At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

191 Large-scale vaccination of cowpox, bless the Ming Dynasty! 【6/7, please subscribe】

Ming Dynasty

Taiyuan Prefecture

The situation of the smallpox epidemic has become more and more violent. More than hundreds of people have fallen ill every day, and the whole Taiyuan Prefecture is also panicking.

Fortunately, Chongzhen himself was in charge, coupled with tens of thousands of troops patrolling day and night, and the unlimited supply of the state granary, so there was not much riot.

The smallpox virus sent by Ji Han has also been injected into the calves in large quantities. In just two days, ten healthy calves were infected with smallpox and covered with abscesses!

These abscesses have begun to be inoculated in large quantities!

After a simple training, the doctors brought by Chongzhen from the capital began to vaccinate the people from door to door!

They stained the venom with needles, then punctured the arm of the people, and completed a simple vaccination with ease!

After the vaccination, most of the people will have some mild symptoms such as discomfort, fever, and blisters, which really caused a lot of people's panic at the beginning!

However, with the passage of time, these conditions quickly improved and disappeared, and the common people became more accepting of this vaccination method.

Then, Ji Han's second batch of cowpox vaccine arrived!

The addition of these modern vaccines has greatly improved the speed of vaccination. Chongzhen even asked the medical soldiers in the army to help inject 280 shots!

In just a few days, most of the people in Taiyuan Prefecture were successfully vaccinated!

After confirming again and again that the vaccinated people were immune to the smallpox virus, Chongzhen naturally smiled.

The people are also grateful to him.

Wherever Chongzhen went, the people all knelt down with excitement, and many even set up longevity cards for him.

"Sir, elder brother Shi Huang, younger brother Shimin, have you seen it?

"This is the grand occasion of vaccination with cowpox. Now that it is confirmed that vaccination with cowpox can really prevent smallpox, the people are so happy that they take the initiative to queue up to be vaccinated! 35

"Now the smallpox in Taiyuan Prefecture is basically under control. In the future, I plan to vaccinate cowpox for free in all the prefectures in the world. From then on, I will no longer be afraid of smallpox in the Ming Dynasty!"

"This is the merit of Mr., thank you sir!"

After Chongzhen turned on the live communication function, he was excited to show off to everyone!

When Ying Zheng and Li Shimin saw this scene, they were naturally envious.

"Brother Chongzhen, your cowpox is a (bbed) good thing, you have to leave some for me!

"Yeah, such a fetish, my Tang Dynasty also needs to be vaccinated by the whole people!"

"With this thing, people will no longer have to be troubled by smallpox in the future, this thing is very good!"

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin praised them again and again!

The two of them can't wait to get this thing back immediately and inoculate their own people.

"Hahaha, it's easy to say, it's easy to say, the cost of this thing is not high!" Chongzhen said generously: "I will get some cowpox for the two of you, and you can go back and cultivate with calves, as much as you want!"

"it is good!

Ying Zheng and the two are smiling happily!

The success of cowpox in Taiyuan is a great event for everyone, and it has a profound impact on Daqin, Daming, and Datang.

"Old Zhu did a good job, I promised to give you a big gift before, let's give it together now!

Ji Han laughed and praised. At this time, his divine power has recovered hundreds of thousands, which just happened to bless the Ming Dynasty with a good weather BUFF!

Although it may not have much effect on the troubled Ming Dynasty, it is better than nothing!

"Thank you sir! 9

Chongzhen excitedly looked forward to it.

After a while, the sky above Taiyuan City was the same as the one that had appeared in Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty. Thunder and lightning began to appear, and the clouds were dense.

This strange celestial phenomenon made many people tremble!

Everyone looked up and watched in panic, all of them were frightened by this earth-shattering celestial phenomenon.

"Oh my God, what happened? It was a sunny day just now, why is it suddenly cloudy?

"There's something wrong with this astronomical phenomenon, how come there are so many thunder and lightning? It's scary!"

"This is God's anger, what's going on?"

The people were terrified and talked a lot, and even many superstitious people have begun to pray with words.

After a while, the 10,000-foot statue appeared from the void again!

This time, the illusion manipulated by Ji Han was more realistic, and hundreds of millions of rays of light filled the surrounding of the statue, which instantly shocked the people of Taiyuan City.

"God, my God, it is God! 35

"The gods have appeared, it's really the gods!

"Get down on your knees, quick!

Millions of people fell to the ground in a moment of excitement and piety. They prayed desperately and watched the miracle that made them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

A trace of the power of faith began to gather from all directions, and the number of Ji Han's followers skyrocketed again.


Chongzhen was very surprised when he saw this, and he knew that Ji Han would definitely brag to him in public.

In this way, his reputation as the son of destiny was completely established. From now on, he is a man blessed by God, and how many thieves have come to the wind.

But Chongzhen never expected it!

Today's Ji Han had an idea and wanted to play something different!

I saw that he was controlling the statue and raised his hand, and the sky unexpectedly dropped hundreds of millions of divine lights, directly shrouding Chongzhen's head, setting him off like a son of god!

"Oh my god, my lord!"

"God is on the blessing of the Holy Spirit!"

The surrounding people exclaimed in unison, many soldiers were stunned, and everyone couldn't help but feel envious.

"Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty, a talented man in both civil and military affairs, who combined leniency with strictness, tried his own risk, and treated millions of people with cowpox!

"Give a hundred years of longevity, and give Daming good weather and good weather! 35

The god statue speaks the truth and echoes in all directions!

Millions of people were all excited and ecstatic, and everyone bowed and kowtowed.

"Long live my emperor!"

"Long live the gods!"5

"Long live my emperor!

"Long live God!

Everyone shouted excitedly, Chongzhen's reputation continued to skyrocket at this moment!

When the idols turned into hundreds of millions of golden lights and shrouded them, the national fortunes of the Ming Dynasty skyrocketed!

The good weather BUFF is also officially blessed!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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