At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

180 A civil servant should take care of his own affairs! 【2/7, please subscribe】

Datang Chang'an

The once bustling streets are deserted

The streets were full of soldiers assembling, and many people looked out from the doors and windows in panic, only to see that the street looked a little messy.

The city wall was also filled with a large number of soldiers. Li Shimin took the civil and military officials to the north, and he could see that there was an endless cavalry battle formation in the distance.

The Turks are here!

After Lao Li returned to the Chang'an Palace from the fairyland, he immediately ordered people to collect information from all parties. As expected, he found that the Turks had already entered Jingzhou, but the frontier army had never reported it.

In this regard, Li Shimin is naturally annoyed!

Originally, he was going to gather the surrounding army to come to King Qin, and then prepare to wipe out the Turks.

But when he traded rings with Chongzhen Yingzheng, he had a lot of firearms and artillery in his hands!

These powerful epoch-making weapons gave him sufficient confidence, and he was confident that with the help of the tens of thousands of defenders in Chang'an City, he would completely clean up these Turks!

Therefore, not only did he not send a large army to the Wei River to intercept it, but instead he let the defense line be withdrawn and let the Turks kill all the way, and finally came to the outside of Chang'an City.

"Damn Luo Yi, it's really a beast!

"And this Ashina Duobi is also a perfidious villain, this time they will definitely have to go back and forth!

"Your Majesty, I would like to lead the army to destroy them!"

"Everyone, don't be reckless, the Turks are huge, and there are only tens of thousands of defenders in Chang'an City, so you can only wait for help, and don't rush in! 39

Cheng Yaojin and a group of civil servants and generals quarreled one after another.

Most of the generals wanted to go to war, and most of the civil servants wanted to stand guard or negotiate peace, which created huge differences.

Li Shimin did not listen to everyone's opinions patiently as he did in the past. He just looked at a seven- or eight-year-old boy beside him.

This is his eldest son Li Chengqian!

At this time, he stood beside Li Shimin like a little adult, looking at the Turks from time to time, obviously very scared, but he tried his best to be brave.

Over the years, with the birth of other sons and daughters, Li Shimin has indeed neglected Li Chengqian. At this time, seeing him like this, he can't help but feel a little distressed and relieved.

After Ji Han's instruction, he already knew how to treat his son, so there was a little softness in his eyes.

"Qian'er, are you afraid~々?" Li Shimin asked with a smile.

"No, not afraid!" Li Chengqian raised his face and said solemnly: "Father, the child is not afraid! 35

"Hahaha, you have my style!" Li Shimin said with a big laugh, "How about waiting for the emperor to take this Ashen head for you?"

"it is good!"

Li Chengqian nodded happily and agreed!

In his little brain, he had no idea how risky this move was.

After hearing about it, the Tang civil and military officials were horrified!

Li Shimin is going to fight? This is no joke.

There are hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops outside the city. Even if they want to fight, they are fighting in a huge city. How can they take the initiative to attack?

"Your Majesty!" Qin Qiong said anxiously, "There are less than 40,000 defenders in the city of Chang'an, and excluding 30,000 foot soldiers, the cavalry is only over 10,000, how can they fight? 35

"No need to say more, I have been waiting for today for a long time, and I have already made full preparations!" Li Shimin waved his hand decisively: "Cheng Yaojin, led three thousand cavalry to fight with me, who else would like to go?"

After speaking, Li Shimin glanced around with tiger eyes!

Qin Qiong, Li Jing, Yuchi Gong and other generals were shocked, and everyone's hearts were suddenly boiling!

Although I don't know why Li Shimin was so determined and bold, everyone saw the figure of the former King of Qin from him.

"Okay, Your Majesty is heroic and extraordinary, I am willing to go!

"What's the fear of death, we are willing to go!"

"I accompany Your Majesty for a walk! Hahaha!

The generals laughed, and no one was timid!

Seeing this, Wei Zheng scolded angrily: "Naughty, nonsense, how can the state affairs be so childish? How can the emperor's body of gold be easily suspected, the minister does not agree, and please ask your majesty to take it back!

"Please, Your Majesty, take your life back!"

The other civil officials shouted and knelt down one after another, and everyone stood in front of Li Shimin to prevent him from acting recklessly.

Especially Wei Zheng said: "If your majesty wants to act recklessly, you will be spurned by the people of the world and the history books of all ages. If your majesty wants to leave the city, please step on the corpse of your minister!"5

"..Ha ha!"

Li Shimin burst into laughter!

Wei Zheng has come to the same old way again, why don't he put on a big hat and put it on.

If it was in the past, Li Shimin would have to be frightened by him!

But since he was instructed by Ji Han, he didn't care about his reputation or face, and he didn't care about his eternal life.

"Wei Zheng, do you think I'm a stupid pig?" Li Shimin asked with interest: "Do you think I've lived too long and want to die?"5

"I dare not!" Wei Zheng quickly retorted.

"You dare not? I see that you are very brave!

"I have been preparing for this battle for many days, and I have absolute certainty to wipe out the enemy's army. If you delay the fighter plane, can you be held responsible?

"As a civil servant, you should take care of your own affairs. When will it be your turn to dictate the war?"

"I know you have good intentions, so I tolerate you again and again. Do you think I dare not kill you?"5

Li Shi (Wang Zhao) Min shouted loudly, and Wei Zheng's face changed wildly.

He originally wanted to argue one or two more, and even tried to persuade him with death, but after thinking about the meaning of Li Shimin's words, he couldn't help but become silent.

Does he really have a plan?

"Your Majesty forgive me, the old minister is reckless! 35

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Zheng finally chose to back down!

This not only surprised everyone, but also made Li Shimin uneasy.

"Okay, let's see how I defeated the Turkic hunger!

"All soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Li Shimin drew his sword and roared excitedly!

"Kill the enemy! 35

"Kill the enemy!""

"Kill the enemy!""

Inside and outside the city walls, an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded, and the Turks in the distance from the powerful army could not help frowning secretly.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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