At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

In 192, the cooperation of the three dynasties complemented each other, and the Persians had problem

"Hahaha, I finally have the approval of Mr., and the Ming Dynasty finally has the blessing of Mr., okay, great!

"Thank you sir, thank you! 35

"When I look back, I will build a holy temple for Mr., imitating the appearance of the Great Qin Temple, so that Mr. will enjoy the incense of the Ming Dynasty forever!"

Chongzhen is excited and happy!

It was a great joy for him to receive the blessing of the statue in public this time, and all the people who saw this scene were completely convinced by him!

He is an emperor recognized by the gods!

The people are in awe of the imperial power, but they are in awe and worship of the gods. With the gods behind them, what is there to be afraid of in Chongzhen?

At the same time, his control in the army will be further enhanced.

Since then, with his order, countless soldiers will throw their heads and blood for him, and no one dares to betray ~ change!

Even if the generals like Huang Degong and Cao Bianjiao were confused and wanted to rebel, the soldiers under their command would never agree, and they might even cut them down!

Because they were facing Chongzhen, who had been recognized by the gods, everyone was only willing to follow him.

The benefits during this period are too great!

So much so that Chongzhen couldn't help but tremble in ecstasy.

"Sir, it is really hard to repay the great kindness and virtue that you have given us!" Li Shimin also said immediately: "I have ordered people to build holy temples, and I will build holy temples in all the prefectures of the Tang Dynasty in the near future. cloud!"

"Haha, so good!"

"Sir, for helping us like this, we deserve to enjoy the blood of the people!"

"In the future, during the festivals, I have to bring hundreds of officials to incense!

Ying Zheng and several people were chatting happily!

Ji Han couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard the words.

But this is a good thing for him, at least the number of believers has surged, so he won't worry about the lack of divine power in the future.

"Don't just think about building a holy temple!" Ji Han reminded: "You should also focus on developing your own industrial system, infrastructure, and popularizing education. If you have nothing to do, you can learn from each other's strengths and cooperate with each other!"5

"Sir taught me that we should indeed be so!

"Yeah, Daqin is now popularizing education for all, and I, the Tang Dynasty, should also start preparing. Recently, I not only want to build roads, but also want to prepare an official academy!"

"My new army in the Ming Dynasty has become more and more well-trained, and my control over Northern Zhili has become stronger and stronger, and this road construction has to be put on the agenda!"

Ying Zheng and the three of you talked about their own development.

Ji Han immediately smiled with satisfaction upon hearing this!

That's right, the methods are all handed over to you, you don't know how to learn from each other and develop, are you still waiting for me to supervise?

If such three dynasties work together and develop together, the future will definitely be quite ferocious.

"Sir, it just so happens that everyone is here, I have a problem, and I would like to ask you to help solve the puzzle!" Li Shimin suddenly asked for help.

"What problem?

Everyone was stunned, this guy just destroyed the Turks, and it should be up and running, what else could be wrong?

"In the past half month, after learning of the great defeat of the Turks, all ethnic groups in the Western Regions have sent envoys to pay tribute!

"But at this time a Persian businessman gave me a big problem!"

"He offered a gadget called a nine-curved treasure box, and said that whoever could use a silk thread to pass from one end to the other, he would express his sincerity, or he would ask for preferential treatment when trading in the Tang Dynasty!99

"This has stumped me to court officials, and many great wise men are willing to give in, I really can't afford to lose my face, so I asked for help from Mr.

While talking, Li Shimin took out an iron box. Through the video communication, everyone could see the whole picture clearly.

This is an iron box inlaid with some rubies and emeralds, but it is sealed all around, and it is difficult to open it by violent means, leaving a small hole at each end!

However, no matter how Li Shimin tried, it was difficult to thread the thread from one end to the other.

Apparently, this Persian saw that Li Shimin was too arrogant recently, so he made some small moves to disgust him, first to step on Datang's face, and secondly to gain some benefits.

・・For flowers.......

"Brother Shimin, can't you just smash this thing open and take a look?" Ying Zheng laughed and joked: "How can you tolerate this alien race being complacent in the court?"

"First Emperor, this thing cannot be violently smashed open, otherwise my Tang Dynasty will be even more embarrassing, and the barbarians of the alien race will say that I have no one in the Tang Dynasty!" Li Shimin complained gloomily.

"Hahaha! 99 Chongzhen laughed: "These foreigners are so arrogant and domineering, if they were me, I would have to cut them down. ""

"I can't cut it, doesn't it make people say that all of us in Kyushu are stupid?" Ji Han laughed dumbly: "But this kind of rubbish is also here to show off, this Persian is really ridiculous."5


"Sir, is there a way to crack this box?" Li Shimin was full of surprise and anticipation.

Ji Han rolled his eyes dejectedly: "Isn't it just a small labyrinth box? There is a twisting labyrinth inside, the box is sealed, how can I get through it by ordinary means? 35

"At this time you just need to find a big ant, or a fly, tie a thin silk thread, and stuff it into a hole!

"Put some sweet honey in another hole, and the little insects can easily find the best route from the dense maze with the smell!"

Ji Han's instructions made Li Shimin sigh in surprise!

"Wonderful, this plan is very good, Mr. is really talented!"

"It's so simple? Admiration, admiration!

"Why didn't I think of it! It's a good idea!"

Ying Zheng Chongzhen also praised it one after another!

But Ji Han rolled his eyes with disdain.

"This kind of pediatrics is also played, it's really funny! Ji Han said impatiently: "It seems that this Persian is very confident in his own wisdom, Lao Li, you have to step on them, don't embarrass us!

"Oh yes, I'll make some gadgets for you later, you have to be mad at these guys!

"Thank you sir!"

Li Shimin was instantly ecstatic!

"Today Chapter Seven, Asking for a Flower Evaluation Ticket" beg.

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