks such as beheading, assassination, intelligence gathering, etc.!"

"After you return to Daqin, you can form a team like this. Imagine if you can roam the battlefield wantonly and assassinate the commander of the opponent at will, what a terrible move!"

"You will become the king in the dark night, and you will make the enemy army feel frightened and cry for father and mother!"

"How? Do you do it?"

Ji Han's face is bewitched!

Immediately, Hu Hai's stimulating eyes lit up.

This guy likes to be in the limelight, he just imagined this scene, and he couldn't help secretly ecstatic.

This is who he wants to be!

"Done!" Hu Hai said excitedly: "Sir will definitely not lie, I will study it carefully!"


Ji Han nodded in relief!

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi, who were on the side, looked at Hu Hai with sympathy.

This unfortunate child still doesn't have a long memory, and only cares about being in the limelight, and doesn't want to risk it at all.

Will Ji Han make his seven days comfortable?

Although everyone doesn't know what the wild boar chase is, all fools should know that it must be a near-death situation.

Otherwise, how can Ji Han be sure to make Hu Hai a quick success and become a special warfare expert in seven days?

"Go ahead, start tomorrow morning!

"The wild boar family will go after you with all their might. Once they kill you, they will all get a Spirit Beast Pill reward, so they will go crazy, so be careful."

Ji Han kindly reminded!

The excited Hu Hai was struck by lightning.

He looked at this demon in disbelief, and his body couldn't help trembling.

What the hell, a dozen wild boars chased him?

And it's the kind of thing that's going to die?

Is it so cruel?

The wild boars Ji Han raised in this mountain are not ordinary wild boars. After being nourished by various auras, their physique has become stronger, and their flesh has become tougher. Now even tigers and leopards dare not fight against them. ah.

If a charge hits it, it will kill you!

"Sir, don't!" Hu Hai screamed in horror: "Why don't we do this, can we stop practicing?"

"Of course not!" Ji Han decisively refused. He glanced at Xiao Hei, who was bored and bored, and said with a smile: "Xiao Hei, you also join the pursuit. Killing him will also reward him with Spirit Beast Pill."5


Blackie got excited right away!

It started jumping up and down, looking at Hu Hai with a hint of schadenfreude and cruelty.

"My God!

Hu Hai was so desperate, he could only shrink back into his kennel and began to study this special forces cheat book, hoping that he would not die too miserably tomorrow.

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction, and then went back to his room to rest!

dark night

After Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were busy with everything, they lay down in the soft bed and chatted happily.

"Hehe!" Wang Mushi said gloatingly: "Hu Hai, this stinky boy, has suffered this time, and the wild boar army will definitely take care of him tomorrow!"

"Will he really be killed?" Yang Zi said worriedly: "Xiao Hei's nose is very smart, if it joins the pursuit, who can hide in the forest?"

"It's alright, let's just die. If he's been killed by a bunch of animals after training for so long, he's not capable!" Wang Mushi pouted indifferently!

Yang Zi was a little worried, but in the end she didn't dare to say anything more about 267, because she knew that Ji Han's decision would never change.

"What a domineering guy!

Yang Zi frowned and hummed softly, thinking of what Ji Han had done to her today, she couldn't help but blush.

"Huh? Why are you blushing? Is it hot?" Wang Mushi was surprised.

"No, no, I'm so sleepy, go to sleep!" Yang Zi evaded with a guilty conscience.

"No, you girl, didn't you do something shameful with Mr. He?"

"Speak quickly, or I will be punished!

Wang Mushi kept asking, and after scratching the itch a few times, Yang Zi finally raised her hand and surrendered, whispering a few words in her ear.


Wang Mushi's face immediately turned red!

She was embarrassed and at a loss, and said angrily: "How can you do this, sir? Isn't this too much? How can you be allowed to do such a thing when you are so young?

"Sister is fine, sir is very gentle to me!" Yang Zi weakly defended.

But Wang Mushi said angrily: "No, how can this be, you can't stand it at a young age, and you shouldn't bear such pain, let me do it!""

After speaking, she walked to Ji Han's room without hesitation!

Yang Zi:

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