At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

201 There are ancient martial arts in Kyushu, how can you be presumptuous here? [2/7, please subscri

"Fuck, kicking the gym? Hahaha, are there really people kicking the gym these days?"

"666, I like to watch this, this must be a gimmick deliberately arranged by Bosheng Martial Arts Academy? 35

"This wave of publicity is good, not only performances in the museum, but also outsiders kicking the stadium!

"This little brother is not simple, I didn't see people wearing a Chinese tunic suit, I hope he won't be beaten too hard later! 35

Netizens made a splash, and various barrages kept appearing!

Obviously everyone thinks that this is the person who Bosheng Martial Arts Hall deliberately recruited to perform and kick the hall.

However, Pu Shengwu's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he did not invite this person to help him perform.

And he could see that this Qin Wenshuo was very scary!

As a master of the ninth dan black belt in Taekwondo, Pu Shengwu has gained a sense of danger that ordinary people do not have. He feels that the man in front of him is as terrifying as a beast, and may burst out with extremely powerful energy at any time. This is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Who are you?" Park Shengwu said with a livid face: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, we are holding a publicity event here today, and we won't entertain anyone, please leave 280! 35


Everyone around the theater was in an uproar!

Everyone in this martial arts hall knows Park Shengwu's temper.

This guy usually gets excited when someone comes to play in the gym, and he won't stop until he beats him and throws him out.

What is he crazy about now?

Did he drive people uncharacteristically?

On the surface, he appears to be righteous, but anyone can see that this Park Shengwu is a little flustered.

He actually wanted to keep the kickers out of the house?

"I heard that your taekwondo leg skills are invincible, but you are not talented. I want to learn your leg skills!"

"Don't worry, I will be careful not to kill everyone!"

Qin Wenshuo came at a pace, ignoring Park Shengwu's avoidance, his eyes had already locked on him.

"Damn it!

"Get out of here!!

Pu Shengwu was so angry that the clay figurine still had three points of anger, and this was his martial arts hall.

If you avoid fighting again, you will lose face!

Park Shengwu screamed like a wild beast, assisted with a trot, and jumped into the air the next moment, kicking three kicks at Qin Wenshuo like lightning.

His three legs are already a blow at his peak, and it contains many changes. Once the enemy loses, he will fall into his violent leg strike, which will definitely be unforgettable for a lifetime.

However, in the face of this lightning-like kick, Qin Wenshuo sneered and swayed his head from side to side to avoid the attack.

"Stupid pig, when will you scumbags understand the truth that your legs are no more than your knees?"

"After learning a little bit, you dare to open a museum here on the land of Kyushu and accept apprentices. Who gave you the courage?"

Qin Wenshuo let out a loud drink and kicked out the next moment like lightning.

This kick was fast and ruthless, and before everyone could react, Park Shengwu's fancy legs were broken.

A kick in his crotch!


Pu Shengwu let out a shrill scream, and the next moment he was kicked and flew more than ten meters. After rolling around on the ground a few times, he hit the wall and stopped.


Everyone was shocked!

This is not an actor, this is for real?

"666, amazing, kicked the black belt 9 dan with one kick!"

"Hahaha, I just said, I just said that there are ancient martial arts in Kyushu!

"Go on, keep fighting, don't you say that Taekwondo is invincible in the world?"

Netizens made a splash, and more and more people called friends and began to join the live broadcast room, ready to witness this amazing scene.

"You guys, let's go together! Qin Wenshuo scanned the audience and sneered disdainfully.

"Go! Crip him!

"Give it to me!"

The more than 100 Taekwondo masters present were all furious. Some of them were sticks, and some of them were direct disciples of Park Shengwu.

How could they tolerate such an insult?

The siege that did not talk about martial arts appeared in such a grand manner, and everyone was stunned.

But before everyone could react, Qin Wenshuo had already entered the crowd, his body swayed and his legs swept across!

Kicked out, several people flew upside down!

Sweep the foot and break the leg!

For a time, the more than 100 Taekwondo masters were in a mess, and some people were swept away and vomited blood from time to time, and some people screamed with broken legs.

"Fuck, so fierce?"

"Is this the enemy of ten thousand people?"

"Is this the power of ancient martial arts? 99

Netizens are stunned!

In this world-shattering battle, in fact, it was abusing vegetables from beginning to end, and Qin Wenshuo didn't use his full strength at all!

To put it lightly, most of the more than 100 people were maimed and fell to the ground one by one, screaming desperately, and the rest were too scared to go forward.

"It's too weak, how dare you mislead your children on the land of Kyushu?

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!

"If it wasn't for our previous orders not to be too high-profile, how could you be so presumptuous!""

Qin Wenshuo gets more and more furious the more he talks!

His heart was filled with murderous intent, and the next moment he swept his foot viciously onto the pillar beside him.

This column is thicker than a bucket, and it is one of the many load-bearing columns in this martial arts hall, all made of cement steel bars.

But Qin Wenshuo's kick was like a heavy blow from a tank, and the bricks swept by the pillar were smashed into pieces, almost breaking!

"In half a month, get out of Kyushu!

"Let me see you cheating here again, and I'll come again!"

Qin Wenshuo snorted coldly, patted his trouser legs lightly, turned around and left the Bosheng Martial Arts Hall in a hurry.

But everyone present was stunned!

Netizens are also amazed!

"God, is this, is this still human? Won't his feet hurt?"

"Impossible, it's impossible, kicking such a thick stone bead, are you sure his feet won't be destroyed?

"Hahaha, what a waste, it's a stone pillar, you see, this is the ancient martial arts!

"Great, we have ancient martial arts in Kyushu, get out of Taekwondo!

Netizens screamed with excitement!

The faces of Park Shengwu and the others turned ugly, because they suddenly realized that this was about to happen!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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