At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

200 The descendants of ancient martial arts of the Qin family came to play in the hall, please enlig

Lin Mushan's choice

It didn't surprise Ji Han.

Just now, he deliberately revealed some bells and whistles, firstly to frighten the Qin family, and secondly to frighten the Lin family!

As the Yanjing clan, the Lin family has a lot of energy in the world, and its usefulness is not small.

Ji Han has seen last time that his influence on modern society is still too weak. If his means leave this small manor, it will be weakened ten thousand times.

So this Lin family wanted to earn income and let them do things for him.

It also happened that the Lin family came here today, and everything seemed to be going very well. I believe they will do their best in the future, because no one dares to perfunctory a god-like existence!

Moreover, in order to integrate into this mysterious circle created by Ji Han, the Lin family will definitely work harder, and it will be easier to use in the future.

"very good!"

"Go back first, something will tell you!

Ji Han waved his hand, and Yang Zi took the opportunity to hand over a jade bottle with five pulp washing pills in it!

"Thank you sir!

Lin Mushan excitedly took the Cleansing Marrow Pill, and respectfully led the Lin family back down.

After they got back to the car, they still felt a burst of incredible and secret excitement. They actually got on the boat of Ji Han, and the future Lin family would definitely rise to the top.

"Zhenhai, Wei Guo, you must do things well for your husband in the future, I always feel that your husband is not easy!

"Whether our Lin family can become more brilliant in the future depends on you!"

Lin Mushan exhorted seriously!

Lin Zhenhai and others quickly said yes.

They are not fools either, when they saw this inhuman scene, how did they not know that power status is not a fart for Ji Han.

Fortunately, the Lin family was still somewhat useful to him.

Otherwise, the family business of the Lin family would not be viewed favorably by others.

"Five washing marrow pills, I don't know what the effect is, let's take one each~々!"

Lin Mushan poured out the medicinal pill and distributed it to the crowd, swallowing one himself.

This medicinal pill is fragrant, with a faint hint of fluorescence, like an elixir.

After swallowing it in their stomachs, the small problems such as dark diseases, old wounds, stomach problems, and mental fatigue in their bodies were quickly swept away, and the whole person became abnormally energetic and excited!

Even their strength and speed seem to have improved a lot, and their bodies seem to be slowly transformed.

Lin Mushan, who had already entered his twilight years, now had a feeling of youth at the age of eighteen or nineteen.

"This, this is really the method of the fairy family!"

"What a shampoo pill, so powerful!

"Mr. Ji, it's really scary!

Everyone in the Lin family sighed and exclaimed, and everyone was shocked by the tip of the iceberg revealed by Ji Han.

"Jiamin!" Lin Mushan said solemnly, "You are in Dongshan City, so you must come to visit Mr. more often. If you have any orders, you must report them immediately without delay, understand?

"Yes! 99

Lin Jiamin promised again and again!

At the same time, there was a hint of hope and excitement in her beautiful eyes.

The mysterious existence of Ji Han is not only the hope of their Lin family's rise, but also the hope of her Lin Jiamin.

at the same time

The young and middle-aged masters of Qinjia Village, as well as the young masters who went out to practice, also received orders!

They will use all means to promote the might of ancient martial arts!

One after another, the masters began to scatter to various places.

They also appeared one after another in major cities.


Inside Bosheng Martial Arts Hall

Hundreds of taekwondo masters are training, and several anchors and internet celebrities are holding their mobile phones and filming the live broadcast.

As the largest Taekwondo training center in Yanjing, Bosheng Martial Arts Center has more than 100 branches and is definitely a very profitable enterprise.

Today, in order to promote themselves, they specially invited Internet celebrities to publicize them. More than 100 Taekwondo masters performed together, hooting and drinking, attracting a large number of netizens to watch!

"Fuck, this taekwondo is pretty good, it can kick so high with one kick!"

"666, I'm afraid, I have to enroll my son in a taekwondo class!"

"What bullshit taekwondo class, the ancient Chinese martial arts are invincible!

"Hahaha, catching a keyboard warrior alive, what kind of ancient Chinese martial arts, people laugh to death, still people believe this these days? 35

"Dude, are you a primary school student? Hurry up and go home for milk. Is it so difficult to admit that someone is excellent?"

"Damn ancient martial arts, watch TV too much, there is no ancient martial arts in this world, if there are any, why don't you dare to stand up and try!"

Netizens are discussing and swiping all kinds of screens!

Pu Shengwu, the general manager of Bosheng Martial Arts Academy, glanced at the barrage, and couldn't help laughing: "Dear netizens, our Bosheng Martial Arts Academy has been established for eight years, and there are quite a few masters who have experienced gymnastics in these years. I have never seen a so-called ancient martial arts master in Kyushu!""

"So I implore everyone to invite such a master to come out and let us see and see, and I am asking for a hammer online! 99

"As long as the masters you find can defeat me, then I will quit the martial arts world forever, and I will never accept any more students. I will do what I say!"

Park Shengwu's domineering declaration immediately made many netizens angry enough.

"Damn, are you so crazy? You dare to ask for a hammer online, does this stick eat shit? What a stinky mouth!

"Who are you insulting, f*ck! Stepping on our ancient martial arts on our land in Kyushu, and so many people going to learn their bullshit martial arts, it's maddening!

"There's no way, who makes people arrogant, this is a master of the ninth dan black belt in Taekwondo, very fierce, you can't accept it!

"Haha, what's wrong with people being so awesome, my son signed up for this Bosheng class, I'm proud of my studies!"

When netizens quarreled for a while, the traffic became higher, and more and more people poured into the live broadcast room.

But at this moment, a thin young man in a Chinese tunic suit stepped into the place with a blank expression.

"Qin Wenshuo, the 20th-generation descendant of the ancient martial arts of the Qin family, came to play in the gym, please enlighten me!

The young man's voice was like a bell, and the audience was stunned as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" it.

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