At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

198 I am the fastest within ten meters, and the gun is the fastest outside ten meters! 【6/7, please


The Lin family finally arrived at Jijia Village.

"Grandpa, in front is Mr. Ji's manor, it's near the road, it's very easy to find! 99

"Wait, look!"

Lin Jiamin was about to introduce this place, but suddenly exclaimed!

Because she saw buses, there were about a dozen of these tourist buses, and they were parked on the side of the road in a row, forming a long queue.

The car was full of men, women and children, all of them silent, like wooden people!

Every ten meters or so on both sides of the road, stood two sturdy men wearing undershirts and shorts.

A faint aura began to permeate all around!

After the Lin family's car approached, facing the gazes of "280", Rao Lin Mushan, a veteran who once climbed out of the sea of ​​corpses, couldn't help but feel numb in his scalp.

"It's really the people of Qinjia Village, it's really them!

"They really are here!

"Shit, are we still going?"

There was an inexplicable fear in the bottom of everyone's heart, and there was a real possibility that someone could not be provoked in front of them, even a hidden family like Qinjiacun came to visit.

If everyone is a little bit offended, then it's not bad luck?

"Go, why not go!"

"Mr. Ji asked us to come, we are qualified to go!

"This is the only opportunity for our Lin family to come into contact with this mysterious level, and we must not let it go!

"If we can win Mr. Ji's favor, we may not be the next Qin family!"

Lin Mushan's ambitious remarks immediately made everyone's eyes light up.

Although the Lin family is now in a high position, no matter how big the power and wealth are, they are fleeting. Who can guarantee how long the Lin family will continue to thrive?

Maybe years, maybe decades!

The so-called rich only three generations, they will one day decline!

But once you come into contact with people like Ji Han, it's different. Haven't you seen that Qinjia Village has existed for a thousand or two thousand years?

They must have reasons to pass it on for a long time. If the Lin family can get in touch with these, why can't the He Chou family prosper for a long time?

go! must go!

For the sake of future generations, also have to go!

The eyes of everyone in the Lin family were firm, and the vehicle slowly approached the small manor. After getting off the car, they saw the entrance of the manor, guarding seven or eight strong men with amazing breath.

"The Lin family, Lin Mushan, was invited by Mr. Ji to bring the whole family to visit!

Lin Mushan clasped his fists and shouted!

After a long time, a cold female voice came from the manor, saying: "Come in! 35


Lin Mushan breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and then walked in with the Lin family. The seven or eight big men guarding the door looked at each other a few times, but did not dare to stop them.

After entering this small manor, everyone saw more than a dozen old men in Tang suits lined up, standing respectfully.

The youngest of these people are in their 60s or 70s, and the older ones are at least 9100, but they are all full of energy and introverted eyes!

You can even vaguely see that their finger joints are slender and huge, and they look different from ordinary people.

Among them, the three hunched old men had even more penetrating eyes. Lin Mushan couldn't help but change his face as soon as he saw them, because he knew these three guys.

These three were once rampant, demon king-level characters, and not many people knew them, and Lin Mushan was one of them.

But now, these terrifying beings are standing here respectfully waiting, and it seems that they have been waiting for a long time, and they have not seen the slightest dissatisfaction, and they are still cautious.


Lin Mushan was secretly shocked!

He suddenly realized that he was only afraid of underestimating Ji Han, the identity and origin of this Mr. Ji was absolutely unfathomable.

"Wait everyone!

"Sir is resting, I don't have time to see you now! 35

By the creek, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were standing beautifully, and on the reclining chair beside, Ji Han was resting silently with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Lin Mushan was awe-inspiring, and decisively waved his hands to signal everyone to be quiet. Several of them also imitated the elders of the Qin family, standing quietly and not daring to say a word.

If this scene spreads out, it must scare countless people!

Because everyone in the Lin family is a well-known existence, any one is enough to turn this Dongshan city upside down, but at this time, they can only stand and wait in a proper manner.

One minute, two minutes!

Five minutes, ten minutes!

After half an hour, Ji Han suddenly said, "Moushi, try them! 99


Wang Mushi bowed down and bowed, but the next moment she drew her sword out of its scabbard, crossed a distance of ten meters like a ghost, and stabbed three swords like lightning!

Wang Mushi has learned swordsmanship since childhood, and is definitely a rare master of swordsmanship. In addition, under the nourishment of the aura of the small manor during this time, Ji Han secretly uses divine power to groom her body every night!

Now her strength is unfathomable!

She is more than ten times stronger than before she came to this small manor. Even if the Great Qin Swordsman Gai Nie is here, he may not be her opponent.

This is a girl who has been blessed by the essence of Ji Han, how can her strength be underestimated?

The three swords, which are just an understatement, have already reached their extremes, making most people unable to react, and making everyone feel the danger of death.

Lin Mu 4.3 Shan and others suddenly thought of a very pretentious sentence, within ten meters, I am the fastest, and the gun is the fastest outside ten meters. This is probably the reason.


The three crooked Qin family elders shouted loudly. After they knew that this was a test ordered by the True God, they decisively released their strongest blow.

They want to show their strongest side in front of the true God, and they must never let their faith in their hearts disappoint.


Three roars of energy like dragons and tigers rose out of thin air, and the three of them's thin and hunched bodies, like a nuclear bomb, burst out with amazing strength, and the next moment they punched out!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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