At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

197 Don't think I'm joking, have you heard it? [5/7, please subscribe]

the next day

Dongshan Airport

An inconspicuous bulletproof commercial vehicle, under the protection of two Land Rovers, drove directly away from the airport expressway.

Several important people of the Lin family were sitting in this commercial car.

In addition to the old man Lin Mushan, there are also his eldest son Lin Zhenhai, second son Lin Weiguo, third son Lin Qi-shan, and nephew Lin Daiwen!

These juniors of the Lin family are either political leaders, military generals, or business tycoons, none of them are simple!

Coupled with the power of the Lin family in all aspects, just a few words from these people are enough to change the fate of many people.

But today, they don't understand why they are here!

"Master, this is not necessary!" Lin Zhenhai frowned and said, "I still have a lot of things at hand. Why did you call us here?"

"Yeah, don't tell me if I ask you!"

"Could it have something to do with what happened a few days ago?"

"I can't understand it now, why are you putting so many planes in? 35

"Yeah, this is a hijacked plane. It is said that a vaccine depot has been robbed. The trouble is very big, and we are very passive!"

Everyone is complaining!

Lin Mushan shook his head and said, "You don't need to understand, you just need to do it. As long as this is done, we can hope to get close to that big man!"

"He said that he can come to Dongshan City to see him in seven days, and today is the seventh day!"

"This is an opportunity for our Lin family to rise, you all give me honesty and speak carefully, understand? 99

In the face of the old man's reprimand, everyone is obviously not convinced!

In fact, everyone doesn't quite believe the nonsense of the Eternals.

After all, this is the 21st century. It's impossible to think about it. Don't be deceived, old man.

However, the Lin family was very strict, and everyone didn't dare to say anything, so they could only keep silent.

After a while, the vehicle stopped outside the Dongshan City Security Department!

Lin Jiamin dressed in casual clothes and got into the commercial car, greeted respectfully, "Grandpa, Uncle and Uncle, you are here!

"Jiamin, sit down!" Lin Mushan waved his hand and said, "You should know where Mr. Ji is, guide me! 99

"Yes! 35

Lin Jiamin pointed the way to the driver.

While frowning, he cautiously reminded: "Grandpa, the Qin family also came to Dongshan today!

"The Qin family? The Yanjing Qin family?" Lin Mushan was a little surprised.

"No!" Lin Jiamin shook his head and said, "It's the Qin family from Qinjia Village!

"What? 35

"Hi! 35

Everyone in the Lin family suddenly took a deep breath, and could not help but secretly startled.

Ordinary people may not know what the sacred place of the Qin Family Village is, but they know very well that this is a hidden family that has been passed down for more than a thousand years.

They practice ancient martial arts from generation to generation, and their combat power is amazing!

Although they live in a corner, they have a great influence on the world, and every one of their side branches is extremely well mixed!

The Qin family, the top clan in Yanjing!

The Qin family of the Lingnan clan!

Even in Europe, America, and East China, there are branches of their Qin family. Every year, these branches have to go to Qinjia Village to worship the New Year!

This is a behemoth that is hidden very deeply. No one knows how powerful Qinjia Village is, only that ordinary people will never dare to provoke them easily.

Many people don't even know they exist!

"Don't the people from Qinjia Village don't like to go out? They don't like to have too much contact with the outside world!"

"Yes, except for some experienced young people who went down the mountain, they all hid in the village the rest of the time!"

"What's going on today? Why did you appear in Dongshan City? How many people came?"

Everyone asked in amazement.

Lin Jiamin was hesitant to speak, and finally said: "There are about 300 people, they came here overnight by chartered buses, a total of more than a dozen buses, and went straight to Dongshan City!

"I have a few friends in the traffic department. After I stopped them at the highway intersection this morning, I asked them a few words, and then they were directly suspended from their jobs and reflected on it!"

"Not many people know about this matter, and it happened that I had the will to ask a few more questions before I dared to confirm it!

··For flowers......

Lin Jiamin told the situation and everything she knew intermittently, but everyone gasped on the spot!

"More than three hundred people? What the hell!"

"Qinjia Village is all dispatched?

"Those old monsters also came out? 99

"What's wrong with this?"

Lin Mushan and the others were so frightened that their scalps were numb, and they suddenly felt that this matter was a bit big.

Qinjiacun has never asked about world affairs, how could they suddenly come out? Did something happen to them?

"Maybe, they are here for Mr. Ji!" Lin Jiamin reminded cautiously.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How is this possible, what kind of existence does Qinjia Village exist, this Mr. Ji is a liar, what does he have to do with Qinjia Village!


"That's right, Jiamin, don't talk nonsense, it's impossible!

Everyone shook their heads in disbelief!

Only Lin Mushan's eyes lit up, remembering Ji Han's majesty and the threat of death that day, he knew that this man was by no means simple.

It is very likely that this Qinjia Village really came for him!

If this is really the case, then the origin of this grandfather is really terrifying.

"You guys, pay attention to what you say!" Lin Mushan warned again seriously: "There are too many terrifying existences in this world that we can't figure out. Mr. Ji is probably really an immortal, and this is the closest contact between our Lin family. A chance for this kind of existence!"

"When we arrive at the place later, if you guys dare to talk nonsense, or your disrespectful attitude annoys Mr. Ji, I want you to look good!

"Don't think I'm joking, old man, do you hear me?

Lin Mushan's eyes were startled, and he threatened coldly.

Lin Zhenhai and the others trembled with fright. Years of accumulated prestige made everyone very afraid of the old man, even if they were in high positions, they couldn't help feeling apprehensive!

"Don't worry, old man, we will never dare!

"Yes, there will be absolutely no mess, don't worry!" Everyone quickly assured.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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