At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

196 thousand-year-old ancient martial arts family - Qinjia Village! [4/7, please subscribe]

Experiment plan for Ji Han

Ying Zheng naturally cooperated with all his strengths, from the creation of the human being to the production, and then secretly sent someone to take away the maid for placement, and quietly created a bloodline inheritance!

This is extremely confidential!

Except for a few people, no one knew at all.

With the passage of time, this incident has also been quickly submerged in the long river of history.

A burst of time and space correction quietly appeared again!

Because of this incident, many miraculous changes have taken place in later generations.

Most people don't notice these changes at all, but Ji Han felt this subtle change early in the morning.

First of all, there are hundreds of his followers in this world, and most of these people have strong blood of Tiannu!

Secondly, Ji Han also felt more than 100,000 thin Tiannu blood people.

What does this represent?

On behalf of this guy Hu Hai, one person created a race!

As a result of the time and space correction, there were as many as 100,000 people with Huhai bloodline.

However, most of them have very thin bloodlines, and they have lasted for dozens of generations in 280. No one knew that their ancestors were Hu Hai!

In the end, the hundreds of guys with strong bloodlines must be the inheritors who kept their names secretly in Ji Han's plan and escaped the correction of time and space.

"They are more than 300 miles southwest of Dongshan City, in a small mountain village? 99

"So close? Huh? Still living together?

"Yes, yes, all of them are surnamed Qin?"

"That's right, I'll keep my name incognito, definitely not Zhao or Ying, it's not bad to have Qin as the surname!

"And Qin is also a big surname, so it's not easy to attract attention!"

Ji Han finally determined their general situation by sensing the location of these bloodline inheritors, and then using a computer to search for their general information.

At the same time, there are sporadic rumors about the inheritance of martial arts on the Internet. Most of these things are true and false, and most of them were found by Ji Han.

It seems that the appearance of Qinjia Village has already caused a lot of changes in this world, but ordinary people are simply unaware of it.

But how to contact them now?

Fortunately, Ji Han was already prepared, and he also set many rules for Hu Hai's descendants in addition to preparing ancient martial arts secrets.

For example, there are a series of rules such as not to contact the official, not to interfere with the development of the times, not to be too high-profile and so on!

The most important rule is that every family after Hu Hai must worship his idol, because Ji Han can sense his idol and get in touch with them!

This is what he left behind!

Ji Han felt it silently, and as expected, there are hundreds of statues in Qinjia Village, the largest of which is located in the ancestral hall of the village.

Ji Han has gradually explored many magical uses of the godhead at this time, and a trace of spirituality quickly attached to this statue, and he saw an antique ancestral hall in a short while!

This ancestral hall is very stylish!

Not only the statues of gods are enshrined, but also the dense ranks of ancestors, as well as a large number of portraits of Qin's ancestors on the walls, at first glance, it is a very old and profound family.

On the altar, the incense burns continuously at this time!

Two young men in short kung fu suits were solemnly cleaning the inside and outside of the ancestral hall, looking very particular.

"Not bad! 35

Ji Han nodded with satisfaction, this has a taste of an ancient hidden family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"The descendants of the Qin family, come to see me in Dongshan City!"

Ji Han's spiritual sense fluctuated, and a domineering and majestic voice came from the idol (bbed)!

The more than 100 statues in Qinjia Village seemed to have come to life at the same moment, exuding a terrifying aura, which instantly alarmed everyone in Qinjia Village.

"W-what's the matter?"

The two young people who swept the floor were already stunned!


More than a dozen old people, like ghosts, rushed into the ancestral hall from all directions. They were fast, vigorous, and had great power in every move. Obviously, they were not ordinary people.

"What happened? What happened?

"God statue? How can a god statue be like this?"

"It's glowing!"

The old men gasped in shock, and everyone was full of disbelief.

"The descendants of the Qin family, come to see me in Dongshan City!

A majestic and domineering voice came from the statue again, an unquestionable order, and the suppression of blood, made everyone present tremble.

"True God, this is true God speaking!""

"Oh my God, it's really God!"

"His old man has appeared! 35

Everyone in Qinjia Village knelt on the ground in unison, all with enthusiasm and excitement on their faces.

Outsiders never knew that they were actually inherited from Daqin more than 2,000 years ago.

From childhood to adulthood, every child of the Qin family has to worship the true god devoutly, and practice ancient martial arts to beat the body.

In their low profile, there is a terrifying persistence!

For generations, they have held on to the belief that they are always waiting for the call of God.

They believe that God exists, their ancestors did not deceive them, and they are willing to continue the inheritance from generation to generation.

Today, they finally waited for the call of God!

At this moment, many old people shed tears of excitement, everyone trembled, and everyone was frantic.

"The true God has called us, it is really the calling of the true God! 39

"Quick! Immediately inform the people who are out of town to return to the village, we have to go to Dongshan City! 55

"Hurry up, don't miss a moment, go down and get ready!"

"After so many years, we have finally come, ancestors, look at it, we have really waited for the call of the true God!

The old people of Qinjia Village are very excited!

The whole village quickly became a sensation.

Except for some elderly people and women and children with limited mobility, the rest of the hundreds of people set off for Dongshan City to kill.

Even the clansmen who had experienced abroad received orders to go to Dongshan City immediately.

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